Résultats de la recherche
Reconciling fisheries with conservation: three examples from the Southern Ocean
CCAMLR with regard to fisheries on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), mackerel icefish ... a unique set of circumstances and unresolved concerns. While the current fishery for krill is small ... land-breeding krill predators may pose a threat as well as those posed by the broader-scale influence ... of climatic cycles and trends on krill production. Management of the fishery on mackerel icefish ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/48 : Auteur(s): R.P. Hewitt (USA), I. Everson (United Kingdom) and C.D. Jones (USA)
Analysis of the diet of Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3, in late summer of years 1994–97, Dr E. Holmberg surveys
;Q" (%) methods. Krill (Euphausia superba) followed by the amphipod hyperiid Themisto ... years of krill scarcity and fish, was only occasional or in negligible amounts, showing interannual ... of krill in the Statistical Subarea 48.3 in the period investigated can be defined as low in 1944 ... , equivalent to those years of krill scarcity; intermediate in 1995, below the historical years of high ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-97/48 : Auteur(s): Barrera-Oro, E., Marschoff, E., Casaux, R.
Linking predator and prey behaviour: contrasts between Antarctic fur seals and macaroni penguins at South Georgia
are the two main land-based krill Euphausia superba consumers in the northern Scotia Sea. Using a ... these sympatric top predators during the austral summer and autumn of 2004. Krill availability derived ... from acoustic surveys was low during summer, increasing in autumn. During the breeding season, krill ... Electrona antarctica), with krill (33%) and amphipods (Themisto gaudichaudii; 21%) also occurring. When ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/P07 : Auteur(s): C.M. Waluda, M.A. Collins, A.D. Black, I.J. Staniland and P.N. Trathan
Inter-annual variation in condition index of the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari
. High condition indices, indicative of good feeding conditions, were present when krill were abundant in ... the region. Years when krill were scarce and condition index was consequently low, were consistent ... with years when indices from land-based krill predators also indicated krill were scarce. Author(s ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/43 : Auteur(s): Parkes, G., Everson, I., Kock, K.-H.
... krill-centric ecosystem and issues related to management of the krill fishery ... Krill Fishery Report ................................................................. 220 ... observation ................................................................... 224 Krill biology, ecology ... General considerations for management of the krill fishery ..................... 244 State of the krill application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-15
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-15
Towards the development of a management plan for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Subarea 48.3
years of poor krill availability. Thus natural ortality of C. gunnari may, in some years, increase by a ... large factor (assumed here to be 4), declining to normal levels again when krill return. This paper ... outlines a scheme which would use information from studies on krill and predators undertaken as part of the ... predictions of coming periods of krill scarcity as early warnings of increased natural mortality of C. gunnari ... aiios de escasez de kril. Es asi como la mortalidad natural de C, gunnari puede, en algunos aiios ... a1 nivel normal cuando el kril vuelve a estar disponible. Este estudio describe un esquema que ... utilizaria la informaci6n de 10s estudios sobre el kril y 10s depredadores que se Management Plan for C ... utilizaria la prediccion de proximos periodos de escasez de kril como una indication temprana del aumento de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 5 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 5) : 63–77 : Auteur(s): Agnew, D.J., I. Everson, G.P. Kirkwood and G.B. Parkes
Proposed work schedule for 2013 meeting of WG-EMM
subgroups and make their plans Item 2.1 (Krill issues present) Tue (2 July) Items 2.1 (Krill issues present ... ) and 2.2 (Krill issues future) Wed (3 July) Items 2.2 (Krill issues future) and 3.1 (MPAs). Wrap up ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
... krill-centric ecosystem and issues related to management of the krill fishery ... ............................................................................ 202 Krill fishery notifications ............................................................... 203 ... coverage ...................................................................... 208 Krill biology ... , ecology and ecosystem interactions ...................................... 210 Krill application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-16
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-16
... WORKSHOP ON MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ......................... 162 STATUS AND TRENDS IN THE KRILL FISHERY ... from krill vessels in general ................................... 169 Information required from ... STATUS AND TRENDS IN THE KRILL-CENTRIC ECOSYSTEM ................... 174 Status of predators, krill ... ................................................................................. 174 Krill ...................................................................................... 178 application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-06
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-06
Short note on time series of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) and its influence on environmental variability
and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba DANA) is important as variability in krill stocks ... krill recruitment and density in the Antarctic Peninsula area with an environmental factor; strength of ... Oscillation Index (DPOI). They found significant correlations between krill recruitment and DPOI. Additionally ... on the variability of oceanic condition and thus for Antarctic krill ecosystem. Author(s): M ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/14 : Auteur(s): M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)