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Materials on biodiversity in Subareas 48.6 and 48.5 in relation to the Weddell Sea MPA proposall
fish species and krill in the Subarea 48.5 and 48, 6. The areas for fishing activity and protection ... fish species and krill in the Subarea 48.5 and 48, 6. The areas for fishing activity ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVII/BG/23 : Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation
Materials on biodiversity in Subareas 48.6 and 48.5 in relation to the Weddell Sea MPA proposall
fish species and krill in the Subarea 48.5 and 48, 6. The areas for fishing activity and protection ... fish species and krill in the Subarea 48.5 and 48, 6. The areas for fishing activity ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/33 : Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation
Mackerel icefish ecological indices
. In the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean they feed preferentially on krill and are themselves preyed upon ... sector of the Southern Ocean they feed preferentially on krill and are themselves preyed upon by fur ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/42 : Author(s): I. Everson (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and A.W. North (United Kingdom)
Estimation of total removals (green weight)
in the krill fishery, the Working Group recognised importance of obtaining detailed information on the methods ... Through an in-depth discussion at the WG-EMM regarding green-weight estimation in the krill fishery ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXI/BG/15 : Author(s): Co-conveners of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
Working Group on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (WG-ASAM)
to hydroacoustic surveys of Antarctic krill. Each of the meetings of the sub-group have had specific terms ... to hydroacoustic surveys of Antarctic krill. Each of the meetings of the sub-group have had specific terms ...
Page : Site Section: Science
CEMP Indices: 2015 update on data submissions and analyses
in krill-based ecosystems to provide a basis for regulating harvesting of Antarctic living marine resources ... The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) was established to detect changes in krill-based ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/07 Rev. 1 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Fishery Notifications 2019/20
and krill fisheries for 2019/20. No notifications were received for new fisheries. The summary details ... The Secretariat received fishery notifications for exploratory fisheries for toothfish and krill ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/07 Rev. 1 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Catches of target species in the Convention Area
, icefish and krill in the Convention Area in 2017/18 and 2018/19, and catches taken during research ... This paper presents catches of target species from directed fishing on toothfish, icefish and krill ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/01 Rev. 1 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
New CCAMLR SISO Observer Manuals and updated longline logbook
Abstract: This paper presents two new observer manuals for finfish and krill fisheries ... This paper presents two new observer manuals for finfish and krill fisheries. The manuals include ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/75 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island South Georgia 1992/93
bands were not found until August, coinciding with the arrival of krill fishing vessels off northwest ... not found until August, coinciding with the arrival of krill fishing vessels off northwest South Georgia ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XIII/BG/03 : Author(s): Delegation of United Kingdom