SC-CAMLR-VIII Nom: Huitième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-VIII/01 Provisional Agenda for the Eighth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-VIII/02 Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-VIII/03 Rev. 1 Report of the Workshop on the Krill CPUE Simulation Study(Southwest Fisheries Centre, La Jolla, USA, 7–13 June 1989) SC-CAMLR-VIII/04 Rev. 1 Report of the First Meeting of the Working Group on Krill(Southwest Fisheries Centre, La Jolla, California, USA, 14–20 June 1989) SC-CAMLR-VIII/05 Convener’s report on the First Meeting of the CCAMLR Working Group on KrillConvener (D.G.M. Miller) SC-CAMLR-VIII/06 Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 23–30 August 1989) SC-CAMLR-VIII/07 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (25 October to 2 November 1989, Hobart, Australia) SC-CAMLR-VIII/07 Addendum Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(25 October to 2 November 1989, Hobart, Australia) SC-CAMLR-VIII/08 Report by CCAMLR Co-conveners on the status of CCAMLR/IWC Workshop on the Feeding of Southern Baleen WhalesCo-Conveners (D.G.M. Miller and J. Bengtson) SC-CAMLR-VIII/09 Use of indices of predator status and performance in CCAMLR fishery management strategiesJ.P.Croxall (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VIII/10 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling CommissionObserver (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) SC-CAMLR-VIII/11 Rev. 1 Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, Report of the ConvenerConvener (K.R. Kerry) SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/01 Rev. 1 Summary of krill catchesSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/02 Rev. 1 Summary of fisheries dataSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/03 Research programs of CCAMLR Members for 1989/90, 1990/91 and 1991/92Secretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/04 Proposals of standardisation of complex investigations aimed at creation of a system of biologo-oceanographic monitoring in the Antarctic waterDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/05 Methodical instructions in construction of a model of the quantitative distribution of krill by data obtained in oceanographical, biological and hydroacoustic surveysDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/06 Primary results of krill studies during the research cruise of RV Dimitry Mendeleev (February – April 1989) (Available in Russian only)USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/07 Summarised results of an integrated fisheries survey in the 1987/88 season (Available in Russian only)USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/08 Results of investigations of the distribution and fishery for krill in a local area off South OrkneysDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/09 The influence of the shape of meshes on the selective properties of trawls with special reference to Antarctic krillDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/10 Assessment of krill biomass in fishing grounds using the data on fishing intensity and hydroacoustic methodUSSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/11 Commercial krill fisheries in the Antarctic 1973–1988Delegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/12 Impact of seabirds on marine resources, especially krill, of South Georgia watersDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/13 Foraging energetics of Antarctic fur seals in relation to changes in prey availabilityDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/14 The reproductive energetics of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) penguins at South GeorgiaDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/15 Seabirds as predators on marine resources, especially krill, at South GeorgiaDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/16 Reproduction in the Antarctic icefish Champsocephalus gunnari and its implications for fisheries management in the Atlantic sector of the Southern OceanDelegation of Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/17 Towards an initial operational management procedure for the krill fishery in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3Delegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/18 The state of exploited fish stocks in the Atlantic sector of the Southern OceanDelegation of Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/19 The relationship between krill (Euphausia superba) fishing areas in the west Atlantic and the species’ circumpolar distributionDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/20 Rev. 1 Evaluation of the results of trawl selectivity experiments by Poland and Spain in 1978/79 and 1986/87W. Ślósarczyk (Poland), E. Balguerías (Spain), K. Shust (USSR) and S. Iglesias (Spain) SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/21 Population subdivision and distribution of Euphausia superba in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent waters in relation to fishery developmentDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/22 Growth and maturation of Euphausia superba Dana in northern areas of its distribution range (with reference to South Georgia and Bouvet Island areas)Delegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/23 Analysis of operating conditions of the fishing vessel in relation to the distribution, biological state and behaviour of Antarctic krill (a contribution to the development of a simulation model)Delegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/24 Dates of spawning of Antarctic euphausiidsDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/25 Exploratory squid fishing in the vicinity of South Georgia and the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, February 1989Delegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/26 Observaciones preliminares sobre la idoneidad de utilizacion de artes semipelagicas en la pesqueria de pez hielo (Chamsocphalus gunnari Lonnberg, 1905)Delegación Española SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/27 Algunos datos sobre la distribución, abundancia y biologia de Patagonotothen brevicauda guntheri (Norman, 1937) en Shag RocksDelegación Española SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/28 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1986/87 season in the fishing ground northwest of Elephant IslandDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/29 Comparison of body length of Antarctic krill collected by a trawl net and Kaiyo Maru midwater trawlDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/30 Target strength estimation of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba by cooperative experiments with commercial trawlersDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/31 Distribution of Antarctic krill concentrations exploited by Japanese krill trawlers and minke whatesDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/32 Determination of a statistically based survey area suitable for hydroacoustic stock assessment of Euphausia superba in the Elephant Island, King George Island, Bransfield Strait areaDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/33 Hydroacoustic survey of elephant island and the vicinity of King George Island, austral summer 1989Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/34 Shipboard field operations conducted during the 1989 austral summer by the US Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) ProgramDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/35 Status of the stocks of Antarctic demersal fish in the vicinity of South Georgia Island, January 1989Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/36 Distribution and abundance of larval fishes collected in the western Bransfield Strait region, 1986–87Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/37 Euphausiid populations sampled during the us antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) Program operations in the Shetland Island area, January–February, 