The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) adopted the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA) in 2016, which entered into force in 2017. The RSRMPA was established to conserve marine living resources, maintain ecosystem structure and function, protect vital ecosystem processes and areas of ecological significance, and promote scientific research. This report summarizes the types of United States’ research and monitoring in support of the RSRMPA. We identified 480 relevant awards, which funded research throughout the region between 1980 and 2020. These awards cover a wide range of research within the general study topics of Ecosystems, Fisheries, and Climate Change and Oceanography. Awards related to the study topics of Ecosystems and Climate Change and Oceanography were common, with Fisheries awards being less common. Sixty-four of these awards are active or ongoing, with 30 awards originating since the RSRMPA entered into force. Awards made prior to the time that the RSRMPA entered into force contribute baseline data to the protected area. In total, the awards mapped to most of the specific MPA objectives. This paper details the commitment of the U.S. Government to research within the RSRMPA and contributes to a foundation for future analysis of the effectiveness of the MPA for the 2022 scientific review.
At CCAMLR-38, the Delegation of the European Union and its Member States and Norway proposed that the Weddell Sea Marine Protected Area (WSMPA) should be adopted by CCAMLR in two phases: WSMPA Phase 1 and WSMPA Phase 2. A proposal to establish WSMPA Phase 1 has been submitted to CCAMLR-38. At this point, we provide brief information on the achievement of the WSMPA conservation features and their conservation targets for WSMPA Phase 1.
Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, supports a valuable commercial fishery in the Southwest Atlantic, which holds the highest krill densities and is warming rapidly. The krill catch is increasing, is concentrated in a small area, and has shifted seasonally from summer to autumn/winter. The fishery is managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, with the main goal of safeguarding the large populations of krill dependent predators. Here we show that, because of the restricted distribution of successfully spawning krill and high inter-annual variability in their biomass, the risk of direct fishery impacts on the krill stock itself might be higher than previously thought. We show how management benefits could be achieved by incorporating uncertainty surrounding key aspects of krill ecology into management decisions, and how knowledge can be improved in these key areas. This improved information may be supplied, in part, by the fishery itself.
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El Repositorio de información de las AMP de la CCRVMA (CMIR) facilita la presentación, el almacenamiento, el análisis y la elaboración de informes de datos de proyectos de área marina protegida (AMP) de conformidad con los requisitos establecidos por el Comité Científico.
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Хранилище информации о МОР АНТКОМ обеспечивает поддержку для представления, размещения, анализа и передаче данных по проектам в отношении морских охраняемых районов (МОР) в соответствии с требованиями Научного комитета.
Le répertoire d'informations sur les AMP de la CCAMLR (CMIR) permet le dépôt, l'hébergement, l'analyse et la communication des données de projets d'aires marines protégées (AMP) conformément aux exigences du Comité scientifique.
Les représentants auprès du Comité scientifique peuvent entrer les données des projets dans le répertoire en suivant les instructions du Manuel de l'utilisateur CMIR.
The WCF was established in 2019, as approved by the Commission (CCAMLR-XXXVII, paragraph 4.5). The Secretariat is required to report each year on the activities, if any, of the WCF.
In accordance with a SCAF decision (SCAF-2018, paragraph 53), this paper lists the Special Funds that are currently dormant for consideration by the Commission.
Conformément au paragraphe 2 i) de la MC 10-10 et à la procédure décrite dans la COMM CIRC 20/73, le secrétariat a préparé le rapport CCAMLR de synthèse de la conformité (rapport de synthèse) sur la base des projets de rapports CCAMLR de conformité (projets de rapport), des réponses reçues des Parties contractantes et des statuts de conformité préliminaires qu'ils ont suggérés. Les rapports de synthèse ont identifié 45 écarts potentiels de conformité avec 17 mesures de conservation, impliquant 12 Parties contractantes pendant la période du 1er juillet 2019 au 30 juin 2020 (la période couverte par les rapports). Le secrétariat a distribué les projets de rapport le 12 août 2019. Le rapport de synthèse renfermant les réponses des Parties contractantes figure en annexe 1 au présent document.