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Proposed work schedule for 2013 meeting of WG-EMM
subgroups and make their plans Item 2.1 (Krill issues present) Tue (2 July) Items 2.1 (Krill issues present ... ) and 2.2 (Krill issues future) Wed (3 July) Items 2.2 (Krill issues future) and 3.1 (MPAs). Wrap up ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Chapter 4: Science
of more specific questions. In the case of krill: 2018 ICED workshop (SC-CAMLR-XXXVII, paragraphs 9.5 ... to 9.6) 2018 Scar Krill Action Group (SKAG) update and support for 2019 SKAG meeting (SC-CAMLR-XXXVII ... . Coordination with SKAG to continue engagement with WG-EMM on status and trends of krill stocks (SC-CAMLR-40 ... reference, in particular to address concerns of interaction between the krill fishery and seabirds, seals ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
История Конвенции
interest in Antarctic fisheries resources, including krill. Drawing on the advice of the Scientific ... Antarctic krill, raised concerns about the sustainability of such fisheries. At the Eighth Antarctic Treaty ... krill as a keystone species in the Antarctic marine ecosystem and underscored concerns that ... unsustainable, large-scale exploitation of krill could have severe repercussions on Antarctic seabird, seal and ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Chapter 2: Delivering CCAMLR’s Conservation Objective/General Context
krill fishery management strategy which integrates spatial information from the fishery, from krill ... the Commission has endorsed the work of the Scientific Committee to develop an integrated krill ... fishing by integrating krill and ecosystem research and monitoring (CCAMLR-38, paragraph 5.17; CCAMLR-39 ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Заканчивается совещание специалистов по Антарктике
for young scientists. A new survey has estimated that the size of the krill stock in the South ... Atlantic is 62.6 million tonnes. This is very similar to the krill stock size of 60 million tonnes ... provide a new approach to managing krill fisheries. The program will focus on regular determination of ... krill population size in different areas, utilising scientific and fishing vessel-based studies, and ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Observers Manual (2011). The Scientific Observer's Manuals for Finfish and Krill Fisheries contain ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) fisheries. The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program Standard Methods ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
Международные эксперты по морской среде Антарктики собираются в Хобарте
future,” said Dr Belchier. 2019 saw the completion of a large-scale survey for krill undertaken through ... the cooperation of a number of CCAMLR Members and including the participation of the krill fishing ... . CCAMLR’s Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods has reported that the size of the krill stock in ... the South Atlantic determined by the survey was 62.6 million tonnes. This is very similar to the krill ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
krill, a keystone component of the Antarctic ecosystem, have also been exploited at various levels since ... has made total numbers difficult to estimate from sightings data. Finfish, squid, crab and krill Large ... icefish in the mid 1970s and 1980s. There were also large but variable catches of krill from around 1978 ... krill, Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), mackerel icefish and, to a limited extent, squid ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Статистический бюллетень
. mawsoni), icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and krill (Euphausia superba) Data files (csv format) for ... catch and effort statistics, krill catches by SSMU and trade statistics (CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin ... Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 34 (4.64 MB)). The catch history of krill (E. superba) by month and small-scale ...
Page : Site Section: Data
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). These fisheries are managed using the ecosystem-based and precautionary ... , and currently apply to toothfish, icefish and krill fisheries. Other fisheries have operated at ...
Page : Site Section: Fisheries