Following SC-CIRC 23/52 and the Scientific Committee strategic workplan (SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 11), the Scientific Committee agreed terms of reference for its working groups.
Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
The purpose of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA) is to contribute to the conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources through the provision of expert advice on the status and management of fish stocks, including consideration of the impacts of climate change on its advice. To achieve this, WG-FSA will address the following terms of reference:
- To provide advice to the Scientific Committee, its Members, and its working groups on:
- the status and management of fish stocks in the Convention Area, including ecological risk assessments
- the status and management of other Antarctic marine living resources (as defined in Article I of the Convention) as requested by the Scientific Committee
- To identify further research and data collection which would be required for improved stock assessment and/or other assessments
- To review and provide advice on research plans and proposals as required by the Scientific Committee.
- To provide any other advice, within its area of expertise, to the Scientific Committee and its working groups as directed by the Scientific Committee.
A list of the meetings (including reports) is available here.