Annual changes in species composition and abundance of myctophid fish in the north of South Georgia (Subarea 48.3), Antarctica, during austral winters from 2002 to 2008
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Distribution and population structure of Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni on BANZARE Bank (CCAMLR Division 58.4.3b), Indian Ocean.
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The use of patent databases to predict trends in the krill fishery
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Distribution and size–age composition of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the South Orkney Islands region (CCAMLR Subarea 48.2).
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Sensitivity investigation of the SDWBA Antarctic krill target strength model to fatness, material contrast and orientation
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Can toothfish catches be used to predict the presence of vulnerable benthic invertebrate taxa?
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A preliminary assessment of age and growth of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
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Length-based assessments revisited – why stock status and fishing mortality of long-lived species such as toothfish cannot be inferred from length-frequency data alone
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Evaluating the impact of multi-year research catch limits on overfished toothfish populations
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Estimation of natural mortality for the Patagonian toothfish at Heard and McDonald Islands using catch-at-age and aged mark-recapture data from the main trawl ground