Dr Rachel Fewster (Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Auckland) participated in the WG-EMM Predator Survey Workshop as Invited Expert. The terms of reference for her participation were as follows: 1. Participate in the Workshop on Predator Abundance in June 2008 2. Provide consultation and advice on procedures for: (i) estimating abundance of important krill predators for Small Scale Management Units in CCAMLR Convention Area 48 (ii) estimating uncertainty around abundance estimates (iii) identifying gaps in existing data that constrain estimation of status and advising on how best to fill those gaps 3. Assist in the preparation of a workshop report 4. Submit a post-workshop report to CCAMLR. Dr Fewster’s post-workshop report is enclosed. (This report was submitted to WG-EMM by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Convener of the Predator Survey Workshop)
There is no abstract available for this document.
A standardized krill net sampling survey was conducted in the Lazarev Sea (CCAMLR Subarea 48.6) in austral summer during December/January 2007/08 (LAKRIS, Lazarev Krill Study) as a German contribution to CCAMLR-IPY 2008. At the start of the survey period the entire survey area was completely covered with seasonal pack-ice, but rapidly retreating until the end of the survey in late January. 52 samples were taken by RMT 8 and RMT 1 along three transects south of 60°S. Krill and other Antarctic Euphausiacea species densities were estimated from both RMT net samples. Length and maturity stage composition and seasonal development of maturity stages were analysed. Distribution and density of krill larvae are provided for the Lazarev Sea.
This paper summarises the notifications received from Members intending to participate in krill fisheries in the CCAMLR Convention Area in the 2008/09 season.
As reported to the CCAMLR Secretariat, 6 vessels from 5 Contracting Parties are fishing for krill in Area 48 in the 2007/08 season, and these vessels have taken 84110 t of krill to date. The preliminary estimate of the total catch of krill for the season is approximately 108343 t. This compares with 104586 t of krill reported in the STATLANT data for 2006/07. With the exception of Poland, all Contracting Parties have submitted complete sets of haul-by-haul data for 2006/07. The report includes: Availability of fishery and observer data; Time series of catch by season, Contracting Party and small-scale management unit; Species composition of by-catch; Occurrence of incidental catches of seabirds and mammals; Consideration of the Conservation Measures in force in the fishery. Reference information on stock and areas, and parameters used in stock assessment are also included.
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) uses indices derived from data on indicator species collected by standard methods in the three Integrated Study Regions of the Convention Area. Each year the Secretariat updates the standardised index values and provides a summary of trends and anomalies in these data. This report covers predator indices only. Data were submitted by 7 Members for 10 sites and 13 different CEMP parameters for the 2007/08 season. No data was submitted from Edmonson Point and Ross Island; however counts from aerial photographs taken at Ross Island for the previous five seasons are being undertaken. There has been a general decline in the number of parameters submitted from the monitoring sites.