1988Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/38 United States seabird research undertaken as part of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program at Palmer Station, 1988/89Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/39 Preliminary report of the US CEMP seabird research at Seal Island, Antarctica, 1988/89Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/40 Preliminary report of the 1988/89 United States Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program Marine Mammal and Bird Field ResearchDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/41 Statistical power to detect changes in growth rates of Antarctic fur seal pupsDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/42 Effects of variable recruitment on the potential yield of the C. gunnari stock around South GeorgiaDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/43 Krill fishing, analysis of fine scale data reported to CCAMLRDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/44 The fine scale distribution of krill in Area 48 during 1987 and 1988Secretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/45 Bibliography of Antarctic fishDelegation of Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/46 CCAMLR Antarctic fish otoliths/scales/ bones exchange systemConvener of the Fish Stock Assessment Working Group SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/47 Effects of different harvesting strategies on the stock of Antarctic icefish Champsocephalus gunnari around South GeorgiaDelegation of Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/48 New data on occurrence of fish in the stomachs of Antarctic sealsDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/49 Variation of ice edge position in western part of Atlantic sector of the AntarcticDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/50 Strategic planning for U.S. Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/51 Development of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program 1982 – 1989Secretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/52 The fifth Antarctic ocean survey cruise of JFA R.V. Kaiyo Maru, summary of resultsDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/53 The diet of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella during the breeding season at Heard IslandDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/54 Development of a longline data recording sheetSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/55 Report of the 77th Statutory Meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the SeaCCAMLR Observer (O.J. Østvedt) SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/56 Responses to questions on the development of approaches to the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/57 Participation of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in the studies of the Southern OceanIOC Observer Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-VIII English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-VII Nom: Septième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-VII/01 Provisional Agenda for the Seventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-VII/02 Annotation to the Provisional Agenda for the Seventh Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeChairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-VII/03 Rev. 1 Registration of monitoring sitesConvener of the Working Group for CEMP and the Secretariat SC-CAMLR-VII/04 Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-VII/05 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme. Monitoring preyI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/06 Report on the krill CPUE simulation studyConvener (J. Beddington) SC-CAMLR-VII/07 Rev. 1 Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Report on intersessional activities in 1987/88Convener (K.R. Kerry) SC-CAMLR-VII/08 Matters arising from the meeting of the Steering Committee for the Joint CCAMLR/IWC Workshop on the Feeding Ecology of Southern Baleen WhalesD.G.M. Miller and Y. Shimadzu (CCAMLR Representatives) SC-CAMLR-VII/09 Status of populations of Antarctic marine mammals and birdsAustralia SC-CAMLR-VII/10 Report of the Fish Stock Assessment Working Group (Hobart, Australia, 12–20 October, 1988) SC-CAMLR-VII/11 CCAMLR ad hoc Working Group on Krill. Summary of activities during 1987/88 and suggestions for future actionConvener (D.G.M. Miller) SC-CAMLR-VII/12 Report of CCAMLR Observer to SCAR 1988Observer (J.P. Croxall) SC-CAMLR-VII/13 Report of the Informal Group on the Long term Program of Work for the Scientific Committee (Draft)Convener (K. Sherman) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/01 Summary of krill catchesSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/02 Rev. 1 Summary of fisheries dataSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/03 Bird Island monitoring programmeJ.P. Croxall, P.A. Prince and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/04 Bird Island South Georgia Environmental assessmentW.N. Bonner and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/05 Fish prey of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at South GeorgiaJ.P. Croxall, A.W. North and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/06 Destruction of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems by a rapidly increasing fur seal populationR.I. Lewis Smith (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/08 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Predator monitoring parameters. Data reporting sheetsSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/09 Report to the Scientific Committee of ccamlr on the meeting of the Steering Committee for the Joint CCAMLR/IWC workshop on the Feeding Ecology of Southern Baleen WhalesD.G.M. Miller and Y. Shimadzu (CCAMLR Representatives) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/10 Intersessional activities of the CCAMLR ad hoc Working Group on KrillConvener (D.G.M. Miller) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/11 Selectivity of standard polish commercial trawl codends on Antarctic fishing groundsJ. Zaucha (Poland) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/12 Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleetM. Mangel (Invited Expert) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/13 Krill aggregation characteristics: spatial distribution patterns from hydroacoustic observationsD.G.M. Miller and I. Hampton (South Africa) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/14 Some peculiarities of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities to use fishery statistics in studies of krill biology and stocksV.N. Dolzhenkov, T.G. Lubimova, R.R. Makarov, S.S. Parfenovich and V.A. Spiridonov (USSR) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/15 Preliminary results of research activities of RV Evrika in the Scotia Sea in January–March 1988L.I. Maklygin, A.S. Fedotov, V.N. Shnar, Yu.A. Shulyakovsky, I.V. Krasovsky, Yu.D. Shuvaev and A.V. Kromsky (USSR) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/16 Large-scale peculiarities of phytocenosis species composition in the surface layer in the Antarctic Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectorsR.R. Makarov and K.P. Fedorov (USSR) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/17 United States seabird research undertaken as part of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, 1987–1988United States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/18 Preliminary report of the 1987–1988 NMFS Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program Marine Mammal and Bird Field ResearchUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/19 Physical oceanographic setting of the Siedlecki January 1987, South Shetland Island data setUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/20 Patterns and processes in the distribution and dynamics of Antarctic krillUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/21 Joint Polish/American hydroacoustic survey of Elephant Island in the vicinity of King George Island, 1988United States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/22 Statistical problems in krill stock hydroacoustic assessmentsUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/23 Results of fish stock assessment survey, South Georgia, December 1987 – January 1988United States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/24 Shifts in the demersal fish community of South GeorgiaUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/25 Acoustic data analysis and models of krill spatial distributionUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/26 Distribution of phytoplankton in the mixed layer: implication of krill abundanceUnited States of America SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/27 Introduction to the biomass databaseSCAR SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/28 Results of an exploratory fishing cruise in the Area 58.6G. Duhamel (France) EEC Representative SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/29 The European Polarstern study (EPOS)J.