WG-EMM-Stats-96 Full Name: WG-EMM Subgroup on StatisticsMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-Stats-96/01 Preliminary agenda for the 1996 meeting of the WG-EMM Subgroup on Statistics WG-EMM-Stats-96/02 List of participants WG-EMM-Stats-96/03 List of documents WG-EMM-Stats-96/04 Background information for the Subgroup on Statistics Meeting, Cambridge, 7–9 May 1996Secretariat WG-EMM-Stats-96/05 Data requirements for Method A5Agnew, D.J. WG-EMM-Stats-96/06 A fine-scale model of the overlap between penguin foraging demands and the krill fishery in the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic PeninsulaPhegan, G., Agnew, D.J. WG-EMM-Stats-96/07 Calculation of a standardised index anomalyAgnew, D.J. Read more about WG-EMM-Stats-96 Français Русский Español WG-EMM-PSW-08 Full Name: WG-EMM Predator Survey WorkshopMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-PSW-08/01 Agenda for the WG-EMM Predator Survey Workshop (Hobart, Australia, 16 to 20 June 2008) WG-EMM-PSW-08/02 List of participants WG-EMM-PSW-08/03 List of documents WG-EMM-PSW-08/04 A POPULATION ESTIMATE OF MACARONI PENGUINS (EUDYPTES CHRYSOLOPHUS) AT SOUTH GEORGIAP.N. Trathan (United Kingdom) WG-EMM-PSW-08/05 THE WHITE-CHINNED PETREL (PROCELLARIA AEQUINOCTIALIS) ON SOUTH GEORGIA: POPULATION SIZE, DISTRIBUTION AND GLOBAL SIGNIFICANCEA.R. Martin, S. Poncet, C. Barbraud, P. Fretwell and E. Foster (United Kingdom) WG-EMM-PSW-08/06 ABUNDANCE ESTIMATES FOR CRABEATER, WEDDELL AND LEOPARD SEALS AT THE ANTARCTIC PENINSULA AND IN THE WESTERN WEDDELL SEA (90º - 30º W, 60º - 80º S)J. Forcada and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom) WG-EMM-PSW-08/07 SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATION IN ATTRIBUTES OF ADELIE PENGUIN BREEDING POPULATIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR UNCERTAINTY IN ESTIMATION OF THE ABUNDANCE OF BREEDING PENGUINS FROM ONE-OFF COUNTSC. Southwell, J. McKinlay, R. Pike, D. Wilson, K. Newbery and L. Emmerson (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/08 ESTIMATING THE NUMBER OF PRE- AND INTERMITTENT BREEDERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BÉCHERVAISE ISLAND ADÉLIE PENGUIN POPULATIONL. Emmerson and C. Southwell (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/09 ASPECTS OF POPULATION STRUCTURE, DYNAMICS, AND DEMOGRAPHY OF RELEVANCE TO ABUNDANCE ESTIMATION: ADÉLIE PENGUINSL. Emmerson and C. Southwell (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/10 FLYING SEABIRDS IN AREA 48; A REVIEW OF POPULATION ESTIMATES, COVERAGE AND POTENTIAL GAPS IN SURVEY EXTENT AND METHODSD. Wilson (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/11 SEASONAL ESTIMATION OF ABUNDANCE BY BOOTSTRAPPING INEXACT RESEARCH DATA (SEABIRD): A METHOD FOR ASSESSING ABUNDANCE AND UNCERTAINTY FROM HISTORICAL COUNT DATA USING ADELIE PENGUINS AS A CASE STUDYJ.P. McKinlay and C.J. Southwell (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/12 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF ADELIE PENGUIN COUNT DATA FROM EAST ANTARCTICAC. Southwell and J. McKinlay (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/13 INCOMPLETE SEARCH EFFORT AS A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF BIAS IN BROAD-SCALE ESTIMATES OF PENGUIN ABUNDANCE DERIVED FROM PUBLISHED COUNT DATA: A CASE STUDY FOR ADÉLIE PENGUINS IN EAST ANTARCTICAC. Southwell, D. Smith and A. Bender (Australia) WG-EMM-PSW-08/14 ANTARCTIC FUR SEAL PUP PRODUCTION AND POPULATION TRENDS IN THE SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOURCES OF ERROR IN PUP PRODUCTION ESTIMATESM.E. Goebel (USA), D.E. Torres C. (Chile), A. Miller, J. Santora, D. Costa (USA) and P. Diaz (Chile) WG-EMM-PSW-08/15 TIMING OF CLUTCH INITIATION IN PYGOSCELIS PENGUINS ON THE ANTARCTIC PENINSULA: TOWARDS AN IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF OFF-PEAK CENSUS CORRECTION FACTORSH.J. Lynch, W.F. Fagan, R. Naveen, S.G. Trivelpiece and W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) Read more about WG-EMM-PSW-08 Français Русский Español WG-EMM-Methods-96 Full Name: WG-EMM Subgroup MethodsMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-Methods-96/01 Provisional agenda for the 1996 meeting of the WG-EMM Subgroup on Methods WG-EMM-Methods-96/02 List of participants WG-EMM-Methods-96/03 List of documents WG-EMM-Methods-96/04 A methodological proposal to diet studies of the Cape petrel, Daption capenseMontalti, D., Soave, G.E., Coria, N.R. WG-EMM-Methods-96/05 Draft standard methods for attachment of instruments and the collection of data about at-sea behaviourBoyd, I.L. WG-EMM-Methods-96/06 Using stomach lavage to sample diets of ProcellariiformesVeit, R.R. WG-EMM-Methods-96/07 Rev. 1 Protocols for collecting samples for toxicological analysisCorsolini, S., Focardi, S., Franchi, E. WG-EMM-Methods-96/08 Implanted identification tags in penguins: implantation methods, tag reliability and long-term effects (draft version)Kerry, K., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-Methods-96/09 CCAMLR Standard Method A8: Procedure AClarke, J. WG-EMM-Methods-96/10 Post mortem report on a little penguinClarke, J. WG-EMM-Methods-96/11 Gender differences in Adelie penguin foraging trips (CCAMLR Standard Method A5: duration of foraging trips)Kerry, K., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-Methods-96/12 CEMP monitoring methods: report from the SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee to the CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) Subgroup on Monitoring MethodsSCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee WG-EMM-Methods-96/13 Protocols for taking samples for pathological analysis in the event of disease being suspected among monitoring speciesKerry, K. WG-EMM-Methods-96/14 Draft standard methods for fulmarine petrels: a) Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarcticavan Franeker, J.A., Mehlum, F. Read more about WG-EMM-Methods-96 Français Русский Español WG-EMM-97 Full Name: Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and ManagementMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-97/01 Rev. 1 Provisional agenda and provisional annotated agenda for the 1997 meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) WG-EMM-97/02 List of participants WG-EMM-97/03 Rev. 1 List of documents WG-EMM-97/04 Draft standard method for the measurement of annual survival rate and pregnancy rate in adult female Antarctic fur sealsBoyd, I.L. WG-EMM-97/05 Draft standard methods for monitoring diet in Antarctic fur sealsStaniland, I.J., Reid, K. WG-EMM-97/06 