Our study presents some initial findings on Hg distribution in Antarctica from our preliminary field work, collecting environmental samples including coastal seawater, snow and snowmelt as well as terrestrial and marine biota samples. Long-term monitoring studies are crucial to better understand how Antarctic environments respond to globally reducing Hg emission with the Minamata Convention becoming effective. Further, Antarctic organisms sensitive to climate change need to be included as part of CEMP. Previous studies on Hg dynamics in Antarctica are limited and existing information is somewhat fragmented. Therefore, our goal is to add to the existing information and build a framework for long term monitoring program in this vulnerable and remote ecosystem.
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Ptilocrinus amezianeae is a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) indicator species and often collected in numbers locally. P. amezianeae has been described to be restricted to oligotrophic habitats and, as a member of the family Hyocrinidae, a rare organism. Here we model P. amezianeae suitable habitat using BRT (Boosted Regression Trees) and an iterative approach to identify areas on the Kerguelen Plateau, north and south, that could need additional protection. We identified one area under strict protection on the Skiff Bank, and two additional areas, one in the northeastern Kerguelen Plateau and the other on William’s Ridge.
A collaborative research program has been undertaken by Japan and South Africa since 2013 to enhance data collection and analysis in the subarea 48.6. From the last season (2018/19) Spain has joined the proposal in order to contribute to the data acquisition and to speed up the integrated assessments of the D.mawsoni stock in this subarea (FSA-18/34).
The continuation of the three-member research proposal for 2019/20 season is presented to ensure continuity of previous research activities. Data and investigations about the population structure and various demographic parameters of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) using trotline (JPN and ZAF) and Spanish longline (ESP) gears, established tagging techniques, pop-up tags and genetic analysis will provide the basis for the development of spatial population models and assessments in support of management advice. An Integrated Stock Assessment (ISA) of this species is expected to be done by the end of the 2020/21 season.
Additional outcomes of the research include documenting relative abundance of Antarctic and Patagonian toothfish, tagging toothfish for biomass estimation and for stock linkage studies, and collecting information on distribution, and life history of bycatch and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs).
Visual observations of cetaceans were conducted aboard the Ukrainian krill fishing vessel More Sodruzhestva. Observations were made during December 2018 – to January 2019 in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2. 66 baleen whale registrations were recorded. Whale’s behavior was observed and analyzed.