-C. Hureau (European Science Foundation, Member of the EPOS Management Group) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/30 Target strengths of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)I.Everson, D.G. Bone, J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom) and K.G. Foote (Norway) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/31 Foraging energetics of grey headed albatrosses Diomedea chrysostoma at Bird Island, South GeorgiaD.P. Costa (USA) and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/32 Australian research on Antarctic bird and seal dietsDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/33 The population of Mirounga leonina at stranger point (25 de Mayo – King George I.)Delegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/34 Elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, stock identification using DNA fingerprintsDelegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/35 Is the unusual presence of Calidris fuscicollis in Antarctica an indicator of environmental change?Delegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/36 Bibliography on Antarctic squidSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/37 A simulation study of krill fishing by an individual JAPANESE trawlerD.S. Butterworth (Invited Expert) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/38 Workshop on ultraviolet radiation and biological research in AntarcticaDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/39 Biomass/CCAMLR krill reviewD.G.M. Miller and I. Hampton (South Africa) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/40 Hydroacoustic surveys of the distribution and abundance of krill: Prydz Bay region – FIBEX, ADBEX II and SIBEX IIDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/41 Report of the Workshop on Antarctic Fish Age Determination (Moscow, USSR, 14–19 July, 1986) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/42 Observer’s report from the 1988 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling CommissionObserver (W.K. de la Mare) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/43 Selectivity parameters for Notothenia gibberifrons Lönnberg, 1905 and Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905 obtained during ‘8611 ANTARCTICA’ expeditionDelegation of Spain SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/44 Brief report of the fifth Antarctic survey cruise of JFA R/V Kaiyo MaruDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/45 Report of the 76th statutory meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)O.J. Østvedt (ICES) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/46 Assessment of green Notothenia (Notothenia gibberifrons, Lonnberg 1905) stocks in the Antarctic Peninsula subareaV.A. Boronin (USSR) SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/47 Development and implementation of a long term program of workDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/48 Research programs of CCAMLR Members for 1988/89, 1989/90 and 1990/91 seasonsSecretariat Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-VII English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-VI Nom: Sixième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-VI/01 Provisional Agenda for the Sixth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-VI/02 Annotation to the Provisional Agenda of the Sixth Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeSecrétaire exécutif SC-CAMLR-VI/03 Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment – Hobart, Australia, 19–23 October, 1987 SC-CAMLR-VI/04 Report of the working group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, Dammarie-les-Lys, France, 10–16 June 1987 SC-CAMLR-VI/05 CCAMLR/IWC jointly sponsored Workshop on the Feeding Ecology of Southern Baleen WhalesSecrétaire exécutif SC-CAMLR-VI/06 Draft outline of CCAMLR Statistical BulletinSecrétaire exécutif SC-CAMLR-VI/07 Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/01 Rev. 1 Summary of krill landingsSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/02 Calendar of forthcoming meetingsSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/03 Report of the scientific seminar on Antarctic ocean variability and its influence on marine living resources, particularly krillD. Sahrhage (FRG), Convener of the Seminar SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/04 Krill CPUE simulation study reports of activitiesSubmitted by the Convener SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/05 Rev. 1 Summary of fisheries dataSecretariat SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/06 Vacant SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/07 IOC Regional Committee for the Southern Ocean Paris, 9-12 June 1987D. Sahrhage (FRG) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/08 Prey monitoring surveysDelegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/09 Krill target strength, current statusI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/10 Squid resourcesI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/11 Cephalopod research in the AntarcticP. Rodhouse (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/12 Rev. 1 Results of fish stock assessment survey, South Georgia region, November-December 1986W.L. Gabriel (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/13 Can we satisfactorily estimate variation in krill abundance?I. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/14 Long term trends in the foraging patterns of female Antarctic fur seals at South GeorgiaJ.L. Bengtson (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/15 Variation in reproductive performance of seabirds and seals at South Georgia, 1976–1986 and its implications for southern ocean monitoring studiesJ.P. Croxall, T.S. McCann, P.A. Prince and P. Rothery (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/16 Brief report of the joint Soviet-Australian expedition of the USSR FRV ‘Professor Mesyatsev’ to the Australian fishing zone around the territory of Heard and McDonald Islands, May–August, 1987V.V. Gerasimchuk, V.N. Brodin, A.V. Kljausov, I.B. Russelo, P.V. Tishkov, N.B. Zremba (USSR) and P.H. Ensor (Australia) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/17 U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program ecosystem monitoring survey 1986–87 cruise results cruise no. SI 86-01 (I–III)Delegation of USA SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/18 Survey of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986/87 austral summerJ.L. Bengtson, L.M. Ferm (USA), T.J. Härkönen (Sweden), E.G. Schaner and B.S. Stewart (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/19 Surveys of breeding penguins and other seabirds in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, January – February 1987W.D. Shuford and L.D. Spear (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/20 The Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki I. Mark-and-recapture experiments and the population biology of Adamussium colbecki in New Harbor, AntarcticaP.A. Berkman (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/21 Phytoplankton data from the Bransfield Strait and Elephant Island region of the Southern Ocean (R/V Professor Siedlecki cruise, 28 December – 24 January 1987)L.H. Weber and S.Z. El-Sayed (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/22 Simulation of Southern Ocean krill fisheriesM. Mangel (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/23 A rationale for conservation areas within Antarctic watersR.G. Chittleborough (Australia) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/24 Age and growth of Antarctic Euphausiacea (Crustacea) under natural conditionsV. Siegel (FRG) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/25 Inventory of existing information about early stages of Antarctic fishJ.