The is the report of the conveners of the Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan Workshop (WS-RMP) that was held at the Palazzo Farnesina (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MAECI) in Rome from 26–28 April 2017.
The Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan
The attached draft Climate Change Response Work Program addresses the remaining Terms of Reference of the Intersessional Correspondence Group (ICG) to develop approaches for integrating considerations of the impacts of climate change into the work of CCAMLR (components of TORs 7 and 8). It aims to build on related work of the Commission, SC-CAMLR and its working groups, and to link with related work being undertaken by the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP).
It is proposed that the objective of a Climate Change Response Work Program is:
To provide a mechanism for identifying and revising goals and specific actions by the Commission and SC-CAMLR to support efforts within the Antarctic Treaty system to prepare for, and build resilience to, the environmental impacts of a changing climate and the associated implications for the governance and management of the Southern Ocean and the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources.
This reflects and complements the objective of the CEP Climate Change Response Work Program.
On behalf of the ICG, Australia and Norway seek feedback on the proposed work program, specifically advice on issues, information gaps identified, proposed actions and relevant activities already underway. Advice on appropriate timeframes for responding to research activities would also be appreciated.
This proposal establishes a process for CCAMLR to increase transparency and documentation of research activities conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01 by adopting, annually, a conservation measure for research activities targeting Dissostichus spp. to be carried out under paragraph 3 of Conservation Measure 24-01 in areas with a zero catch limit or where directed fishing for Dissostichus spp. is prohibited. It also suggests minor amendments to Conservation Measure 24-01 to clarify the process for submission and review of Research Plans and reporting requirements.
Australia and the United Kingdom propose the establishment of a CCAMLR Bureau to coordinate the work of the Commission, Scientific Committee and relevant standing committees and working groups, among other benefits. This recognises the value of the Scientific Committee’s informal Vice Chairs and Conveners (VCAC) group in coordinating the work plan of the Scientific Committee. Furthermore, based on discussions held at the CCAMLR Symposium in 2015 and the functional and administrative structure of other international bodies (including the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting), Australia and the United Kingdom consider that this group would enable more efficient and effective delivery and deliberation of CCAMLR business.
The attached proposed Climate Change Response Work Program addresses the remaining Terms of Reference of the Intersessional Correspondence Group (ICG) to develop approaches for integrating considerations of the impacts of climate change into the work of CCAMLR (components of TORs 7 and 8). It aims to build on related work of the Commission, SC-CAMLR and its working groups, and to link with related work being undertaken by the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP).
It is proposed that the objective of a Climate Change Response Work Program is:
To provide a mechanism for identifying and revising goals and specific actions by the Commission and SC-CAMLR to support efforts within the Antarctic Treaty system to prepare for, and build resilience to, the environmental impacts of a changing climate and the associated implications for the governance and management of the Southern Ocean and the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources.
This reflects and complements the objective of the CEP Climate Change Response Work Program.
The proposed Climate Change Response Work Program and terms of reference for an ICG to support its implementation are recommended for adoption.
Paragraph 24 of Conservation Measure (CM) 91-05 addresses the monitoring of vessel traffic within the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area (MPA). Flag States are required to notify the Secretariat prior to the entry of their fishing vessels into the MPA. Vessels conducting scientific research activities on Antarctic marine living resources (AMLR) in or transiting the area are encouraged to inform the Secretariat of their plans for intended passage through the MPA. With entry into force of the MPA occurring in December 2017, the United States proposes for consideration by Members, options to ensure effective and efficient monitoring of vessel traffic in the MPA, as per CM 91-05, paragraph 24.
The United States proposes to revise the text of the CCAMLR System of International Scientific Observation (SISO) to implement certain recommendations of the SISO Review Panel and establish requirements and procedures to safeguard observers, including pre-deployment safety checks and emergency action plans. We also propose that the Commission adopt a non-binding Resolution to encourage Contracting Parties to apply the data collection and observer safety provisions of SISO, mutatis mutandis, to their national observers deployed in CCAMLR fisheries.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species and a dominant grazer in the Antarctic marine food web. Observational and modelling studies have shown that development of the embryo and early larval stages of Antarctic krill (the descent-ascent cycle) is largely controlled by temperature that conditions a successful completion of the cycle. The objective of the present study is to estimate favorable nursery areas for Antarctic krill and assess how environmental conditions (stronger winds, enhanced transport of Circumpolar Deep Water and higher ocean temperatures) may alter their distribution along the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf. This objective was addressed using a one-dimensional, temperature-dependent model of the descent-ascent cycle of Antarctic krill embryos and larvae that was forced with temperature and density fields from a high-resolution model scaled by projections for 2030 for the WAP. Projected ocean temperature and density fields were obtained from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), for a high emission scenario. To estimate the influence of increased winds and higher CDW onto the shelf, a high-resolution circulation model was used to simulate Lagrangian particles and determine preferred transport pathways along the continental shelf of the WAP. Projected nursery areas by 2030 occupy the mid and inner-shelf, consistent with bathymetric depressions and biological hot spots (e.g. Crystal Sound and Palmer Deep). Projected circulation pathways may enhance advection of krill larvae from nursery areas into the innershelf, to regions such as the Gerlache Strait and the area between Anvers and Renaud Island. Increased advection of CDW into the innershelf may also support a successful descend-ascend cycle and enhance krill early development.