The collection of scientific data in Antarctic fisheries is an arduous and exacting task, requiring considerable physical effort that is often undertaken in challenging weather conditions. In acknowledgement of the vital role that CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) observers play in the effective and sustainable management of Antarctic marine species, CCAMLR thanks the following individuals for their dedicated service.
Las copias impresas correspondientes a los Informes de las Reuniones de la CCRVMA a partir del año 2013 ya no se encuentran disponibles en la Secretaría, sino que pueden adquirirse en Amazon en los cuatro idiomas oficiales. Seleccione uno de los años que figuran a continuación para acceder a una lista detallada con los títulos de los informes y los números ISBN a fin de agilizar la búsqueda de los informes en el sitio web de Amazon.
According to the requirements of Conservation Measure 21-03 (2014), this document provides information on net diagrams and exclusion devices of marine mammals used by the Chilean flag vessels Betanzos and Cabo de Hornos, who present fishing notifications for the 2015/16 krill fishery season, Notification ID 86795, 86796 and 86797.
In Division 58.4.3a, since 2012, research fishing has been conducted in the research block by two vessels using longlines: Shinsei Maru No. 3 (Japan) and the Saint André (France). The catch limit for Dissostichus spp. is 32 tonnes and the total reported catch up in 2013/2014 was 32 tonnes. France notified its intention to continue its exploratory fishery over the coming years in order to achieve a robust stock assessment that would provide advice on a catch limit according to CCAMLR decision rules. This paper aims to present a research plan for 2015/2016 that takes into account the remarks made during the WG-FSA 2014. The objective is to spread fishing effort over across the whole fishable area and to progress on the robustness of the CASAL assessment. The biomass in division 58.4.3a was estimated during WG-FSA 2014 using the Petersen estimator at 386 tonnes. In the absence of an assessment using the CCAMLR decision rules, the re-estimation of the geometric mean of Petersen biomass estimates is used as the estimate of biomass for this division in 2015. Given this analysis estimated biomass at 419 tonnes, which was similar to the 386 tonnes, the catch limit should remain unchanged at 32 tonnes for 2015/16 to maximize the expectation of tag-recapture.
Exploratory fishing for toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) began in 2003. Robust stock assessment and catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined for these Divisions. Accordingly, a research plan has been developed under Conservation Measure 41–01 to support a proposal for an Australian vessel to participate in exploratory fishing within Divisions 58.4.1 (SSRUs C, E, G) and 58.4.2 (SSRU E). Standardised longline fishing, in conjunction with fish biological measurements, tagging and aging, will be used to develop a stock assessment for these divisions and inform the necessary considerations of spatial structure, biomass and connectivity of toothfish populations. In addition, environmental data from CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) and video loggers will contribute to models of toothfish habitat use. These models will inform spatial management approaches for toothfish, and the conservation of representative areas of benthic biodiversity. Additional outcomes include mapping of the bathymetry of fishable areas, and improved understanding of the distribution, relative abundance, and life histories of bycatch species.
In accordance with CM 21-03, Annex 21-03 A, attached are the net diagrams and marine mammal exclusion device diagrams to be used in conjunction with the online notifications for the krill fishery in the 2015/16 fishing season submitted for the Chinese vessels: LONG TENG (Page 3-5); LONG FA (Page 6-8); LONG DA (Page 9-10); FU RONG HAI (Page 11-12); KAI LI (Page 13-14); KAIYU (Page 15-16); MING KAI (Page 17-19); VIKTORIYA (Page 20-22).
The subarea 88.3 is a large area contained from 105°W to 70°W where has been closed to directed fishing following the results of a Chilean survey activities in 1998 (SC-CCAMLR-XVII/BG/7). Previous three research surveys conducted by the New Zealand and the Russian flagged vessels since 1998. It was noted that 8 D. Mawsoni were tagged by the New Zealand in the 2004/2005 season and 123 D. Mawsoni were tagged by Russian flagged vessels in the 2010/11 and 2011/12 season (WG-FSA-05/53, WG-FSA-11/36 & WG-FSA-12/13). It was also noted that no tagged fishes were recaptured during the previous research activities. Considering this large region, the Republic of Korea notes that only 95 research hauls and 131 tagged fishes from three research activities (in total since 1998) were not enough likely to recapture. it was further noted that there was no research activities more than two consecutive years in the past despite the Scientific Committee has agreed that research fishing should be conducted such that it results in an assessment of a stock in 3-4 years time (SC-CAMLR XXVIII, paragraphs 4.165).
The Subarea 48.5 is a large area contained from 60°W to 20°W where has been closed to directed fishing for long time and is not even subdivided into any SSRUs. Republic of Korea noted that it could be because of the lack of information on this region. The research surveys were conducted in this area for two years. The Republic of Korea noted that the research activities in this region had relatively high catch rates in the Convention area. In the light of fishing experiences from the fisheries of the Convention and International High Sea, the fishing masters in general look for the grounds where no vessel previously fished. In this region, the severe ice condition existed for many years and no fishing vessel was operated.
Korea notifies the participation in research surveys for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.5 from 2015/2016 to 2017/2018 using Korean commercial bottom longline vessel in accordance with paragraph of CM 24-01 and paragraph 6 (iii) of CM 21-02 to collect the catch and effort, CTD, tagged and released, recaptured data, biological data for estimating biomass for Dissostichus spp. and evaluating migration and distribution. The purpose of this research is to revisit to the areas where the research activities were conducted in the past. Therefore, it wishes to undertake the research plan with the catch limits that was endorsed by the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR-XXXII Paragraph 3.218).
Most things related to Dissostichus spp. in the eastern side of Antarctic has not been known well as namely the area is data poor areas. In the Division 58.4.1 there are two stocks; one extends from the SSRU 58.4.1C to the SSRU 58.4.2A, and the other one to the SSRU 58.4.1H. The population sizes were vulnerable with a big range of about 1,000-2,000 t per SSRU in 58.4.1. During the 2004-2014 fishing seasons in Division 58.4.1, 4,998 Dissostichus spp. were tagged and released, but only 14 fishes among them have been recaptured which were not enough data to estimate stock biomass for considering the precautionary catch limit. Therefore, the catch limits that the meeting got in 2013 meetings increased to get more recapture. The food-web of Dissostichus spp. has started to be studied in the southern Ross Sea and 58.4.1C. Some studies on biology of the fish have been evaluated, but those are not enough to assess the stocks and consider proper management measures. Based on CCAMLR’s fishery report, the eastern area is still data-poor area showing low recapture rate. Consequently, providing catch and effort data from the area, analysing biological samples, and collecting recapture data focusing on SSRUs in Division 58.4.1is very important.
Korean research plans were endorsed by the Scientific Committee at SC-CAMLR-XXXIII. The Korean scientists collected and analysed the catch, effort, and biological data such as length, weight, gonadal development, and muscle by KINGSTAR in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in 2014/2015 season. Korea will also conduct the exploratory fishery with research plan for Dissostichus spp. in the SSRUs in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in 2015/2016 using Korean commercial bottom longline vessel, KINGSTAR belonged to Sunwoo Company in accordance with paragraph of CM 24-01 and paragraph 6 (iii) of CM 21-02 to collect the catch and effort, CTD, tagged and released, recaptured data including archival tag, biological data for estimating biomass for Dissostichus spp. using CASAL and evaluating migration and distribution pattern by developmental maturity and size stages.