Following SC-CIRC 23/52 and the Scientific Committee strategic workplan (SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 11), the Scientific Committee agreed terms of reference for its working groups.
Working Group on Incidental Mortality Associated with Fishing (WG-IMAF) as updated in SC-CIRC 23/52 and Annex 16 of SC-CAMLR-42
Following SC-CIRC 23/52 and the Scientific Committee strategic workplan (SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 11), the Scientific Committee agreed terms of reference for its working groups.
Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (WG-SAM)
Following SC-CIRC 23/52 and the Scientific Committee strategic workplan (SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 11), the Scientific Committee agreed terms of reference for its working groups.
Following SC-CIRC 23/52 and the Scientific Committee strategic workplan (SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 11), the Scientific Committee agreed terms of reference for its working groups.
Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
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