In 2019, the annual IMR regional krill monitoring survey off the South Orkneys was conducted by RV Kronprins Haakon as part of the Scotia Sea large scale krill monitoring effort. To allow for comparison with previous survey years and provide some context for the large scale survey estimate, we here present the results from the 2019 regional survey processed and analysed in the same way as the annual surveys from 2011 to 2018. The distribution was similar to previous years with most krill along the shelf edge north of the Islands. Also the krill areal density measured on the 120 kHz of 69.87 g/m2 was very close to the long term average. Sampling variance, however, expressed as coefficient of variation was the second lowest on record, indicating a less patchy krill distribution than a typical year.
A collection of published papers about population variability of several biological parameters and factors affecting penguins biology along the Antarctic Peninsula is presented in order to contribute to the general knowledge of penguin biological variation, to generate a data baseline in the context of environmental changes such as climate change and human activity and to support the proposal of the Western Antarctic Peninsula protected marine area. The results show higher levels of immunological parameters, higher abundance of ectoparasites and a higher stress in northern populations. Contaminant levels and genotoxic damage are associated with human activity mostly located in the northern populations as well.
As a part of the international krill synoptic survey, the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has conducted research program on mesozooplankton studies in the Bransfield Strait (CCAMLR subarea 48.1) during “More Sodruzhestva” voyage from 13 to 18th of November 2018. The stratified samples were done at the same stations as for krill hydroacoustic survey in order to map vertical distribution, abundance and species composition of zooplankton, mostly copepods. Here we present our preliminary results for the station_ID 1735 (62009'883"S, -64092'767"W) according to the krill synoptic survey protocol.
Information on status of development of small-scale marine protected areas in the Argentine Islands Archipelago
Within the framework of the 23rd Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition 2018, complex marine expeditions last conducted in 2001 were resumed aboard Ukrainian fishing vessel More Sodruzhestva which carries out regular fishing activities in the CAMLR Convention Area. The vessel equipped with modern measuring systems, and this is one of the most prominent examples of public-private partnership in Antarctic research. In particular, during the marine expedition, continuous monitoring of the physical and chemical fields of the Southern Ocean was introduced to determine tendencies of their climate variability, long-term monitoring of the spread of polluting chemicals in coastal ecosystems, as well as prediction of zones of increased biological productivity in the CAMLR Convention Area.
In December 2018 the Ukrainian krill fishing vessel More Sodruzhestva took part in the 2018/2019 International synoptic survey in Area 48 in accordance with the decision of the Scientific Committee and the Commission (CCAMLR-XXXVII). Acoustic work, trawl stations, data collection and biological analysis of Antarctic krill catches and bycatch were carried out.
Gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) penguin colony population behavior/dynamics have been studied during 2018-19 season. The detailed observation of birds arrival, nesting, hatch and crèche has been provided in two colonies at GAI CEMP site at Galindez Island nearby the Vernadsky station. We inform on the results of visual survey of penguin population and penguin count. During the 2018/19 season biologist winterer at Vernadsky station at Galindez Island, provided continuous observations every day/each five days of gentoo GBV and GPP sites. The results of visual observations of penguin population changes are discussed.
The two seasons of the data validation experiment provided for pictures from time-lapse cameras of the CEMP camera monitoring project of CCAMLR at Galindez Island gentoo (Pygoscelis Papua) penguin colonies are discussed. During 2017/18 and 2018/19 seasons, biologists-winterers at Vernadsky station (Galindez Island), GAI CEMP site, provided daily observations of 15 gentoo nests chosen in the three monitoring sites GBW, GPP1, and GPP2, simultaneously with automatic time-lapse cameras picturing. The results of visual observations have been compared with data from camera pictures, which registered the same nests. The comparison of the events of lay, hatch, and crèche dates was undertaken. The preliminary results exhibit the reasonable correspondence within 0-3 days between visual observations and time-lapse camera data for both seasons. The standard deviation for each event varies from ±1 to ±3 days for 15 control nests at the three test sites. However the time delay in 1 to 3 days (7 days maximum) between the registered dates by camera and visual observations was recorded. This delay should be taken into account when the event dates from camera data analyzed without correspondent visual observations.
The subject of research was geostrophic circulation of water masses, spatial distribution of krill density, intensity of water flows (m³/s) and krill biomass (g/m³) transported by water flow at various spatial-temporal scales in the Scotia Sea. According the discussion at WG-EMM-2018 (paragraph 2.24-2.27), particular attention is paid to the special field studies across time to improve understanding of krill biomass dynamic. It has been shown that the formation of transport of krill in the Scotia Sea requires both favorable dynamic conditions and krill influx from the Antarctic Pacific and the Weddell Sea.
The data obtained demonstrate that the dynamics of krill biomass in a given area is more dependent on the intensity and structure of krill transport over, and is not determined by the state of the local stock of krill and, especially, by the effect of the fishery on krill resources. The variability of fishery indices, also to a greater degree, is a reflection of the spatio-temporal variability of the processes of krill flux through the area of operation of the fleet.
Risk assessment of fishery management requires adequate data on variability of biomass distribution and population structure of krill under the influence of its drift at various spatial-temporal scales.
The key issues for development of krill fishery management schemes based on the ecosystem approach and proposal to generate baseline data in the context of addressing these problems are considered.