-C. Hureau (SCAR) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/26 Rev. 1 CCAMLR Antarctic Fish Otoliths/Scales/Bones Exchange System – progress reportK.-H. Kock (FRG) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/27 CCAMLR/Biomass Workshop on Krill Abundance status reportI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/28 Southern elephant seals and CCAMLRDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/29 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling CommissionW. de la Mare (Australia) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/30 Vacant SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/31 Areas of seabed within selected depth ranges in the south-west Atlantic and Antarctic Peninsula regions of the Southern OceanI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/32 Cephalopod international advisory councilI. Everson (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/33 An assessment of the merits of length and weight measurements of Antarctic krill Euphausia superbaD.J. Morris, J. Watkins, C. Ricketts (United Kingdom), F. Buchholz (FRG) and J. Priddle (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/34 Format specifications for krill catch and fishing effort data Version 1.9Secretariat SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/35 Observation of fishing operation and distributional behaviour of krill on a krill trawler off Wilkes Land during the 1985/86 seasonT. Ichii (Japan) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/36 Observation on haul out patterns and trends of the breeding populations of southern elephant seal at Peninsula Valdes (Patagonia) and Stranger Point (25 de Mayo – King George I.)D.F. Vergani, M.N. Lewis and Z.B. Stanganelli (Argentina) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/37 Report of the eighteenth general meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic ResearchK. Kerry (Australia) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/38 A simulation study of krill fishing by an individual Japanese trawlerD.S. Butterworth (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/39 The error of the biomass estimate as a function of survey parameters and the statistics of a density field of krill aggregationsZ.I. Kizner (USSR) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/40 Analysis of changes in biomass of fish stocks in the south Georgia Area in 1976/77 – 1986/87M. Mucha and W. Ślósarczyk (Poland) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/41 Fishing efforts and CPUE of krill fishing boats interim summaryY. Shimadzu (Japan) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/42 Observations on the trend of the population of Arctocephalus gazella at Laurie Island – South OrkneyD.F. Vergani and N.R. Coria (Argentina) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/43 Age determination of the Antarctic fishes Champsocephalus gunnari and Notothenia rossii from South GeorgiaR. Radtke (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/44 Krill stock identification using DNA analysesR.W. Chapman (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/45 Krill community studies using net and hydroacoustic sampling techniquesJ.R. Green, J. Wormuth and V. Loeb (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/46 Biomass estimates of krill in the Bransfield Strait – Elephant Island ecosystem monitoring area of CCAMLR, 1987M.C. Macaulay (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/47 Molt production method of biomass estimation of Antarctic krillR. Lasker and S. Butler (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/48 Age determination of Antarctic krill using size, fluorescence, and image analysis techniquesM.S. Berman, A.L. McVey and G. Ettershank (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/49 ICES annual meeting 1987 and special symposium on arctic and subarctic systemsK. Sherman (USA) SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/50 Information on recent USSR publications on researches in Antarctic marine living resourcesDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/51 Comparison of three options for purchase of computer equipmentSecretariat Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-VI English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-V Nom: Cinquième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-V/01 Provisional Agenda for the Fifth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-V/02 Annotation to Provisional Agenda for the Fifth Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-V/03 Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany 2-7 July 1986 SC-CAMLR-V/04 Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment SC-CAMLR-V/05 Report of the consultation on co-ordination of fish stock assessment surveys SC-CAMLR-V/06 Report of the Informal Group on the Long-term Program of Work for the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-V/07 Reporting of Members’ activities in the Convention AreaSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-V/08 Draft regulations on mesh-size measurementSubmitted by the Secretariat SC-CAMLR-V/09 Summary of report of the CCAMLR ad hoc Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment, September 1986 SC-CAMLR-V/10 Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeChairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-V/11 Proposal on modelling of krill population dynamics and krill fisheryDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/01 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 South AfricaSouth Africa SC-CAMLR-V/BG/02 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 Federal Republic of GermanyFederal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-V/BG/03 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 JapanJapan SC-CAMLR-V/BG/04 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 German Democratic RepublicGerman Democratic Republic SC-CAMLR-V/BG/05 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 AustraliaAustralia SC-CAMLR-V/BG/06 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 ArgentinaArgentina SC-CAMLR-V/BG/07 Rev. 1 SCAR activities related to CCAMLRSCAR Observer SC-CAMLR-V/BG/08 Draft summary of catch and effort statisticsSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-V/BG/09 Report of Members’ activities in 1981–1985 IndiaIndia SC-CAMLR-V/BG/10 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 United KingdomUnited Kingdom SC-CAMLR-V/BG/11 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 United StatesUnited States SC-CAMLR-V/BG/12 Report of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)CCAMLR Observer (J.