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This paper proposes a procedure to support the advertisement of the post for the next Executive Secretary and the subsequent selection process for review and finalisation by Members at CCAMLR-XXXV.
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At its annual meeting in 2016, WG-EMM recalled its obligation to review and advise on CM 51-07, which is due to lapse at the end of the 2015/16 fishing season, and presented its discussions on this subject in paragraphs 2.201 to 2.244 of its WG report. WG-EMM recommended that work be undertaken to further develop a risk assessment approach to spatially subdivide the trigger level for krill in Area 48 through an e-group and to deliver these outputs to Scientific Committee (WG-EMM-16, paragraphs 2.230-2.244). These outputs would first be provided to WG-FSA for review, which in turn would pass these with a commentary on to the Scientific Committee to support its review and advice on CM 51-07 to the Commission. This risk assessment framework aims to minimise the risk to predator populations, in particular land-based predators, of being inadvertently or disproportionally affected by the krill fishery. It assesses the localised risk of such effects, according to the requirements in the preamble of CM 51-07, and is based on the best available science. The results of the eGroup were considered by WG-FSA and the results of its deliberations are presented in its report. This background paper provides information summarised from papers WG-FSA-16/47r1 and WG-FSA-16/48r1 (SC-CAMLR-XXXV/3, paragraph 2.239) following comments and consideration by WG-FSA.