Hydrographic conditions in the Elephant Island plateau region during December 1996Stein, M. WG-EMM-97/07 Predator-prey interactions between higher predators and fish and cephalopods in the Southern OceanBoyd, I.L., Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P. WG-EMM-97/08 Variation in foraging effort by lactating Antarctic fur seals: response to simulated increased foraging costsWalker, T.R., McCafferty, D.J., Boyd, I.L. WG-EMM-97/09 Fish and squid in the diet of king penguin chicks, Aptenodytes patagonicus, during winter at sub-Antarctic Crozet IslandsCherel, Y., Ridoux, V., Rodhouse, P.G. WG-EMM-97/10 Diet and feeding ecology of the diving petrels Pelecanoides georgicus and P. urinatrix at South GeorgiaCroxall, J.P., Prince, P.A., Hill, H.J., Edwards, T.M., Reid, K. WG-EMM-97/11 Milk consumption and growth efficiency in Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) pupsSocha, D.G., Arnould, J.P.Y., Boyd, I.L. WG-EMM-97/12 Interannual variation in the diet of the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata at South GeorgiaCroxall, J.P., Edwards, T.M., Reid, K. WG-EMM-97/13 Lactation and the cost of pup-rearing in Antarctic fur sealsArnould, J.P.Y. WG-EMM-97/14 Milk fatty acid signatures indicate both major and minor shifts in foraging ecology of lactating Antarctic fur sealsBoyd, I.L., Iverson, S.J., Arnould, J.P.Y. WG-EMM-97/15 Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirdsPrince, P.A., Croxall, J.P., Reid, K. WG-EMM-97/16 Development of the krill stock in the elephant island region during the 1996/97 seasonSiegel, V. WG-EMM-97/17 Consumption of krill by minke whales in Areas IV and V of the AntarcticFujise, Y., Tamura, T., Ichii, T. WG-EMM-97/18 Interannual changes in body fat condition, stomach content mass and distribution of minke whales in Antarctic Areas IV and VIchii, T., Nishiwaki, S., Tamura, T., Fujise, Y., Matsuoka , K. WG-EMM-97/19 Establishment of a cemp monitoring program at BouvetøyaGjertz, I., Isaksen, K., Bakken, V., Mehlum, F. WG-EMM-97/20 Preliminary results from CEMP monitoring of Antarctic fur seals, chinstrap penguins and macaroni penguins at Bouvetøya 1996/97Hofmeyr, G.J.G., Dyer, B.M., Næstvold, A., Mehlum, F., Gjertz, I., Bakken, V., Isaksen, K., Huyser, O. WG-EMM-97/21 Avoidance, a problem in sampling Antarctic krill at nightGoss, C., Bone, D., Everson, I. WG-EMM-97/22 Catch per unit effort data from the early years of commercial krill fishing operations in the Atlantic sector of the AntarcticSushin, V., Siegel, V. WG-EMM-97/23 Reporting of fine-scale krill data in the 1995/96 seasonSecretariat WG-EMM-97/24 A multi-frequency method for improved accuracy and precision of in situ target strength measurementsHewitt, R.P., Soule, M.A., Demer, D.A. WG-EMM-97/25 Rev. 1 CEMP indices 1997: sections 1 to 3Secretariat WG-EMM-97/26 Identification of squid echoes in the south AtlanticRodhouse, P., Goss, C., Brierley, A., Watkins, J. WG-EMM-97/27 Report of the Workshop on Predator-Prey-Fisheries Interactions at Heard Island and McDonald Islands and at Macquarie IslandDelegation of Australia WG-EMM-97/28 Important aspects of prey distribution for the formation of foraging areas of chinstrap penguins and Antarctic fur seals at Seal IslandBengtson, J.L., Hiruki, L.M., Naganobu, M., Ichii, T., Meyer, W.R., Cameron, M.F., Boveng, P., Takao, T., Miura, A., Jansen, J.K., Kawaguchi, S., Hayashi, T. WG-EMM-97/29 Krill density, biomass, proportional recruitment and recruitment index in the elephant island region during the period 1977 to 1997Loeb, V., Siegel, V., Gröger, J. WG-EMM-97/30 AMLR 1996/97 field season report – objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusionsDelegation of the USA WG-EMM-97/31 ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology (FAST): summary report of the meeting in Hamburg 18–19 April 1997Everson, I. WG-EMM-97/32 How much is enough? analysis of the net sampling effort in the Elephant Island area necessary to adequately assess and describe krill and zooplankton assemblages during summerLoeb, V. WG-EMM-97/33 Krill, salps and other dominant zooplankton taxa in the Elephant Island area during the 1997 austral summerPuglise, K., Outram, D., Loeb, V. WG-EMM-97/34 Report of the Subgroup on Statistics (La Jolla, California, 14 to 18 July 1997) WG-EMM-97/35 CPUE and proportional recruit indices from Japanese krill fishery data in Subarea 48.1Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-97/36 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1995/96 season in the fishing grounds around the South Shetland IslandsNaganobu, M., Kawaguchi, S., Ichii, T. WG-EMM-97/37 Interannual and seasonal variability of salp by-catch from Japanese krill fishery around the South Shetland IslandsNaganobu, M., Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-97/38 The application of CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) standard methods in the Antarctic site inventory projectNaveen, R. WG-EMM-97/39 Serological evidence of the presence of infectious Bursal disease virus in Antarctic penguins – possible implications for CEMPDelegation of Australia WG-EMM-97/40 Characterisation of the Antarctic polar frontal zone to the north of South Georgia in summer 1994Brandon, M.A., Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J. WG-EMM-97/41 Analysis of trawl data from the South Georgia krill fisheryParkes, G., Trathan, P.N., Everson, I., Murphy, E.J. WG-EMM-97/42 Escapement of elephant seal prey in the Heard Island fishery for Dissostichus eleginoidesSlip, D., Constable, A.J., de la Mare, W.K., Williams, R. WG-EMM-97/43 A comparison between the estimated density of krill from an acoustic survey with that obtained by scientific nets on the same surveyPauly, T., Higginbottom, I., Hosie, G., de la Mare, W.K., Nicol, S. WG-EMM-97/44 Workshop on International Coordination (14 to 18 July 1997) WG-EMM-97/45 Bias in the estimation of krill yield from using a deterministic formulation of the median unexploited spawning biomassde la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.J. WG-EMM-97/46 Net sample validation of acoustic techniques used to identify and size Antarctic krillWatkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-97/47 Variation in the distribution of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba around South GeorgiaDaly, H.I., Murray, A.W.A., Watkins, J.L. WG-EMM-97/48 Krill biomass estimates for South Georgia, December and January 1996/97Goss, C., Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-97/49 Krill biomass and distribution in Subarea 48.2 during