-C. Hureau, France) SC-CAMLR-V/BG/13 Some principles for fisheries regulation from an ecosystem perspectiveDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-V/BG/14 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 PolandPoland SC-CAMLR-V/BG/15 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 FranceFrance SC-CAMLR-V/BG/16 Scientific seminar on Antarctic ocean variability and its influence on marine living resources, particularly krill, Paris, 2-6 June 1987Chairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-V/BG/17 Modelling and decision making as part of the CCAMLR management regimeDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-V/BG/18 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 Republic of KoreaRepublic of Korea SC-CAMLR-V/BG/19 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 USSRUSSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/20 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 NorwayNorway SC-CAMLR-V/BG/21 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 New ZealandNew Zealand SC-CAMLR-V/BG/22 Reproduction and feeding of the marbled Notothenia on the shelf of the Kerguelen IslandsDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/23 Growth and age of the marbled Notothenia on the shelf of the Kerguelen IslandsDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/24 Choosing distance between acoustic survey tacksDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/25 Differentiation of independent populations of the Antarctic krillDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/26 Finding and quantitative estimation of krill concentrations by hydroacoustic instrumentsDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/27 Determination of Antarctic krill acoustic back scattering cross sectionDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/28 Preliminary report on biological observations and exploratory fishing data collected in the South Georgia area during the 1985/86 cruise of MT ‘Carina’Delegation of Poland SC-CAMLR-V/BG/29 Preliminary appraisal of Antarctic fish selection by the 32/36 bottom trawl combined with various codendsDelegation of Poland SC-CAMLR-V/BG/30 Report of Members’ activities in 1985/86 ChileChile SC-CAMLR-V/BG/31 Age and growth in length of Micromesistius australis, Norman, 1937 (Pisces, Gadidae), in the southern zone of the Argentine SeaDelegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-V/BG/32 Mesh size measurementSecretariat SC-CAMLR-V/BG/33 Statement to the 1986 Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesIUCN Observer SC-CAMLR-V/BG/34 The protection of the marine environment by international systems of observation and inspection of vesselsIUCN Observer (Alexandre Kiss, France) SC-CAMLR-V/BG/35 Genetic variations and population structure of krill from the Prydz Bay region of Antarctic watersDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-V/BG/36 Moulting interval and growth of juvenile Antarctic krill fed different concentrations of the diatom Praeodactylum tricornutum in the laboratoryDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-V/BG/37 Guidelines for the preparation of the report on krill hydroacoustic survey (available in Russian only)Delegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/38 Methodological guidelines on the assessment of krill trawls catchability by means of statistical modelling (available in Russian only)Delegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/39 Problems of the population age structure study of Euphausia superba Dana with the example of Antarctic peninsula area and adjacent watersDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-V/BG/40 Information on Spanish activities 1985/86Spain SC-CAMLR-V/BG/41 Methodology of data collection on net selectivity and accidental mortality of fish passing through the mesh of the codendDelegation of the USSR Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-V English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-IX Nom: Neuvième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-IX/01 Provisional Agenda for the Ninth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-IX/02 Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Ninth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-IX/02 Corrigendum Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Ninth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-IX/03 Vacant SC-CAMLR-IX/04 Report of the Second Meeting of the Working Group on Krill (Leningrad, USSR, 27 August to 3 September 1990) SC-CAMLR-IX/05 Convener’s summary of recommendations from the Second Meeting of the CCAMLR Working Group on KrillConvener (D.G.M. Miller) SC-CAMLR-IX/06 Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (Stockholm, Sweden, 6 to 13 September 1990) SC-CAMLR-IX/06 Addendum Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program(Stockholm, Sweden, 6 to 13 September 1990) SC-CAMLR-IX/07 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(Hobart, Australia, 9 to 18 October, 1990) SC-CAMLR-IX/08 Information reported to CCAMLRSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IX/09 Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) – request for observer status to the Scientific CommitteeSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IX/10 The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)Secrétariat SC-CAMLR-IX/11 Convener’s summary of the Report for the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program SC-CAMLR-IX/12 Scientific Committee – official contactExecutive Secretary SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/01 Rev. 1 Summary of fishery statistics for 1990Secretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/03 Summary of members’ research programs for 1990/91Secretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/04 A preliminary format for the reporting of fine-scale catch and effort data from squid jigging fisheriesSecretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/05 Rev. 1 CCAMLR databases and data availabilitySecretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/06 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia, during the 1989/90 pup-rearing seasonDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/07 Establishment of a long-term ecological research site in AntarcticaDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/08 Final report of squid and by-catch observations in the Japanese driftnet fishery for neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartrami June–December, 1989 observer programDelegation of USA SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/09 Rev. 1 Preliminary results from a krill net sampling survey in CCAMLR Area 48.1 in 1989/90 seasonDelegation of EEC SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/10 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1988/89 season in the fishing ground north of Livingston IslandDelegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/11 Comments of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals and the SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee on CCAMLR IssuesSecretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/12 Joint IWC/CCAMLR Workshop on the Feeding Ecology of Southern Baleen WhalesSecretariat SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/13 Towards an assessment of the stock of the ommastrephid squid Martialia hyadesi in the Scotia Sea: data from predatorsDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/14 Refinements to the strategy for managing depleted fish stocks based on CCAMLR objectivesDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/15 The effect of bottom trawling on benthic assemblagesDelegation of Germany SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/16 Food consumption by predators in CCAMLR Integrated Study RegionsDelegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/17 Observers Report from the 1990 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling CommissionObserver (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/18 Report of CCAMLR Observer to SCAR 1990Observer (J.P. Croxall, United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/19 Elephant seal and CCAMLR, an historical reviewDelegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/20 Two records of seabird entanglement at Casey, AntarcticaDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/21 Rev. 1 Collares plasticos en lobos finos antarticos (otra evidencia de contaminacion) (Available in Spanish only)Delegación de Chile SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/22 Request from SCAR