Distribution and relative abundance of juvenile icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) from a trawl survey of the South Georgia shelf in June–July 1985
A trawl survey of the distribution and relative abundance of juvenile icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in South Georgia waters was carried out in June–July 1985. Shelf and slope areas extending from the 12 nautical mile protected zone around South Georgia to the 500 m isobath were sampled with a specially designed juvenile trawl of 13.6 m. The size range of juvenile icefish collected was 82–146 mm. Catches were the highest in the west, south and south-east shelf areas and the greatest abundance was found in shallow waters of 100–200 m depth. A typical pattern of diurnal vertical migration of fish was observed. To obtain a more complete data set, it is recommended that future surveys should cover shallower water areas, including areas within the 12 n mile zone.