summer 1996Kasatkina, S.M., Abramov, A.M., Polischuk, M.I., Sushin, V.A. WG-EMM-97/50 Distribution of Soviet commercial fleet at krill fishery in the South Orkneys subarea (Subarea 48.2) during 1989/90Sushin, V.A. WG-EMM-97/51 Assessment of fishing intensity of krill in Subarea 48.2 during the season of 1989/90Ivanova, V.I., Sushin, V.A., Kasatkina, S.M. WG-EMM-97/52 Variation in echosounder calibration with temperature and some possible implications for acoustic surveys of krill biomassWatkins, J.L., Woodroffe, P., Brierley, A.S., Goss, C. WG-EMM-97/53 Spatial and temporal distribution of krill Euphausia superba biomass in the Ross Sea (1989/90, 1994/95)Kalinowski, J., Azzali, M. WG-EMM-97/54 Acoustic discrimination of southern ocean zooplanktonWatkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S., Goss, C., Ward, P. WG-EMM-97/55 Breeding distribution and population sizes of three species of penguin at Subantarctic Marion IslandKeith, D., Hurford, J., Meyer, M.A., Dyer, B.M., Wolfaardt, A.C., Greyling, M., Upfold, L., Crawford, R.J.M. WG-EMM-97/56 Breeding biology and diet of pintado petrels Daption capense at Bouvetøya during the summer of 1996/97Isaksen, K., Huyser, O., Dyer, B.M., Cooper, J., Ryan, P. WG-EMM-97/57 Draft standard Method A3bWilson, P. WG-EMM-97/58 Diet and prey consumption of Antarctic petrels Thalassoica antarctica at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land and at sea outside the colonyRøv, N., Lorentsen, S., Klages, N. WG-EMM-97/59 Population structure of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) populations in CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during January to March 1996Hosie, G., de la Mare, W.K., Kitchener, J., King, R., Nicol, S. WG-EMM-97/60 The diet of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella at Harmony Point, Nelson Island, South Shetland IslandsCarlini, A., Baroni, A., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-97/61 On the accuracy of the pellet analysis method to estimate the food intake in the Antarctic shag Phalacrocorax bransfieldensisCasaux, R. WG-EMM-97/62 Population size and distribution of Pygoscelis antarctica and P. papua at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica (1996/97 season)Hucke-Gaete, R., Vallejos, V., Torres, D. WG-EMM-97/63 Population size and distribution of Arctocephalus gazella at SSSI No. 32, Livingston Island, Antarctica (1996/97 season)Vallejos, V., Hucke-Gaete, R., Aguayo, A., Torres, D. WG-EMM-97/64 Adélie penguins foraging behaviour and krill abundance along the Wilkes and Adélie Land coasts, AntarcticaKerry, K., Rodary, D., Bost, C., Lemaho, Y., Wienecke, B.C., Thomson, R., Lawless, R., Pauly, T., Robertson, G. WG-EMM-97/65 Horizontal flux of secondary production in the southern ocean food web: current velocity data and the transport of krill in the South Georgia ecosystemEverson, I.E., Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J. WG-EMM-97/66 Environmental variability effects on marine fisheries: four case historiesHofmann, E.E., Powell, T.M. WG-EMM-97/67 Structure of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the South Atlantic with implications for biological transportHofmann, E.E., Fach, B., Locarnini, R.A., Klinck, J.M., Murphy, E. WG-EMM-97/68 Hydrography and circulation of the Antarctic continental shelf: 150°E eastward to the Greenwich meridianHofmann, E.E., Klinck, J.M. WG-EMM-97/69 Pursuit of polynyas in the Antarctic peninsula areaKimura, N., Shibazaki, K., Matsumura, S., Naganobu, M., Okada, Y. WG-EMM-97/70 Further krill-predator model calculationsThomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S. WG-EMM-97/71 Australia’s contribution to CEMP 1996/97: summary and notesDelegation of Australia WG-EMM-97/72 Fishes incidentally caught by Japanese Antarctic krill commercial fishery to the north of the South Shetland Islands in February 1997Iwami, T., Ichii, T., Naganobu, M., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-97/73 Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food webHewitt, R., Trivelpiece, S., Fraser, W., Holm-Hansen, O., Siegel, V., Trivelpiece, W., Loeb, V. WG-EMM-97/74 Echo integration in low signal to noise regimes: methods of noise estimation and removalHigginbottom, I., Pauly, T. WG-EMM-97/75 Laboratory target strength measurements of free swimming Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)Pauly, T., Penrose, J.D. WG-EMM-97/77 Synthesis of the activities carried out at SSSI No. 32 and CEMP site ‘Cape Shirreff and San Telmo Islets’ during the Antarctic season 1996/97Torres, D. WG-EMM-97/78 Summary of monitoring and research activities at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud LandLorentsen, S., Tveraa, T., Røv, N. WG-EMM-97/79 Proposal for the second international symposium on krillMiller, D., Endo, Y., Cuzin-Roudy, J., Mangel, M., Nicol, S., Watkins, J. Read more about WG-EMM-97 Français Русский Español WG-EMM-96 Full Name: Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and ManagementMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-96/01 Rev. 1 Provisional agenda and provisional annotated agenda for the second meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) WG-EMM-96/02 List of participants WG-EMM-96/03 List of documents WG-EMM-96/04 CEMP indices 1996: sections 1 to 3Secretariat WG-EMM-96/04 Errata CEMP indices 1996: sections 1 to 3Secretariat WG-EMM-96/05 Geographical aspects of utilising resources of krill (Euphausia superba)Makarov, R.R. WG-EMM-96/06 Report of the meeting of the Subgroup on Statistics (Cambridge, UK, 7 to 9 May 1996) (Attached to WG-EMM this report as Appendix H) WG-EMM-96/07 The relationship between foraging behaviour and energy expenditure in Antarctic fur sealsBoyd, I.L., Arnould, J.P.Y., Speakman, J.R. WG-EMM-96/08 A comparison of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) caught by nets and taken by macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus Brandt): evidence for selection?Croxall, J.P., Hill, H.J., Trathan, P.N., Watkins, J.L. WG-EMM-96/09 Krill caught by predators and nets: differences between species and techniquesHill, H.J., Reid, K., Trathan, P.N., Croxall, J.P. WG-EMM-96/10 Dynamics of Antarctic penguin populations in relation to inter-annual variability in sea-ice distributionMurphy, E.J., Croxall, J.P., Trathan, P.N. WG-EMM-96/11 The fish diet of black-browed albatross Diomedea melanophrys and grey-headed albatross D. chrysostoma at South GeorgiaReid, K., Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P. WG-EMM-96/12 Cephalopods and mesoscale