for CCAMLR funds to support the symposium on elephant seal biologySecretariat Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-IX English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-IV Nom: Quatrième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-IV/01 Provisional Agenda for the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources SC-CAMLR-IV/02 Annotation to Provisional Agenda for the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/03 Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment SC-CAMLR-IV/04 Report of Ad Hoc Working Group on the Use of Krill CPUE Data (Hobart, 21, 22 and 29 August, 1985) SC-CAMLR-IV/05 Report of Secretariat visit to several fishing nations – Members of CCAMLR. March 1985 SC-CAMLR-IV/06 Antarctic squid resources – notes for consideration under Item 6 of the Scientific Committee agendaSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/07 Report of the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring SC-CAMLR-IV/08 Data collection and handlingSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/09 Secretariat Staff – services to the Scientific CommitteeSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/10 Ecosystem monitoring: Prydz Bay priority areaDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-IV/11 Sea-going observersDelegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-IV/12 Chairman’s comments on the Report of the ad hoc working group on Fish Stock Assessment (SC-CAMLR-IV/3) SC-CAMLR-IV/13 Comments on the Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Ecosystem MonitoringDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-IV/14 Rev. 1 Draft report of the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-IV/15 Comments on the publication of FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/01 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/02 Research currently being undertaken by the Republic of South Africa on ‘dependent and related species’ within the Antarctic marine ecosystemDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/03 Bibliography of South African research work undertaken in the CCAMLR Area and in closely related geographic regionsDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/04 Report of Japanese activities in the Convention Area in 1984/85Delegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/05 Antarctic cephalopods ((from J.L. Bengtson \"Review of Antarctic Marine Fauna\", Chapter 4. Submitted i n 1984 as SC-CAMLR-III/BG/13) SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/06 United States fishing and scientific activities in the area of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 1984–1985Delegation of the United States of America SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/07 Draft summary of catch and effort statisticsSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/08 Inventory of commercial fishery data before September, 1983Secrétariat SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/09 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/10 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/11 Preliminary results of investigations of the Federal Republic of Germany on Notothenia rossii marmorata Fischer 1885 in January/February 1985Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/12 Estimates of fish stock biomass around South Georgia in January/February 1985Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/13 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/14 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/15 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of Poland SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/16 Report on Eighteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)CCAMLR Observer SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/17 Report on joint IUCN/SCAR symposium on scientific requirements for Antarctic conservationCCAMLR Observer SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/18 Results of Soviet investigations of the distribution and ecology of pelagic squids (Oscopsidae) in the Southern OceanDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/19 Second announcement Scientific seminar on Antarctic Ocean variability and its influence on marine living resources, particularly krill SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/20 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/21 Preliminary atlas of balaenopterid whale distribution in the Southern Ocean based on pelagic catch dataDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/22 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of France SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/23 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of the German Democratic Republic SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/24 Note on joint IUCN/SCAR symposium on scientific requirements for Antarctic conservationObserver for the IUCN SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/25 Future of biomass and relation of the group of specialists to CCAMLRSCAR/SCOR Observer SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/26 Draft publications list of BIOMASS HandbooksDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/27 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/1985Delegation of Norway SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/28 Statement to the 1985 meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesIUCN Observer SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/29 Note on international systems of observation and inspection on vesselsIUCN Observer SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/30 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of Chile SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/31 Report of Members’ activities in 1984/85Delegation of New Zealand Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-IV English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-III Nom: Troisième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-III/01 Provisional Agenda for the Third Meeting of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-III/02 Rev. 1 Annotation to provisional agenda SC-CAMLR-III/03 Amendment to Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-III/04 CCAMLR data collection and handling SC-CAMLR-III/05 The assessment of exploited Antarctic fish stocksDelegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-III/06 Comments on the report of the BIOMASS Workshop on Antarctic Fish Biology (BIOMASS Report No.12)Japanese Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/07 Ecosystem management: proposal for undertaking a coordinated fishing and research experiment at selected sites around AntarcticaDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-III/08 Proposal for CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin SC-CAMLR-III/09 Report of the CCAMLR Ad Hoc Working Group on Data Collection and Handling SC-CAMLR-III/09 Supp. Summary of information on fish and krill distribution and abundance provided for the CCAMLR Ad Hoc Data Working Group by Poland SC-CAMLR-III/10 Supplement to proposal for CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin (SC-CAMLR-III/8) SC-CAMLR-III/11 Report of the Third Meeting of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-III/12 Scientific Committee Budget 1985 (Submitted by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee)Chairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-III/BG/01 An approach to a management strategy for the Antarctic marine ecosystemDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-III/BG/02 Review of the biology and present status of exploited Antarctic fish stocksK.-H. Kock (FRG), G. Duhamel and J.