Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) may be taken in the Southern Ocean in Subareas 48.1 to 48.4, Subarea 48.6 and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. Fishing vessels operate midwater trawls and beam trawls in depths of 0–250 m. Vessels may use a continuous fishing system which transports krill from the codend of the net to the vessel while the vessel is trawling. Pumps may also be used to clear nets hauled alongside the vessels.
The fisheries in Subareas 48.1 to 48.4, and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 are established fisheries, and the fishery in Subarea 48.6 is an exploratory fishery. However, fishing is currently only conducted in Subareas 48.1 to 48.4.
These fisheries are reviewed annually by CCAMLR’s Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) and the Scientific Committee. The Commission’s agreed limits for the current fishing season are defined in the Conservation measures.