The multi-year variability of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) size composition in longline catches in the South Georgia maritime zone in context of the fishery management is discussed.
In 2017 SCAF directed the Secretariat to undertake a review of its Strategic Plan and its Staffing and Salary Strategy. Internal and external feedback received during the review supports a need to increase the proportion of IP positions at the Secretariat, and to strengthen the Secretariat’s Data Management, Fisheries Management, Scientific functions and Human Resources support to service current and future needs. The Secretariat proposes a new Strategic Plan to deliver these changes, to restructure and strengthen these functions within the Secretariat, to increase the proportion of IP staff from 12% in 2018 to 35% by 2022 and 50% by 2028, and to revise the Staffing and Salary Strategy and Staff Regulations to bring them into conformity with local and ICSC current practice.
In accordance with Conservation Measure (CM) 10-10, paragraph 2(i), the Secretariat has prepared a Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report (Summary Report) based on the Draft CCAMLR Compliance Reports (Draft reports), responses received from Contracting Parties and their suggested preliminary compliance status. The Draft reports identified 10 potential conservation measure implementation issues, affecting 7 Contracting Parties. The Secretariat circulated Draft reports prior to the Commission meeting on 8 August 2018 and the Summary Report containing Contracting Party responses is Annex 1 to this paper.
Party Status:
This paper discusses long-term changes in the length composition of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) taken in longline catches in waters around South Georgia in the context of fishery management.
Within the framework of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the Government of Chile conducts Fishing Inspection Operations to the area of the Convention. For this purpose, it provides the use of the Chilean Navy vessel, the OPV - 83 MARINERO FUENTEALBA. Likewise, the Second Commanders of the Navy vessels participating in the Antarctic Campaign are instructed each year as inspectors of this Agreement.