Résultats de la recherche
Krill population trends
Abstract: Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution and abundance data are available from a number ... , from fisheries data and from the distribution of krill predators. Each of these forms of data ... collection has its own biases and limitations and our current understanding of krill distribution and ... Antarctic krill, based mainly on analysis of available scientific net data. There is also evidence of ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-IWC-WS-08/11 : Auteur(s): Tarling, G., Watkins, J., Quetin, L., Reiss, C., Atkinson, A., Ross, R., Pakhomov, E., Kawaguchi, S., Nicol, S., Siegel, V.
Krill biomass estimates for South Georgia, December and January 1996/97
Georgia during December/January 1996/97. Netting suggested that the mean lengths of krill within the ... box-specific krill target strength (TS) values of-38.89 and-38.59 dB kg-1. Acoustic signals believed ... to be attributable to krill were identified on the basis of the difference between mean volume ... backscattering strength at 120 and 38kHz (mvbsl20 kHz- mvbs38kHz between 2 and 12 dB indicative of krill). Mean ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/48 : Auteur(s): Goss, C., Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S.
Krill fishery report: 2010 update
Abstract: So far this season (2009/10), ten of the 11 krill fishing vessels licensed by Members ... total catch of krill for the season is 150000-180000 t. In 2008/09, five Members fished for krill in ... largest catch of krill was taken from SSMU SOW (South Orkney West) in Subarea 48.2 (89184 t), and the ... second time that fishing was reported from SSMU APE; previously, 25 t of krill was taken in 1995/96. The ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/05 : Auteur(s): Secretariat
A biomass estimate of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at the Balleny Islands
Abstract: The biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at the Balleny Islands, Antarctica ... data processing followed the recommendations of CCAMLR SG-ASAM. Two parameterisations of the krill ... krill, θ, as a normal distribution, mean = 11°, standard deviation = 4°, N(11,4), the second ... parameterisation used θ = N(-20,28). Krill biomass using estimated using θ = N(11,4) was 20.8 kilotonnes ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/17 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): M.J. Cox (Australia), Y. Ladroit, P. Escobar-Flores and R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
Quantifying the escape mortality of trawl caught Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is an abundant fishery resource, the harvest levels ... of which are expected to increase. However, many of the length classes of krill can escape through ... fishing gear. The methods for determining fishing mortality in krill are still poorly developed. We used a ... mortality rates of escaped krill. Haul duration, hydrological conditions, maximum fishing depth and catch ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/04 : Auteur(s): B.A. Krafft, L.A. Krag, A. Engås, S. Nordrum, I. Bruheim and B. Herrmann
Preliminary results from the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019
Abstract: Preliminary results from the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019, are ... results from four (vessels from the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies (ARK), Norway ... , which were based on the methods and procedures used in the CCAMLR 2000 krill acoustic survey ... . Backscatter from krill were delineated using the 'swarms' method and integrated to produce ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/47 : Auteur(s): G. Macaulay, G. Skaret, T. Knutsen, O.A. Bergstad, B. Krafft, S. Fielding, S.G. Choi, S. Chung, K. Demianenko, V. Podhornyi, K. Vishnyakova, L. Pshenichnov, A. Chuklin, A. Shishman and M.J. Cox
Biomass results from the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019
Abstract: Results from the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019, are presented ... methods and procedures used in the CCAMLR 2000 krill acoustic survey. Backscatter from krill were ... delineated using the ‘swarms’ method and integrated to produce distribution maps of krill areal density and ... survey standing stock estimates. Krill areal density for the CCAMLR 2000 strata was 35.2 gm-2, producing ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-2019/08 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): G. Macaulay, G. Skaret, T. Knutsen, O.A. Bergstad, B. Krafft, S. Fielding, S. Choi, S. Chung, K. Demianenko, V. Podhornyi, K. Vishnyakova, L. Pshenichnov, A. Chuklin, A. Shishman, X. Wang, X. Zhao and M. Cox
Upward adjustments to local catch limits for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1
adjustments to local catch limits for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1. We use the term local catch limit to ... krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 (see Watters et al. 2016). Our proposal to make upward adjustments is ... predator populations, 2) repeat acoustic surveys to identify years when local krill biomass increases ... the stoplight is “green” and there has been a concomitant increase in local krill biomass. We ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/47 : Auteur(s): Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center and NOAA Fisheries
A krill–predator–fishery model for evaluating candidate management procedures
Abstract: The CCAMLR has recognised the need to subdivide the precautionary krill catch limit for ... Statistical Area 48 amongst smaller spatial units in order to minimize the localized depletion of krill in ... necessary to evaluate these procedures in terms of their likely effects on krill and predator populations as ... uncertainty about how the krill-predator- fishery system operates. We describe a model designed to investigate ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/13 : Auteur(s): G.M. Watters, J.T. Hinke (USA), K. Reid and S. Hill (United Kingdom)
An ecosystem-based approach to management: using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging
interactions within and between species. 2. Ecological interactions involving krill are of major importance to ... understand the interactions between penguins and krill to determine the indirect effect of krill fisheries on ... is predicted to reduce penguin food intake. Given the documented links between krill and penguins ... , this also leads to a prediction of decreased penguin survival and reproduction. Krill behaviour is ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/34 : Auteur(s): S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)