Last year we established a new, dedicated database to archive research survey data submitted to CCAMLR. This database is ‘event-driven’ – i.e. each survey can be characterized by a series of events (eg trawl, CTD, acoustic etc) and each event has a set of measurements (eg amount caught, conductivity at depth, density estimate etc). The development of the trawl survey components has been reported to WG-FSA, and progress on archiving the acoustic data is reported here. In addition to the developments to date, WG-FSA’s Subgroup on Fisheries Acoustics (WG-FSA-SFA) has discussed the possibility of archiving acoustic data from finfish surveys and this matter was further discussed at SC-CAMLR-XXII. The Secretariat has begun working with past and present conveners of WG-FSA-SFA to identify the group’s needs for data storage and analysis.
Correspondence on:
• Collaborative program by Ukraine and Bulgaria on research into gentoo penguin breeding biology at Vernadsky Station, Antarctic Peninsula (Ukraine) and Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands (Bulgaria) (see SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 4, paragraph 7.14);
• Notes on the collection of CEMP data at Bouvetøya.
UNEP-WCMC is developing further an approach for measuring and communicating trends in biodiversity captured in the Living Planet Index. The Index is based on average trends in populations of several hundred vertebrate species from around the world, and UNEP is interested in including CCAMLR data on Antarctic species.
Correspondence between UNEP staff and the Secretariat is reported and WG-EMM’s advice is sought on the matter.
Compilation of information and work pertaining to the krill fisheries in CCAMLR waters is presented, including:
• A report on catches for the last, complete season (2002/03) and an update on catches for the current season (2003/04);
• Measures of overlap between the krill fishery and krill predators;
• A revised plan for the krill fishery in Area 48.
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program uses indices derived from data on indicator species and the environment collected by standard methods within the three Integrated Study Regions of the Convention Area. Each year the Secretariat updates the standardised index values and provides a summary of trends and anomalies in these data. In addition, developments during the intersessional period are reported.
A history of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM is summarised for the period from 2001 to 2003 (SC-CAMLR-XXI, Annex 4, paragraph 6.41). This is a new series of records since the adoption by WG-EMM in 2001 of a new five-year plan of work. A history of tasks for the period from 1995 to 2001 is archived in WG-EMM-02/12.
While much remains unknown about seamount communities, scientific evidence suggests that high seas bottom trawling may have significant and irreversible impacts on the diversity and ecology of seamounts and other similar hard bottom communities.
Summary Tables of existing, and some proposed, Antarctic protected areas which contain marine habitat.
This report presents data on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catches in the areas of vessel operations, biological state of krill, results of identification of the principal size groups with the aim of defining their belonging to specific generations. It gives the analysis of the weather and ice conditions, assessment of krill abundance in aggregations and of fisheries situation in subareas 48.2 and 48.3 in 2003 compared to the previous years.
The Secretariat was tasked with maintaining a register of the wide range of non-CEMP time series data that were of utility in support of the work of WG-EMM, including datasets derived from South African and French seabird and pinniped monitoring programs in the southern Indian Ocean (SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 4, paragraph 2.10). Non-CEMP data of interest are listed in Tables 1 -3.