oceanography at the Antarctic polar front: satellite tracked predators locate pelagic trophic interactionsMurphy, E.J., Trathan, P.N., White, M.G., Bone, D.G., Hatfield, E.M.C., Rodhouse, P.G., Prince, P.A., Watkins, J.L. WG-EMM-96/13 Developments in the CEMP indices 1996Secretariat WG-EMM-96/14 Testing for normality in colony countsSecretariat WG-EMM-96/15 A history of the acquisition and analysis of sea-ice data by CCAMLRAgnew, D.J. WG-EMM-96/16 WG-EMM Workshop on At-sea BehaviourBoyd, I.L. WG-EMM-96/17 Diet of the cape petrel Daption capense during the chick rearing period at Fildes Peninsula and Harmony Point, South Shetland Islands, AntarcticaSilva, P., Montalti, D., Coria, N.R., Soave, G.E., Favero, M. WG-EMM-96/18 Krill biomass estimates for two survey boxes to the north east and north-west of South Georgia in January 1996: the beginning of a five-year monitoring programWatkins, J.L., Murray, A.W.A., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-96/19 A synoptic review of energetic requirements of southern ocean krill predatorsStansfield, A.M. WG-EMM-96/20 A model at the level of the foraging trip for the indirect effects of krill (Euphausia superba) fisheries on krill predatorsSwitzer, P.V., Mangel, M. WG-EMM-96/21 Climate change and zooplankton dominance in the Antarctic marine ecosystem: implications for the food webSiegel, V., Fraser, W., Trivelpiece, S., Holm-Hansen, O., Loeb, V., Hewitt, R., Trivelpiece, W. WG-EMM-96/22 Indices of prey availability near the Seal Island CEMP site: 1990 through 1996Hewitt, R.P., Demer, D.A., Watters, G. WG-EMM-96/23 Distribution, biomass and abundance of Antarctic krill in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1996 austral summerDemer, D.A., Hewitt, R.P., Loeb, V. WG-EMM-96/24 Areal and seasonal extent of sea-ice cover off the northwestern side of the Antarctic Peninsula: 1979 through 1995Hewitt, R.P. WG-EMM-96/25 Reporting of fine-scale krill data in the 1994/95 seasonSecretariat WG-EMM-96/26 Observations of fishing vessel activity, RKTS General Petrov, March to July 1995 (with additional notes by the Secretariat)Submitted by Ukraine WG-EMM-96/27 A way forward in the multivariate analysis of Antarctic predator, prey and environment indices: predator-environment interactions at Seal IslandAgnew, D.J., Watters, G., Hewitt, R. WG-EMM-96/28 Results of a hydroacoustic survey of Antarctic krill populations in CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 carried out in January to April 1996Higginbottom, I., de la Mare, W., Pauly, T., Nicol, S. WG-EMM-96/29 An overview and some preliminary results of a biological/oceanographic survey off the coast of East Antarctica (80-150°e) carried out in January to March 1996de la Mare, W., Wright, S., Bindoff, N., Thiele, D., Pauly, T., Gillespie, D., Woehler, E., Nicol, S. WG-EMM-96/30 Vacant WG-EMM-96/31 Fish in the diet of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps at the South Shetland Islands: six years of monitoring studiesBarrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-96/32 The importance of fish in the diet of the south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki at the South Shetland Islands, AntarcticaMontalti, D., Coria, N., Soave, G., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-96/33 Monitoring of seal populations on King George Island, 1995–1996VNIRO (Russia) WG-EMM-96/34 On selectivity of commercial and research trawls when krill catchingKasatkina, S.M. WG-EMM-96/35 Hydrometeorological condition features in South Orkneys subarea in February–March 1996Polischuk, M.I., Shnar, V.N. WG-EMM-96/36 Results of acoustic assessment of krill biomass in Subarea 48.2 during summer 1996Sunkovich, V.I., Kasatkina, S.M., Abramov, V.M., Polischuk, M.I., Sushin, V.A., Shnar, V.N. WG-EMM-96/37 Evaluation of krill transport factor results in Subarea 48.2 in summer period of 1996Sushin, V.A., Kasatkina, S.M., Shnar, V.N., Abramov, A.M., Polischuk, M.I. WG-EMM-96/38 Trends in size and success of breeding colonies of macaroni and rockhopper penguins at Marion Island, 1979/80-1995/96Wolfaardt, A., Cooper, J., Crawford, R.J.M. WG-EMM-96/39 Summary of CEMP activities at Cape ShirreffTorres, D. WG-EMM-96/40 Uncertainty in echosounder calibrationsSoule, M.A., Demer, D.A. WG-EMM-96/41 Measurements of fish school velocities with an acoustic Doppler current profilerDemer, D.A. WG-EMM-96/42 An acoustic survey of Antarctic krill on the South Georgia shelf, CCAMLR Subarea 48.3, in January 1992Everson, I., Goss, C. WG-EMM-96/43 Inter-annual variation in condition index of the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnariParkes, G., Everson, I., Kock, K.-H. WG-EMM-96/44 Diet of the cape petrel Daption capense during the post hatching period at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands, AntarcticaMontalti, D., Coria, N.R., Soave, G.E. WG-EMM-96/45 Longterm monitoring of krill recruitment and abundance indices in the Elephant Island area (Antarctic Peninsula)de la Mare, W., Loeb, V., Siegel, V. WG-EMM-96/46 Effect of missing modes on calibration sphere target strengths (ICES CM 1996/b: 37, Fish Capture Committee)Foote, K.G. WG-EMM-96/47 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1994/95 season in the fishing grounds around the South Shetland IslandsNaganobu, M., Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-96/48 Report of the 1995/96 Japanese Whale Research Programme Under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA) in Area IV and eastern part of Area IIIYuzu, S., Ishikawa, H., Mogoe, T., Kawasaki, M., Hishii, T., Shimamoto, K., Tohyama, D., Nibe, H., Taguchi, F., Hidaka, H., Ono, K., Yamashiro, K., Yoshida, T., Tamura, T., Nishiwaki, S. WG-EMM-96/49 Comparisons in prey distribution between inshore and offshore foraging areas of chinstrap penguins and Antarctic fur seals at Seal IslandIchii, T., Bengtson, J.L., Boveng, P., Cameron, M.F., Naganobu, M., Meyer, W.R., Hiruki, L.M., Takao, T., Jansen, J.K., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-96/50 CPUE and recruitment indices calculated from log book data of Japanese krill fisheriesIchii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-96/51 CPUE, net towing depth and body length of krill during the winter operation of Japanese krill fishery around South GeorgiaKawaguchi, S., Ichii, T., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-96/52 Preliminary results on by-catch of fishes caught by the fishery vessel Chiyo Maru No. 3 to the north of the South Shetland Islands (February to March, 1996)Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-96/53 