Assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 indicates that the current status of the stock is at 51% of B0. Spawning biomass has been increasing in recent years. Projections indicate that a constant catch of 2 600 tonnes in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 seasons would be consistent with the CCAMLR decision rule.
Marine debris data were collected at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, at Signy Island, South Orkneys and at Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula for the period April 2016 to March 2017. Surveys of beached marine debris at Bird Island recorded a total of 244 items during austral winter (April to September 2016) and 499 items during summer (October 2016 to March 2017). Twelve items of beached debris were recorded at Signy Island (operational during summer only; 19 November 2016 to 22 March 2017). Sixty-four items of beached marine debris were recorded at Goudier Island (operational 13 November 2016 to 1 March 2017), which is the highest number since observations began in 2010/11. Entanglements of two Antarctic fur seals were observed at Bird Island and one at Signy Island, with three instances of entangled fur seals and the first record of an entangled elephant seal at King Edward Point. No marine mammal entanglements were recorded at Goudier Island. In total, 131 items of marine debris were found in association with seabird colonies at Bird Island, most commonly in association with wandering albatrosses (90 items; 69 %). There were no observed incidences of hydrocarbon soiling or entangled seabirds at any site during the reporting period. Overall, the occurrence of beached marine debris was above the long-term mean at both Bird Island and Goudier Island but below the mean at Signy Island. The incidence of marine mammal entanglements was below the long-term mean at all sites surveyed. Debris associated with seabird colonies was above the mean level for wandering albatrosses and grey-headed albatrosses, but below the mean for black-browed albatrosses and giant petrels.
This paper describes an updated CASAL based assessment and stock projection for Patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) in Subarea 48.4.
This working document provides details of a modification in the method of calculating length distributions used in the assessment of Champsocephalus gunnari from the length distributions of individual hauls. The effect of these changes in method have little impact on the catches that would have been permitted based on the 2011 and 2013 surveys, but has a larger impact on the catch limits derived from the 2015 and 2017 surveys.
After many years of close to zero incidental seabird mortality in the longline fishery throughout the CCAMLR Convention Area, recent years have seen an increase in Subarea 48.3 and in Division 58.5.2. At the same time, concern has been expressed about the suitability of the method used to raise the observer data and to estimate total seabird mortality. Given the high profile of this issue in CCAMLR, there is a need for clarity in the data and methods used to report seabird mortality totals.
We present preliminary results on age and growth of Dissostichus mawsoni for the third season (2015/16) of the Spanish research fishing in the 58.4.1 Division obtained for growth rings on otolith readings. It is included the growth parameters estimates by sex. Growth parameters obtained using length-age pair values are: L∞: 208.2, k: 0.074 and t0: 0.564 for females; L∞: 173, k: 0.089 and t0: -0.1771 for males; and L∞: 226.4, k: 0.05673 and t0: -0.745 all combined. Values differ with the previous estimates, and comparisons are made between seasons, all seasons together as well as with the parameter values used in the Ross sea assessment.
The three years of survey and observations of Dissostichusspp. in statistical Subarea 48.2 on board the Ukrainian vessel SIMEIZ. Survey was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee and Commission. Obtained data will be used for the future biomass estimation of the target species and making decision for the possible future fishing on that fishing ground.
Ukraine is responsible for support and providing the CEMP Fund cameras and satellite transmitter projects in gentoo and Adelie penguin colonies at the Galindez, Petermann, and Yalour Islands. The activity in the Ukrainian Vernadsky Antarctic Station area on service of CEMP cameras and installation ARGOS satellite tags in penguin colonies as part of the CEMP projects run by USA, Argentina, Poland and Ukraine is reported. The pictures of gentoo colonies at the Galindez and Petermann Islands, and Adelie colonies at Yalour Island have been processed according to coordinated by US scientists, protocol and methods. Information on copulation, egg lay, maximum number of eggs, hatch, maximum number of chicks, date os cheche, and the maximum number of adults have been obtained during breeding season 2016/2017 from the photos of the all nine cameras and have been sent for analysis. Data for 2015/2016 breeding season have been received for three cameras at Galindez Island only and also processed. Note that the cameras were installed at Galindez colony late breeding 2015/2016 season therefore the data obtained do not allow to receive full phenology information. The attempt to provide visual observations for the cameras photo validation was unsuccessful due to overloaded research program of biologists at the station. ARGOS satellite tags have been installed successfully at fifteen adult gentoo penguins in Galindez Island colony.
1. The 2017 UK groundfish survey took place over the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelf on the FV Sil between the 30th January – 7th February 2017.
2. 72 random hauls were completed covering depths of between 100 and 350m.
3. Overall biomass of Mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) was calculated at 91,049 t with a lower 1-sided 95% interval estimate of 37,514t. Mackerel icefish density was highest on the fishing grounds on the moraine banks of the NW stratum.
4. Clear regional differences in C. gunnari diet composition were observed. Krill were almost absent from fish sampled at Shag Rocks, at low levels in the northern strata of South Georgia and more abundant in the Southern strata. Although comprising 42% of diet by mass across all strata, the index of relative importance (IRI%) for krill was low (18%) whilst the amphipod Themisto sp. dominated diets (IRI% 77%).
5. Catches of juvenile Dissostichus eleginoides were low. A small peak in the length frequency distribution was present at lengths of 58-63cm (TL) indicating the presence of a cohort of 5+ fish.
6. Estimated biomass for the other icefish species were very similar to results obtained in 2015. However, the estimated biomass of Notothenia rossi was lower than observed in 2015 but was still the third highest seen in the survey time series.
7. HD camera footage was obtained from a headline-mounted camera at 12 trawl locations.