The long-term environmental monitoring has been provided the insight into the integral structure of marine ecosystem in a poorly investigated coastal area of Argentine Island Archipelago The structure and functioning of the local biota has a specific response of environmentally different involved elements to a series of limiting factors. Mass phyto- and zoobenthos and macro plankton species accumulate toxic heavy metals. The pollution inhibits normal reproduction of Antarctic krill, the population recruitment of which is now owing to krill aggregations brought from other areas by sea currents. Krill recruitment rate and the local abundance maximums are the determining food factors for natural consumers of the krill.
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During fishing trip of F/V «Jung Woo 3» (Republic of Korea) in the Ross Sea over 29 species were found in the stomachs of the Antarctic toothfish. The main forage organisms for the toothfish were Macrourus whitsoni, fish of the family Channichthyidae, mainly Chionobathyscus dewitti, and squid, including Psychroteuthis glacialis. Fish of the family Nototheniidae, mainly Trematomus loennbergi, were dominant in the toothfish nutrition at SSRU “J” at the shelf in the vicinity of the Ross Ice Shelf. In that area the shrimp Notocrangon antarcticus played an important role in the toothfish nutrition. Cannibalism was not observed for the Antarctic Toothfish. The average points of the stomach contents at various SSRUs correlate positively with the average catches per day. Preys toothfish had length from 8 to 75 cm. Average size of victims was varied but only average size of the ice squid was constant. in different SSRU.
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