-C Hureau (France) SC-CAMLR-III/BG/03 Antarctic ecosystem managementDelegation of South Africa SC-CAMLR-III/BG/04 Rev. 1 Ecosystem monitoring and management. Summary of papers presented at the Third Meeting of the Scientific CommitteeSecrétariat SC-CAMLR-III/BG/05 Monitoring indicators of possible ecological changes in the Antarctic marine ecosystemJ.L. Bengtson (United States of America) SC-CAMLR-III/BG/06 FAO/CCAMLR project on species identification sheets for the Southern Ocean (Fishing Areas 48, 58 and 88) progress reportSubmitted by FAO SC-CAMLR-III/BG/07 Marine mammal fishery interactions: modelling and the Southern Ocean (contribution of IUCN)J.R. Beddington and W.K. de la Mare (United Kingdom) SC-CAMLR-III/BG/08 Comments and questions on ecosystem managementObserver from FAO SC-CAMLR-III/BG/09 Summary of the responses of the BIOMASS Working Party on Bird Ecology and SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals to the questions of SC-CAMLR on indicator species SC-CAMLR-III/BG/10 Distribution and stock of krill Euphausia superba Dana in December 1983 and January 1984 before and during the Second International Biomass Experiment I/ SIBEX 1/J. Kalinowski (Poland) SC-CAMLR-III/BG/11 A review of polish fishery and assessment of fish stock biomass off South GeorgiaPolish Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/BG/12 Conservation and management strategy for the Antarctic marine ecosystemDelegation of Argentina SC-CAMLR-III/BG/13 Review of Antarctic marine faunaJ.L. Bengtson (USA) SC-CAMLR-III/BG/14 Proposal: strategy for biological sampling and sample size in the fishery of Antarctic krillDelegation of Chile SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 01 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84South Africa SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 02 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84United States of America SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 03 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Norway SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 04 FAO/UNEP draft Global Plan of Action for the Conservation Management and Utilisation of Marine MammalsSecretariat SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 05 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Delegation of Poland SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 06 A review on the Antarctic ecosystem models published by Japanese scientists and some commentsJapanese Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 07 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 08 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Japanese Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 09 A brief summary of Japanese fishing on the Antarctic krill, 1972/73 – 1982/83Japanese Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 10 Results of research into distribution and status of stocks of target species in the Convention Area – Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean sectors of the AntarcticUSSR Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 11 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84USSR SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 12 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Delegation of Chile SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 13 Provisional fishing regulatory measures in force in respect to the soviet fishing vessels operating in the Convention Area (Summary available in English)USSR Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 14 Acoustic estimation of krill and krill abundance (First preliminary draft) SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 15 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Australia SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 16 Statement by the Delegation of FranceDelegation of France SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 17 Report of Members’ activities in 1983/84Delegation of the German Democratic Republic SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 18 Soviet fishery investigations conducted in the Southern OceanUSSR Delegation SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 19 Annual report of the Republic of Argentina for the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-III English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-II Nom: Deuxième réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-II/01 Provisional Agenda SC-CAMLR-II/02 Temporary Rules of ProcedureSecrétaire exécutif SC-CAMLR-II/03/Rev. 1 Rules of Procedure SC-CAMLR-II/04 Activities of the Scientific Committee Arising From Articles IX, XV and XX of the ConventionChairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-II/05/Rev. 1 Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-II/06 Detection of Possible Indirect Effects of Harvesting and Associated Activities on the Antarctic Marine EcosystemDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-II/07 Proposals for the Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-II/08 Draft Report of the Scientific CommitteeChairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 01 Annotated Agenda SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 02 Selection Criteria and Monitoring Requirements for Indirect Indications of Changes in the Availability of Antarctic Krill Applied to Some Pinniped and Seabird InformationDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 03 Trends in Crabeater Seal’s Age at Maturity: an Insight into Antarctic Marine Interaction?Delegations of the UK and USA SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 04 Modelling: The Application of a Research Tool to Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 05 Use of the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZC5) for Remote Sensing of Antarctic WatersDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 06 Satellite Data and Imagery for Antarctic InvestigationsDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 07 CCAMLR Data Management Discussion Paper SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 08 Systema de busqueda y recopilacion de datos biologico – pesqueros de las pesquerias nacionalesDelegación de Chile SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 09 Proposed Activities of Japanese Antarctic Research Vessels 1983–1984Delegation of Japan SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 10 Report of Ad Hoc Group on Data Collection and Handling SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 11/Rev. 1 Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Publication Matters Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-II English Русский Español SC-CAMLR-I Nom: Première réunion du Comité scientifiqueMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SC-CAMLR-I/01 Draft Agenda for the First Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of USSR SC-CAMLR-I/02 Draft Rules of Procedure for the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-I/03 Broad Strategies by which the Scientific Committee might approach its TasksDelegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-I/04 Objectives of the Scientific Committee for 1982 and 1983Delegation of Australia SC-CAMLR-I/05 Rules of Procedures for the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-I/06 Proposed Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-I/07 The use of whaling data in the operation of the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-I/08 Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-I/09 Proposal for the Adoption of the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-I/10 Draft Rules of Procedure for the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesChairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-I/11 Rev. 1 Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure for the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the German Democratic Republic SC-CAMLR-I/12 Proposed Amendment to Rule 4 of Rules of Procedure for the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-I/13 Draft Rules for the Invitation of Observers to Meetings of the Scientific Committee and its Subsidiary Bodies for Inclusion into the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the USSR SC-CAMLR-I/14 Rev. 1 Draft Rules of Procedure for the Scientific CommitteeTemporary Chairman of the