In order to achieve the milestone “1.5 Update CASAL model” of the ongoing research plan submitted by Japan and France (WG-SAM19/08), the CASAL models for Dissostichus eleginoides at Division 58.4.4b were revised.
Following WG-SAM-2019 suggestions (para 6.76 in the WG-SAM2019 report), we conducted an exploration of the impact of Age Length Keys (ALK), CPUE standardization, and different scenarios of IUU on the CASAL assessment, especially B0 estimation. Furthermore, we estimated the harvest rate (CAY and MAY) as defined in CASAL manual (Bull et. al. 2012) using each CASAL runs according to WG-SAM-2019 suggestions (para 6.76 in the WG-SAM2019 report).
A single-sex age structured CASAL model was built to assess the stock of D. eleginoides at the research block 1 of Division 58.4.4b. The base model (M1) is an update the M4 model described by Okuda and Massiot-Granier (2019). It includes updated catch at age data based on annual ALKs and data sources were weighted using an automatic procedure (“DataWeighting” package, Francis 2014). In addition of this first model, three other models were tested (M2, M3 and M4), exploring both the influence of CPUE standardization and IUU scenarios on the assessment. Compared to the CASAL results reported in WG-SAM-2019/30, the MPD profiles show improvements under all scenarios to better fit the model.
Comparing the MPD profile between M1 (base model), M2 (no 2007/08 CPUE), and M3 (no season effect on CPUE), unnaturally high standardized CPUE in 2007/08 reduce 25 t B0 and difference of standardized CPUE (with/without “Spawning season” effect) cause 10% difference in B0 estimation at the block 1 of Division 58.4.4b (Table 1). Changing IUU level (26.5 t to 40 t) in 2009/10 fishing season cause increasing of B0
In all scenarios, the estimated MCYs for D. eleginoides were higher than current catch limit 19 tonnes in block 1 at Division 58.4.4b. Furthermore, harvest rates achieving the CCAMLR management target (50% B0) were estimated to be c.a. 6%. This value is higher than current precautionary harvest rate for “data-limited” explanatory/research fisheries (4%) where there is no estimate of B0.
This paper represents the annual report of the multi-member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at Division 58.4.4b in the 2018/19 fishing season by Japan and France. The C2 and Observer data sets were provided by the CCAMLR Secretariat on the 7th August, 2019. In this paper, the data set during current fishing season (2018/19) was used for reporting the quantity of data and samples collected. The research operations at Division 58.4.4b have not yet been completed in the 2018/19 fishing season. Also, some data is not reflected in tables and figures because it is still under process.
Division 58.4.4b has been a closed area since 2002 (CM 32-02) and scientific research has been conducted with a research plan submitted under CM 24-01 since 2008 by Japan. France joined this research plan in 2015 and a joint proposal was submitted for the first time in 2016 (WG-SAM-16/06 and WG-FSA-16/33 Rev. 1) for a period of 5 years.
The proposal submitted here has been substantially revised to address the concerns expressed at WG-FSA 2019 and SC-CAMLR-XXXVII (para. 3.158). We followed and improved the revised research plan presented in SC-CAMLR-XXXVII Annex 12 and redefined slightly the research objectives. The survey design has been amended to avoid sea pen hotspots in the eastern part of 58.4.4b_2 (WG-FSA-18/23) and a new French vessel has joined the research plan to increase research survey capacity.
Toothfish population structure and bycatch analyses will be presented at WG-FSA-19, while the main concerns regarding objective 2 (“Provide an assessment of the status and productivity of Patagonian toothfish stock”) and 5 (“Contribute to scientific research programs on killer whales (O. orca) ecology and depredation”) are addressed in two documents submitted at WG-SAM-19.
We updated milestone tables of objective 1 and 2 and related descriptions to address WG-SAM-2019 comments (para 6.76-79 in the WG-SAM-2019 report).
We made significant progress on the stock assessment and clarified objectives and milestones to facilitate the reviewing process of this research plan. A list of dates by which specific milestones will be completed and reported to CCAMLR working groups was provided and a final report will be provided at WG-FSA in 2021.
Spanish and Australian scientists are working on the age and growth estimates of Antarctic toothfish within divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 from 2015 and 2017 respectively. During 2019, Korean scientists have joined this colaborative work.
Age-length frequencies from the three members are shown and "a posteriori" calibration between ESP and KOR has been made.