Draft methods recommended to WG-EMM for approval by the Subgroup on Monitoring Methods WG-EMM-96/54 Rev. 1 Report of the Subgroup on Monitoring Methods (Bergen, Norway, 8 to 10 August 1996) WG-EMM-96/55 Comparisons in diet between diurnal and overnight foraging chinstrap penguins at Seal IslandHayashi, T., Ichii, T., Cameron, M.F., Miura, A., Jansen, J.K., Bengtson, J.L., Boveng, P. WG-EMM-96/56 Calculating precautionary catch limits based on mass of krill consumed by predatorsEverson, I., de la Mare, W.K. WG-EMM-96/57 Cooperative project Belgium – Argentina into EMM: ‘Gerlache – Sobral’Joiris, C., Holsbeek, L., Stanganelli, Z., Vergani, D. WG-EMM-96/58 The breeding biology and distribution of Adelie penguins: adaptations to environmental variabilityFraser, W.R., Trivelpiece, W.Z. WG-EMM-96/59 Use of at-sea distribution data to derive potential foraging ranges of macaroni penguins during the breeding seasonMurphy, E., Trathan, P., Croxall, J.P., Everson, I. WG-EMM-96/60 A conceptual framework for modeling Antarctic krillHofmann, E.E. WG-EMM-96/61 Oceanographic circulation models for the western Antarctic continental shelf and Drake PassageKlinck, J.M., Hofmann, E.E., Murphy, E. WG-EMM-96/62 Rev. 1 Executive summary of SCAR/COMNAP workshops on ‘Monitoring of Environmental Impacts from Science and Operations in Antarctica’ (Oslo, Norway 17-20 October 1995 and College Station, Texas, US, 25 29 March 1996) WG-EMM-96/63 Estimation of biomass of krill Euphausia superba and birds and mammals census during the Xth Italian expedition to Ross Sea, November/December 1994Saino, N., Kalinowski, J., Azzali, M. WG-EMM-96/64 Detailed distribution of krill fishing around South GeorgiaParkes, G., Everson, I., Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J. WG-EMM-96/65 Hatching season and growth of Pleuragramma antarcticum larvae near the Antarctic peninsula in austral summer 1993/94Cha, S.S., Lee, T.W., Kim, S. WG-EMM-96/66 Preliminary estimates of krill consumptions by Antarctic fur seals and macaroni penguins at South GeorgiaBoyd, I.L., Croxall, J.P. WG-EMM-96/67 Extension to the krill-predator modelling exerciseThomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S. WG-EMM-96/68 Modeling the growth dynamics of Antarctic krillLascara, C.M., Hofmann, E.E. WG-EMM-96/69 The foraging range of Adelie penguins – implications for CEMP and interactions with the krill fisheryRodary, D., Thomson, R., Tremont, R., Lawless, R., Gardner, H., Wienecke, B., Clarke, J.R., Kerry, K.R., Corsolini, S., Eberhard, S. WG-EMM-96/70 Evaluation of the krill stock in Subarea 48.3, June–August 1995Bibik, V.A. WG-EMM-96/71 ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology (FAST); summary of topics discussed at the 1996 meetingEverson, I. WG-EMM-96/72 Vacant WG-EMM-96/73 AMLR 1995/96 field season report – objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusionsDelegation of the USA Read more about WG-EMM-96 Français Русский Español WG-EMM-95 Full Name: Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and ManagementMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-EMM-95/01 Provisional agenda and provisional annotated agenda for the First Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) WG-EMM-95/02 List of participants WG-EMM-95/03 List of documents WG-EMM-95/04 Krill distribution variability and fishery conditions within the local ground of Subarea 48.3 in June 1991Kasatkina, S.M. WG-EMM-95/05 Growth of krill around the South Orkney Islands in 1989/90Latogursky, V.I. WG-EMM-95/06 Summary of fine-scale catches of krill: 1973/74 to 1993/94Secretariat WG-EMM-95/07 Fine-scale catches of krill in the Convention Area: 1993/94 seasonSecretariat WG-EMM-95/08 Comparison of equal-area cylindrical and circular piston transducersFoote, K.G. WG-EMM-95/09 Performance of an acoustic sonde designFoote, K.G. WG-EMM-95/10 Developments in the calculation of CEMP indices 1995Data Manager WG-EMM-95/11 Calculation of indices of sea-ice concentration using digital images from the National Snow and Ice Data CentreAgnew, D.J. WG-EMM-95/12 Rev. 1 Index Part 1: introduction to the CEMP indices 1995Data Manager WG-EMM-95/13 Rev. 1 Index Part 2: CEMP indices: tables of results 1995Data Manager WG-EMM-95/14 Rev. 1 Index Part 3: CEMP indices: figures 1995Data Manager WG-EMM-95/15 Recruitment of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and possible causes for its variabilitySiegel, V., Loeb, V. WG-EMM-95/16 Hydrographic conditions around Elephant Island during austral spring 1994Stein, M. WG-EMM-95/17 Some thoughts on precautionary measures for the krill fisheryEverson, I. WG-EMM-95/18 Preliminary results on the composition and abundance of the krill stock in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Antarctic, CCAMLR Subarea 88.3)Siegel, V. WG-EMM-95/19 On the examining of krill fluxMakarov, R. WG-EMM-95/20 The organisation of environmental monitoring in AntarcticaSubmitted by SCAR to the XVIIIth ATCM WG-EMM-95/21 Indices of body condition and body composition in female Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella)Arnould, J.P.Y. WG-EMM-95/22 Heart rate and oxygen consumption of exercising gentoo penguinsButler, P.J., Bevan, R.M., Croxall, J.P., Woakes, A.J. WG-EMM-95/23 Temporal scales of foraging in a marine predator: implications for interpreting the distribution of preyBoyd, I.L. WG-EMM-95/24 Individual variation in the duration of pregnancy and birth date in Antarctic fur seals: the role of environment, age and fetal sexBoyd, I.L. WG-EMM-95/25 Swimming speed and allocation of time during the dive cycle of Antarctic fur sealsBevan, R.M., Boyd, I.L., Reid, K. WG-EMM-95/26 Population demography of Antarctic fur seals: the costs of reproduction and implications for life-historiesReid, K., Croxall, J.P., Lunn, N.J., Boyd, I.L. WG-EMM-95/27 Diet of the king penguin Aptenodytes patagonica during three summers at South GeorgiaNorth, A.W., Olsson, C.O. WG-EMM-95/28 The diet of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella during the breeding season at South GeorgiaArnould, J.P.Y., Reid, K. WG-EMM-95/29 The diet of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella during winter at South GeorgiaReid, K. WG-EMM-95/30 Ecosystem monitoring and management, past, present and futureEverson, I. WG-EMM-95/31 Report of the steering committee for research related to conservation of large baleen whales in the Southern Oceans (Tokyo, Japan, 7-10 March 1995) WG-EMM-95/32 Stomach flushing of Adelie penguins (CEMP Method A8)Clarke, J. WG-EMM-95/33 Adelie