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A comparison of model predictions from KPFM1 and KPFM2
Abstract: We compare two versions of the krill-predator-fishery model to demonstrate the extent ... We compare two versions of the krill-predator-fishery model to demonstrate the extent to which ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/20 : Author(s): J. Hinke, G. Watters (USA), S. Hill and K. Reid (United Kingdom)
Oiled penguins observed at Bird Island, South Georgia, 1992/1993
contaminated near Bird Island from pollution originating nearby. Krill fishing boats, operating within 20nm ... near Bird Island from pollution originating nearby. Krill fishing boats, operating within 20nm ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/15 : Author(s): Delegation of United Kingdom
... pot and 8 krill trawl observation programs were conducted. 5.2 The Committee received and discussed ... observers on board krill fishing vessels. The Committee noted that last year it also considered a similar ... to the deployment of observers on board krill vessels. 5.3 The Chair of the Scientific Committee advised ... that the current research priorities for observers on board krill fishing vessels are collection of data ... longline, 14 finfish trawl, 2 finfish pot and 8 krill trawl observation programs were conducted. 5.2 The ... for the deployment of scientific observers on board krill fishing vessels. The Committee noted that ... the objectives and urgency attached to the deployment of observers on board krill vessels. 5.3 The ... krill fishing vessels are collection of data on incidental mortality of marine mammals and, in relation application/pdf attached to:SCIC-05
Meeting Report : SCIC-05
Contribution to the early life history of Channichthyidae from the Bransfield Strait and South Georgia
examined. Their postlarvae and juveniles were found numerously in krill catches in the Scotia Sea area ... to 0.16 mm per day /Fig. 4/. Growth rates for postlarvae occurring within krill aggregations in the open ... . Their postlarvae and juveniles were found numerously in krill catches in the Scotia Sea area during FIBEX /February ... day /Fig. 4/. Growth rates for postlarvae occurring within krill aggregations in the open sea ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR/86/FA/08 : Author(s): W. Ślósarczyk (Poland)
Cruise Report – Research Project: Demersal finfish distribution, abundance, and their biological characteristics in Statistical Subareas 48.1 (northern area) and 48.2
and distribution of the concentrations of fish and krill in the studied area (track of 579 nm around Elephant ... of icefish, such as P. georgianus, and krill. In addition, 1,176 tissue samples representing 21 species ... and distribution of the concentrations of fish and krill in the studied area (track of 579 nm around Elephant ... of icefish, such as P. georgianus, and krill. In addition, 1,176 tissue samples representing 21 species ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-18/25 : Author(s): Delegation of Chile
Status of the FIBEX acoustic data from the west Atlantic
to check the consistency of krill abundance estimates derived from different survey vessels ... the consistency of krill abundance estimates derived from different survey vessels. There is a good level ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/31 : Author(s): P.N. Trathan and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
A review of the diet and at-sea distribution of penguins breeding within the CAMLR Convention Area (submitted to the 2008 Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop)
, especially harvested species such as Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) within each of the management ... . Analysis was of percentage of stomachs (squid 93%, fish 74%, krill 67%, amphipods 55% and isopods 22 ... over shelf waters and krill predominated in deeper, offshore waters. Movements and habitat Foraging ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 19 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 19) : 75–114 : Author(s): Ratcliffe, N. and P. Trathan
The YugNIRO expedition in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic and in Lazarev Sea in the summer season of 1989–90: preliminary findings of the oceanographic research
and hydrometeorolegical conditions determinig the production processes and the formation of krill and fish aggregations ... conditions determinig the production processes and the formation of krill and fish aggregations ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-90/40 : Author(s): V.A. Bibik, A.V. Dulnev, A.V. Klausov, A.S. Pelevin, E.G. Ryabchikov and V.N. Yakovlev (YugNIRO, USSR)
Proposed updates to CEMP data e-forms and a review of CEMP Standard Methods
to allow for more detailed data collection fields on prey species type and krill length, and to ensure ... for more detailed data collection fields on prey species type and krill length, and to ensure consistency ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/46 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Draft: differences in the foraging strategies of male and female Adelie penguins
and consumed larger quantities of krill, especially when chicks were small. Males tended instead to make ... and consumed larger quantities of krill, especially when chicks were small. Males tended instead to make ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/46 : Author(s): Franchi, E., Kerry, K., Clarke, J.