This volume contains a selection of the scientific papers presented at meetings of the Scientific Committee and Working Groups of the Scientific Committee from 1982 to 1985. Abstracts of the papers and captions of tables and figures are translated into the official languages of the Commission (English, French, Russian and Spanish).
Journal Papers
An approach to a management strategy for the Antarctic marine ecosystem
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Monitoring indicators of possible ecological changes in the Antarctic marine ecosystem
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Marine mammal fishery interactions: Modelling and the Southern Ocean
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Conservation and management strategy for the Antarctic marine ecosystem
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Ecosystem monitoring and management - Summary of papers presented at the third meeting of the scientific committee
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Ecosystem management: Proposal for undertaking a coordinated fishing and research experiment at selected sites around Antarctica
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Detection of the possible indirect effects of harvesting and associated activities on the Antarctic marine ecosystem
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Selection criteria and monitoring requirements for indirect indicators of changes in the availability of Antarctic krill applied to some pinniped and seabird information
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Trends in crabeater seal age at maturity: An insight into Antarctic marine interactions
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Modelling: The application of a research tool to Antarctic marine living resources
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