penguin chick deaths investigatedKerry, K., Murphy, R., Hodum, P., Hume, F., Gardner, H., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-95/34 Transect spacing for acoustic surveysEverson, I. WG-EMM-95/35 CCAMLR WG-Krill newsletterJ. Watkins (Secretary SCAR Sub-Committee on Krill), D. Miller (Convener WG-Krill) WG-EMM-95/36 Draft standard methods for the collection of data about at-sea behaviourBoyd, I. WG-EMM-95/37 Workshop in situ estimation of fish target strengthDelegation of South Africa WG-EMM-95/38 Workshop on estimation of variance in marine acoustic surveysDelegation of South Africa WG-EMM-95/39 On the consequences of differentiating between adult and sub-adult survival rates in the krill-predators modelButterworth, D.S., Thomson, R.B. WG-EMM-95/40 Can the length composition of krill in predator diets provide information on the age-dependence of krill natural mortality?Thomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S. WG-EMM-95/41 Krill catch within 100 km of predator colonies from December to March (the critical period-distance)Data Manager WG-EMM-95/42 On the estimation of some demographic parameters for Adelie penguinsThomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S. WG-EMM-95/43 A hydroacoustic survey of Antarctic krill populations in CCAMLR Division 58.4.1Nicol, S. WG-EMM-95/44 Protocols for taking samples for pathological analysis in the event of disease being suspected among monitored speciesObendord, D., Kerry, K., Clarke, J., Cooper, J. WG-EMM-95/45 Determining sex of Adelie penguins from timing of incubation shiftKerry, K.R., Franchi, E., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-95/46 Draft: differences in the foraging strategies of male and female Adelie penguinsFranchi, E., Kerry, K., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-95/47 Adelie penguin monitoring program at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea regionLawless, R., Kerry, K., Focardi, S., Franchi, E., Clarke, J. WG-EMM-95/48 Euphausiid fishery in the Japanese watersEndo, Y. WG-EMM-95/49 Characteristics of water flows in areas for Antarctic krill concentrations near the South Shetland IslandsNaganobu, M., Ichii, T. WG-EMM-95/50 An outline of the Antarctic research cruise by the Japanese RV Kaiyo Maru around the South Shetland Islands in 1994/95Takao, T., Ogishima, T., Naganobu, M., Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-95/51 CPUES and body length of Antarctic krill during 1993/94 season in the fishing grounds around the South Shetland IslandsKawaguchi, S., Ichii, T., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-95/52 Numerical model of ecosystem including Euphausia superba Dana as a key species in the Antarctic OceanNaganobu, M., Kishi, M.J. WG-EMM-95/53 Coincidence between climate fluctuations and variability in the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) recruitmentSasai, Y., Kutsuwada, K., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-95/54 Distribution of salps near the South Shetland Islands during austral summer, 1990/1991 with special reference to krill distributionTerazaki, M., Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, K., Nishikawa, J., Ishii, H., Naganobu, M. WG-EMM-95/55 Relationship between recruitment of the Antarctic krill and the degree of ice cover near the South Shetland IslandsSatake, M., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-95/56 Fishes incidentally caught by Japanese Antarctic krill commercial fishery to the north of the South Shetland Islands during the 1994/95 austral summerIwami, T. WG-EMM-95/57 Feeding behaviour of Antarctic krill on salpsTakahashi, Y., Kawaguchi, S. WG-EMM-95/58 Report of the CCAMLR Workshop ‘Temporal Changes in Marine Environments in the Antarctic Peninsula Area during the 1994/95 Austral Summer’ (Hamburg 17 to 21 July 1995)Delegations of Germany, Japan, Korea, USA and UK WG-EMM-95/59 Comparing a model of krill population dynamics and recruitment dataMangel, M. WG-EMM-95/60 AMLR 1994/95 field season report - objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusionsDelegation of USA WG-EMM-95/61 Climate variability in the western Antarctic peninsula regionStammerjohn, S.E., Baker, K.S., Smith, R.C. WG-EMM-95/62 Spatial and temporal variability in west Antarctic sea ice coverageSmith, R.C., Stammerjohn, S.E. WG-EMM-95/63 Changes in Adelie penguin recruitment: correlations to krill biomass estimates and implications for fisheries management in the Southern OceanTrivelpiece, S.G., Trivelpiece, W.Z. WG-EMM-95/64 Variability in sea ice coverage and long-term change in the diets of Adelie penguins: implications for Southern Ocean ecosystem studiesFraser, W.R., Trivelpiece, W.Z. WG-EMM-95/65 Draft terms of reference for a possible workshop on time depth recorders (TDRs) to be convened in cooperation with the CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and ManagementDelegation of USA WG-EMM-95/66 Krill-ice-penguin interactions: a modelling studyHofmann, E.E., Trivelpiece, W.Z. WG-EMM-95/67 Water mass distribution and circulation west of the Antarctic peninsula and including Bransfield StraitSmith, D.A., Lascara, C.M., Klinck, J.M., Hofmann, E.E. WG-EMM-95/68 Dynamic model of krill Euphausia superba swarmKalinowski, J., Azzali, M. WG-EMM-95/69 Environment-krill interactions in the South Georgia marine systemSymon, C., Fedoulov, P.P., Shulgovsky, K.E. WG-EMM-95/70 Uncertainty in standard sphere calibrationsDemer, D.A., Hewitt, R.P. WG-EMM-95/71 Acoustic survey design to estimate krill biomass in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3Hewitt, R.P., Watters, G. WG-EMM-95/72 Uncertainty in acoustic surveys of Antarctic krillDemer, D.A. WG-EMM-95/73 A summary of software anomalies encountered with the Simrad EK500 systemMurray, A.W.A., Watkins, J.L., Goss, C., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-95/74 An acoustic estimation of krill densities to the north of South Georgia in January 1994Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-95/75 A comparison of acoustic targets at South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands during a season of profound krill scarcityWatkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S. WG-EMM-95/76 A comparison of geostatistical and random sample survey analyses of Antarctic krill acoustic dataMurray, A.W.A. WG-EMM-95/77 Report of CEMP activities carried out in Cape Shirreff during the Antarctic season 1994/95Torres, D. WG-EMM-95/78 Variation in the diet of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps throughout the