As directed by the Commission, this paper reviews all CCAMLR’s translation needs for the 2001–2008 period. Note is taken of the growing translation demand in terms of the number of pages requiring translation annually and the increase in translation complexity. Trends in Secretariat translation costs are also provided. The context provided by the review is used to identify four areas for attention by Members in considering how translation service delivery and standing may be sustained into the future. The four areas identified deal with growing translation requirements, translation timing, Working Papers and the Secretariat’s Translation Capacity. Focus is given to prevailing circumstances in 2008 as required by the Commission.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
This paper is presented for the Commission’s consideration and sets out the projected outcome of the budget for 2009, a draft of the 2010 budget and an indicative forecast for the 2011 budget. The presentation is in the format determined by the Commission at its 2002 Meeting.