Scientific Committee SC-CAMLR-I/Inf. 01 Regarding Item 8 of the Agenda for the Scientific CommitteeDelegation of the USSR Lire la suite de SC-CAMLR-I English Русский Español CCAMLR-XV Nom: Quinzième réunion de la CommissionMeeting documents Doc Number Titre CCAMLR-XV/01 Provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCAMLR-XV/02 Annotated provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCAMLR-XV/03 Examination of the audited financial statements for 1995Secrétaire exécutif CCAMLR-XV/04 Review of the 1996 budget, draft 1997 budget and forecast 1998 budgetSecrétaire exécutif CCAMLR-XV/05 Dissemination of CCAMLR publicationsSecrétariat CCAMLR-XV/06 Review of formula for calculating Members’ contributionsSecrétariat CCAMLR-XV/07 Notification of the intention of the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom to initiate a new fisheryDelegations of the Republic of Korea and the Unite CCAMLR-XV/08 Rev. 1 Notification of New Zealand’s intention to initiate a new fisheryDelegation of New Zealand CCAMLR-XV/09 Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate a new fisheryDelegation of Australia CCAMLR-XV/10 Rev. 1 Notification of Norway’s intention to initiate a new fisheryDelegation of Norway CCAMLR-XV/11 Notification of South Africa’s intention to initiate new fisheriesDelegation of South Africa CCAMLR-XV/12 Rev. 1 The relevance to CCAMLR of the UN Agreement relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksDelegation of Australia CCAMLR-XV/13 A proposal for publication of a seabird identification manualDelegation of New Zealand CCAMLR-XV/14 Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) comprising a marine areaDelegation of New Zealand CCAMLR-XV/15 Publication of CCAMLR ScienceSecrétaire exécutif CCAMLR-XV/16 Rev. 1 Summary of inspectionsSecrétariat CCAMLR-XV/17 The Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food SecuritySecrétariat CCAMLR-XV/18 Report on illegal fishingDelegation of South Africa CCAMLR-XV/19 Redefining the boundary between Divisions 58.5.1 and 58.5.2Delegations of Australia and France CCAMLR-XV/20 Rev. 1 Proposed management audit of the CCAMLR SecretariatDelegation of New Zealand CCAMLR-XV/21 Summary of the report presented by the Chilean Delegation to the XV CCAMLR Meeting ‘Consideration of the implementation of the objective of the Convention: problems and alternative solutions’Delegation of Chile CCAMLR-XV/22 Considerations on the fulfilment of CCAMLR’S objective: problems and solution alternatives - Chile and CCAMLRDelegation of Chile CCAMLR-XV/23 Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI) CCAMLR-XV/24 Communication policy to non-Member States related to irregular fishing with regard to CCAMLR rules: proposed resolution by the Chairman (CCAMLR-XV/23, paragraph 1.49)Chairman of the Commission CCAMLR-XV/25 Proposed vessel notification and vessel monitoring systems: legal basisDelegation of the United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/26 Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) CCAMLR-XV/27 Consideration of the implementation of the objective of the Convention: problems and alternative solutions. Brief reportDelegation of Chile CCAMLR-XV/MA/01 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96New Zealand CCAMLR-XV/MA/02 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Norway CCAMLR-XV/MA/03 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96South Africa CCAMLR-XV/MA/04 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Chile CCAMLR-XV/MA/05 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Russia CCAMLR-XV/MA/06 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96France CCAMLR-XV/MA/07 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Poland CCAMLR-XV/MA/08 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Germany CCAMLR-XV/MA/09 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Ukraine CCAMLR-XV/MA/10 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Republic of Korea CCAMLR-XV/MA/11 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/MA/12 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Sweden CCAMLR-XV/MA/13 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Australia CCAMLR-XV/MA/14 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96United States of America CCAMLR-XV/MA/15 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Japan CCAMLR-XV/MA/16 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Argentina CCAMLR-XV/MA/17 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Spain CCAMLR-XV/MA/18 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Brazil CCAMLR-XV/MA/19 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96Italy CCAMLR-XV/BG/03 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 35th South Pacific Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia (26 and 27 October 1995)CCAMLR Observer (France) CCAMLR-XV/BG/04 Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1994/95Delegation of the United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/BG/05 Marine debris surveys at Bird Island, South Georgia 1990 to 1995Delegation of the United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/BG/06 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/BG/07 Statement by the CCAMLR Observer at the XXth ATCMExecutive Secretary CCAMLR-XV/BG/08 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the XXth ATCMExecutive Secretary CCAMLR-XV/BG/09 Report of the 48th Annual Meeting of the IWCCCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom) CCAMLR-XV/BG/1 Rev. 1 List of documents CCAMLR-XV/BG/10 Rev. 1 IUCN resolution on seabird by-catch in longline fisheriesSubmitted by IUCN CCAMLR-XV/BG/11 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96South Africa CCAMLR-XV/BG/12 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96Japan CCAMLR-XV/BG/13 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96Republic of Korea CCAMLR-XV/BG/14 Report of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)CCAMLR Observer (Spain) CCAMLR-XV/BG/15 Procedures to deal with draft atcm management plans for Antarctic Specially Managed and Specially Protected AreasSecretariat CCAMLR-XV/BG/16 Beach litter survey - Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1995/96Delegation of the United Kingdom CCAMLR-XV/BG/17 Implementation of conservation measures in 1995/96Secretariat CCAMLR-XV/BG/18 South African fishing vessel monitoring systemDelegation of South Africa CCAMLR-XV/BG/19 Satellite monitoring systems - outline of investigations conducted on the introduction of VMS in South AfricaDelegation of South Africa CCAMLR-XV/BG/2 Rev. 1 List of participants CCAMLR-XV/BG/20 Expression of interest from the Republic of Namibia in participating in the work of CCAMLRSecretariat CCAMLR-XV/BG/21 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO), Twenty-ninth Session of the Executive Council, Paris, 24 September - 4 October 1996: executive summary CCAMLR-XV/BG/22 Pilot project satellite monitoring in fishery - final reportDelegation of Germany CCAMLR-XV/BG/23 Vacant CCAMLR-XV/BG/24 Information note on the establishment of a satellite-based vessel monitoring systemDelegation of the European Community CCAMLR-XV/BG/25 Calendar of international meetings 1996/97Secretariat CCAMLR-XV/BG/26 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96United States of America CCAMLR-XV/BG/27 Monitoring results of marine debris at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island during the 1995/96 Antarctic seasonDelegation of Chile CCAMLR-XV/BG/28 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96Australia CCAMLR-XV/BG/29 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96Brazil CCAMLR-XV/BG/30 Summary of current conservation measures regulating fisheries and data reporting - 1995/96 seasonSecretariat CCAMLR-XV/BG/31 Report of the World Conservation Union (IUCN)Submitted by IUCN CCAMLR-XV/BG/32 Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)Submitted by ASOC Lire la suite de CCAMLR-XV English Русский Español Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 … suivant › dernier »