breeding season at Half-Moon Island, South Shetland IslandsBarrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-95/79 Comparison of the diet of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps by the analysis of pellets and stomach contentsSilva, P., Coria, N., Favero, M., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-95/80 Temporal variation in Antarctic sea-ice: analysis of a long-term fast-ice record from the South Orkney IslandsSymon, C., Murphy, E.J., Priddle, J., Clarke, A. WG-EMM-95/81 The diet of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands, as reflected by the analysis of stomach contents collected throughout the breeding seasonCoria, N., Barrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-95/82 The diet of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps during summer at Nelson Island, Antarctica: temporal variations and consumption ratesSilva, P., Barrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R., Favero, M., Coria, N. WG-EMM-95/83 New corrections factors for the quantification of fish represented in pellets of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atricepsSilva, P., Casaux, R., Favero, M., Barrera-Oro, E. WG-EMM-95/84 A methodological proposal to monitor changes in coastal fish populations by the analysis of pellets of the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atricepsBarrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R. WG-EMM-95/85 Diet of cape petrel, Daption capense, during late incubation and chick rearing period, at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands, AntarcticaCoria, N.R., Montalti, D., Soave, G.E. WG-EMM-95/86 Draft standard methods for fulmarine petrels a) Antarctic petrelvan Franeker, J.A., Mehlum, F. WG-EMM-95/87 Importance of myctophid fish distributions for formation of foraging areas of chinstrap penguins and Antarctic fur seals at Seal IslandBengtson, J.L., Kawaguchi, S., Jansen, J.K., Takao, T., Meyer, W.R., Baba, N., Hiruki, L.M., Boveng, P., Cameron, M.F., Ogishima, T., Ichii, T., Naganobu, M. Read more about WG-EMM-95 Français Русский Español WG-DCH-84 Full Name: Ad hoc Working Group on Data Collection and HandlingMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-DCH-84/01 Points and questions about measuring effort for krill fishing that we might agree toT.D. Smith WG-DCH-84/02 Mathematical simulation as a means of improving methods of conducting surveys and processing their resultsZ.I. Kizner (USSR) WG-DCH-84/03 Antarctic ecosystem managementD.S. Butterworth (South Africa) WG-DCH-84/04 Comments and questions on ecosystem managementJ.A. Gulland (FAO) WG-DCH-84/05 Some notes on the catch and effort statistics needed for stock assessment of krillJ.R. Beddington and I. Everson (United Kingdom) WG-DCH-84/06 Inventory of existing logbooks and proposals for basic information. Annex 8 to the Report of the 1983 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/07 Ad hoc Working Group on Data Collection and Handling. Terms of reference. Annex 9 to the Report of the 1983 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/08 Inventory of commercial fishery data before September 1983. Annex 6 to the Report of the 1983 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/09 Antarctic fisheries catch statistics, 1977/78 to 1981/82Secretariat WG-DCH-84/10 Summary status of commercial inventorySecretariat WG-DCH-84/11 Inventory of commercial fishery data before September 1983Chilean National Section of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/12 Inventory of commercial fishery data before September 1983Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs WG-DCH-84/13 Proposal – data that could be obtained from the krill fishery as per requirement of CCAMLRChilean National Section of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/14 Instructions to field data record sheet for krill commercial fishingChilean National Section of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/15 Spatial distribution of past, present, and prospective fishing areas of the USSR (available in Russian)VNIRO (USSR) WG-DCH-84/16 Spatial distribution of krill fishing by Japan, 1973-1983Delegation of Japan WG-DCH-84/17 Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Bransfield StraitO. Guzmán F. (Chile) WG-DCH-84/18 Chilean fishing operations in the AntarcticChilean National Section of CCAMLR WG-DCH-84/19 Preliminary results of the spatial and temporal distribution of fish populations around the Kerguelen IslandsG. Duhamel (EEC) and J.-C. Hureau (France) WG-DCH-84/20 Review of the spatial and temporal distribution of the GDR fishery in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica, 1977–1981GDR WG-DCH-84/21 Report of the informal meeting, ad hoc Working Group on data Collection and Handling From the 1983 Scientific Committee Meeting WG-DCH-84/22 Statlant summarySecretariat WG-DCH-84/23 Ad hoc Working Group on Data Collection and Handling, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, 11–16 June 1984. Meeting arrangements, working agenda/timetable, and requests for informationConvener (R.C. Hennemuth, USA) WG-DCH-84/24 Maps of: Convention Area Main Fishing Areas in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean Map B. Kerguelen, Heard Islands region of the South Indian Ocean WG-DCH-84/25 Log sheet from Kerguelen fisheryFrance WG-DCH-84/26 List of necessary data to study the distribution of E. superba and the dynamics of its resourcesUSSR WG-DCH-84/27 Calculation of parameters related with the management of Euphausia superba Dana as a renewable resource. (Received too late for discussion during meeting)A.P. Tomo and E. Marschoff (Argentina) WG-DCH-84/28 Method for data treatment of biological samples of multidimensional parameters applied to: Euphausia superba Dana (krill) (+) (received too late for discussion during meeting)J.S. Panizza, A.P. Tomo, E. Marschoff and C. Massigoge (Argentina) Read more about WG-DCH-84 Français Русский Español WG-DAC-90 Full Name: Working Group for the Development of Approaches to Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-DAC-90/01 Provisional Agenda WG-DAC-90/05 The making of management policy decisions An examination of the ways in which scientific evidence is being used by the Commission to aid its decision makingDelegation of Australia Read more about WG-DAC-90 Français Русский Español WG-DAC-89 Full Name: Working Group for the Development of Approaches to Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-DAC-89/01 Draft Agenda for the Working Group for the Development