A descriptive analysis of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) population using data collected from observers onboard two Spanish fishing vessels, obtained between 2017 and May 2019, in international waters of the South Indian Ocean within the FAO areas 51.7 and 57.4 managed by SIOFA, adjacent to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Resources (CCAMLR) convention area is provided in this paper.
Different approaches have been made to define the TOP population features taking into account the depth, latitude, sex and geographic zone. Some differences between the two study areas have been found but differences in temporary distribution of the three surveys could have influenced the results.
Using two different surface geostrophic filed data (A-1: without and A-2: with temporal eddy activity) covering 2011-2018, we developed the particle tracking model to investigate egg and larval transport of the Antarctic Toothfish in the East Antarctic region. This paper presents the transport pattern of particles released from plausible spawning grounds, i.e. Banzare Bank (BB: Kerguelen South) and northern continental slope region (e.g. Gunnerus Ridge and Bruce Rise Plateau), through each 2-year simulation. From the result of the BB region, while strong self retention on the BB was observed in the experiment A-1, the majority of particles were advected eastward in the experiment A-2. A significant difference is that some particles reached southern shelf-slope zone (nursery ground) in the experiment A-2 because of effects of temporal eddy activities. In the northern continental slope region, most of the particles were stopped by entering the inner shelf region (nursery ground). We showed that particles released from the ridge, rise in oceanic region and some parts in the northern slope can be advected to the nursery areas in about 3 months -2 years by different local oceanic dynamics.
Exploratory fishing for toothfish (Dissostichusmawsoni) in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) began in 2003. Robust stock assessments and catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined for these Divisions. WG-FSA-16/29 outlined the first multi-member toothfish exploratory fishery research plan up to 2017/18 for East Antarctica, which the Scientific Committee agreed was appropriate to achieve the research objectives (SC-CAMLR 2016, para. 3.244). Subsequent research progress including the evaluation of standard approaches to identify precautionary catch limits (WG-FSA-17 para. 4.28-4.38) and bycatch mitigation (Maschette et al. 2017), suggests a low risk profile for this fishery. Furthermore, examination of bycatch data and underwater video footage have not led to the identification of vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) indicator species (Maschette et al. 2017, Eléaume et al. 2018). Here, we update the research plan for 2018/19 to 2021/22 (WG-FSA-18/59), in accordance with ANNEX 24-01/A, Format 2. This plan has been designed as a 4-year plan, based on the low risk profile of this fishery and to allow more time for review by Working Groups of major reporting and review years in non-stock-assessment years.
Compared to last year (WG-FSA-18/59), this research plan has been updated with 2019/20 operating details, the inclusion of modelling work under Objective 2, and a re-ordering of milestones under Objective 4.
Based on a recommendation by WG-SAM-19, inter-sessional discussions have been held between the existing co-proponent and the Russian Federation, but no agreement has been reached so far. Should the Russian Federation agree to become a co-proponent of this proposal, Russian research contributions could be integrated in an additional research objective as shown in the example below (marked as track changes in this document). One option would be to evaluate the impact of survey design on estimates of toothfish biomass and biological parameters.
Russian research of craboids (Anomura, Decapoda) in the Antarctic Pacific (Subareas 88.2 and 88.3) were carried out by the vessel “Antarctic Wolf” in March 2019 in full compliance with the Russian program (WGSAM-18/06; WGFSA-18/32 Rev.1) and recommendations of the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR –XXXVII, paragraph 4.3 (i-viii)). Pot catches was presented by craboid Paralomis birstaini and Antarctic King crab Neolithodes yaldwini. Detailed analysis of obtained data is shown.
Fishing for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) has been carried out around South Georgia continually for more than 40 years, including more than 25 years under CCAMLR management.
This paper reviews the long-term decline in the size structure of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) observed in longline catches taken in the South Georgia Area (FAO Area 48.3). We note that from the start of the 2000s until now, longline fishing in the South Georgia area has targeted immature fish smaller than 100 cm. The issue of non-rational use of the Patagonian toothfish stock in Subarea 48.3 is examined.
During Austral summer 2018-19, four Ukrainian longliners continued the opportunistic collection of the mesozooplankton in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean. Zooplankton were collected onboard four Ukrainian longliners: CALIPSO, KOREIZ, MARIGOLDS and SIMEIZ