Data on krill (Euphausia superba Dana) consumption by coastal fishes in Division 58.4.2 (Kosmonavtov and Sodruzhestva Seas)
Current estimates of the level of krill consumption (Euphausia superba) are based on data obtained from the Atlantic sector which have then been extrapolated over all of Antarctica. According to these calculations the entire amount of krill consumed is between 166 and 450 million tonnes; of this amount fish consume from 30 to 32 million tonnes (Lubimova, Shust, 1980 and Shust, 1987). However these extrapolated values of krill consumption by fish and other species may differ significantly from those for specific areas. Localised assessments of krill consumption have thus far only been carried out for the Scotia and Lazarev Seas (Kock, 1985; Miller et al., 1985).Assessments contained in this paper are based on results of research conducted in the Sodruzhestva and Kosmonavtov Seas over many years by the YugNIRO institute. Data obtained from trawl and acoustic surveys as well as on fish feeding patterns and krill production were used in the calculations. Assessments of krill consumption are based on calculations made for individual fish species taking into account their distribution in the particular study area of Antarctica. Total fish stock was calculated for a depth range of 100 to 500 metres in waters between 30 and 80°E. Krill consumption was estimated for summer only (December to April). The assessments obtained indicate that if total fish biomass is 551 300 tonnes, fish will consume 960 000 tonnes of krill. Given the total krill biomass in the study area it is concluded that fish consume from 9 to 18% of annual krill production.