of Approaches to the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources WG-DAC-89/02 List of documents WG-DAC-89/03 Future directions for the Working Group for the Development of Approaches to Conservation (WG DAC)Convener (Australia) WG-DAC-89/04 Approaches to conservation in new or developing fisheriesAustralia WG-DAC-89/05 Consideration of a management strategyNorway Read more about WG-DAC-89 Français Русский Español WG-CEMP-94 Full Name: Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramMeeting documents Doc Number Title WG-CEMP-94/01 Provisional agenda WG-CEMP-94/02 List of participants WG-CEMP-94/03 List of documents WG-CEMP-94/04 TDR-derived foraging performance indicesJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/05 Vacant WG-CEMP-94/06 CCAMLR ecosystem monitoring program standard methods: revision of methods for black-browed albatrossesJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/07 CCAMLR ecosystem monitoring program standard methods: revision of Method A4 for penguinsW.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) WG-CEMP-94/08 CCAMLR ecosystem monitoring program standard methods: determination of sex of Adelie penguinsK.R. Kerry, J.R. Clarke and G.D. Else (Australia) WG-CEMP-94/10 Spatial structure of the Southern Ocean ecosystem: predator-prey linkages in Southern Ocean food websE.J. Murphy (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/11 Temporal patterns of milk production in Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella)J.P.Y. Arnould and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/12 Foraging behaviour of Antarctic fur seals during periods of contrasting prey abundanceI.L. Boyd, J.P.Y. Arnould, T. Barton and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/13 The use of heart rate to estimate oxygen consumption of free-ranging black-browed albatrosses Diomedia melanophrysR.M. Bevan, A.J. Woakes, P.J. Butler and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/14 The food and feeding ecology of the white-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis at South GeorgiaJ.P. Croxall, A.J. Hall, H.J. Hill, A.W. North and P.G. Rodhouse (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/15 Interannual variation in the breeding biology of the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata at bird island, South GeorgiaG.M. Liddle (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/16 Rev. 1 CEMP indices and trends 1994Secretariat WG-CEMP-94/17 Data on crabeater seal reproduction and demogrpahy: modeling functional relationships in the Antarctic marine ecosystemJ.L. Bengtson and P.L. Boveng (USA) WG-CEMP-94/18 Compilation of information concerning the at-sea behavior of marine mammals and birds and the prospects for a workshop on TDR-related dataP.L. Boveng (USA) WG-CEMP-94/19 Variability in diving behavior of Antarctic fur seals: implications for TDR studiesP.L. Boveng, B.G. Walker and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-94/20 Draft implementation plan for Antarctic pack ice seals (APIS) program: indicators of environmental change and contributors to carbon flux. SCAR Group of Specialists on SealsConvener, WG-CEMP WG-CEMP-94/21 Annual variation in fledging size and breeding success of Cape petrels at Seal Island, AntarcticaM.K. Schwartz and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-94/22 Effects of time-depth recorders on foraging behavior of lactating Antarctic fur sealsB.G. Walker and P.L. Boveng (USA) WG-CEMP-94/23 Delayed laying and prolonged fasting in Adelie penguins Pygoscelis adeliaeJoachim Ulbricht and Detlev Zippel (Germany) WG-CEMP-94/24 A generalized discriminant for sexing fulmarine petrels from external measurementsJ.A. van Franeker and C.J.F. ter Braak (The Netherlands) WG-CEMP-94/25 Sexing chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) by morphological measurmentsJaun A. Amat, Javier Viñuela and Miguel Ferrer (Spain) WG-CEMP-94/26 The diet of shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis during the chick-rearing period assessed by three methodsM.P. Harris and S. Wanless (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-94/27 Monitoring Antarctic environmental variables using penguinsR.P. Wilson, B.M. Culik and R. Bannasch (Germany) and J. Lage (France) WG-CEMP-94/28 Synthesis of CEMP activities carried out at Cape ShirreffD. Torres N. (Chile) WG-CEMP-94/29 Preliminary results of a feeding trial on the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atricepsR. Casaux, M. Favero, E. Barrera-Oro and P. Silva (Argentina) WG-CEMP-94/30 Progress report on AMLR project “A Modeling Study of the Population Biology of Krill, Seabirds and Marine Mammals in the Southern Ocean”M. Mangel, A. Stansfield and S. Rumsey (USA) WG-CEMP-94/31 Analysis of the stomach content in the blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis at Nelson Island, South Shetland IslandsN. Coria, R. Casaux, M. Favero and P. Silva (Argentina) WG-CEMP-94/32 Fish as diet of the blue-eyed shag, Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis at Half-Moon Island, South Shetland IslandsE.R. Barrera-Oro and R.J. Casaux (Argentina) WG-CEMP-94/33 Adelie penguins as consumers of fish and zooplankton communitiesK. Kerry, J. Clarke, S. Brown, R. Lawless and K. Young (Australia) WG-CEMP-94/34 Infectious diseases and parasites of Antarctic and sub Antarctic penguins and the implications for CEMPJ. Clarke and K. Kerry (Australia) WG-CEMP-94/35 Diseases and parasites of penguinsJ. Clarke and K. Kerry (Australia) WG-CEMP-94/36 Diving behaviour of chinstrap penguins at King George IslandH.-C. Shin and S. Kim (Republic of Korea) WG-CEMP-94/37 US AMLR Program - 1993/94 field season reportDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-94/38 TDR-derived foraging performance indicesW.Z. Trivelpiece and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA) WG-CEMP-94/39 Seabird research at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud LandN. Røv (Norway) WG-CEMP-94/40 Recommendations from the Workshop on Researcher-seabird Interactions for consideration for inclusion in the WG-CEMP standard methodsW. Trivelpiece (USA) WG-CEMP-94/41 Sex determination of Antarctic petrels Thalassoica antarctica by discriminant analysis of morphometric charactersS.-H. Lorentsen and N. Røv (Norway) WG-CEMP-94/9 Rev. 1 Coordination of CEMP site protection within the Antarctic Treaty SystemSecretariat Read more about WG-CEMP-94 Français Русский Español Pages« first ‹ previous … 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 … next › last »