2025–2026: Dr Z. Filander (South Africa) – Predicting present and future distribution of VMEs in the Greater Weddell Sea. Mentors Dr A. Makhado (South Africa) and Dr K. Teschke (Germany).
2025–2026: Ms R. Leeger (USA) – Population distribution and connectivity of Antarctic toothfish. Mentors Dr C. Brooks (USA), Prof. G. Zhu (China), and Dr J. Devine (New Zealand).
2024-2025: Dr Xiuxia Mu (China) - Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of Antarctic krill and influence on biological parameters. Mentors Dr Xianyong Zhao (China) and Dr So Kawaguchi (Australia).
2024-2025: Ms Kinga Hoszek (Poland) - Presence of toxic pollutants in penguin and Antarctic krill tissues. Mentors Dr J. Hinke (USA) and Dr Anna Panasiuk (Poland).
2023–2024: Mr Mauricio Mardones (Chile) – population dynamics and exploitation status of Antarctic krill near the Antarctic Peninsula through integrated stock assessment models.
Mentors: Dr George Watters and Dr Christian Reiss (USA)
2022–2023: Ms Zephyr Sylvester (USA) – demonstrate how climate change mechanisms could affect phytoplankton and zooplankton productivity in the Southern Ocean to potentially drive changes in community composition and trophic transfer of energy up the food chain.
Mentor: Dr Anton Van de Putte (Belgium)
2021–2022: Erica Carlig (Italy) – use of remote visual techniques for research and monitoring of marine communities in fast ice-covered coastal areas of the Ross Sea region MPA.
Mentor: Dr Susie Grant (United Kingdom)
2021–2022: Chris Oosthuizen (South Africa) – development of monitoring indices that can quantify and characterise functional responses of penguins to changes in their prey field, as a precursor to developing additional CEMP monitoring parameters to improve ecosystem-based feedback management.
Mentor: Dr Andrew Lowther (Norway)
2020–2021: Jilda Caccavo (Germany) – address knowledge gaps in Antarctic toothfish population connectivity in the Weddell Sea with respect to their circumpolar distribution.
Mentor: Dr Christopher Jones (USA)
2020–2021: Emilce Rombolá (Argentina) – monitoring the abundance and distribution of early euphausiid larvae in the West Antarctic Peninsula to analyse variability with water masses, identify potential spawning areas and establish pathways of dispersal in the Scotia Sea.
Mentor: Dr Bettina Meyer (Germany)
2020–2021: Xiaotao Yu (China) – development of a Mixed Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method (FEM-BEM based) TS model for Antarctic krill for comparison with the CCAMLR SDWBA model, study of the broadband acoustic scattering from Antarctic krill, and investigation of the utility of 70 kHz as an alternative or supplementary frequency for krill identification and biomass estimation.
Mentor: Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
2019–2020: Ana Laura Machado Gaye (Uruguay) – establishing a systematic monitoring program for penguins on Ardley Island to foster the engagement of Uruguay in the work of CEMP and WG-EMM.
Mentors: Dr Mercedes Santos (Argentina) and Dr Louise Emmerson (Australia)
2019–2020: Illia Slypko (Ukraine) – structured research fishing and the development of data-limited stock assessments for Dissostichus mawsoni in the CCAMLR area.
Mentor: Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
2018–2019: Elisa Seyboth (Brazil) – examining the factors affecting the distribution and relative abundance of fin whales Balaenoptera physalus and the overlap of fin whales with the distributions of krill and krill fishing activities in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1.
Mentor: Dr George Watters (USA)
2018–2019: Dr Davide Di Blasi (Italy) – developing non-invasive sampling video methodologies, Baited Remote Underwater Videocameras (BRUVs), to investigate the biology of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni.
Mentor: Dr Steve Parker (New Zealand)
- On the use of baited remote underwater video to study Antarctic toothfish distribution under the sea-ice: from data collection to processing [WG-EMM-2019/50]
- Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) system to monitor Antarctic toothfish distribution and abundance: pilot study results and future design [WG-FSA-18/62]
2017–2018: Andrea Capurro (Argentina) – data analysis and spatial planning in relation to the work in Domain 1.
Mentors: Dr Susie Grant (UK) and Dr Mercedes Santos (Argentina)
- Incorporating information on the distribution of the krill fishery into Domain 1 MPA planning – report of the CCAMLR scholarship recipient WG-EMM-17/22
2017–2018: Yiping Ying (China) – analysis of fishing activity and the use of CPUE data combined with acoustic data from the krill fishery to study the progressive change of krill density through the fishing season.
Mentor: Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
- Krill CPUE standardisation and comparison with acoustic data based on data collected from Chinese fishing vessels in Subarea 48.1 WG-EMM-17/41
- Observation on the interactions between marine mammals and mid-water krill trawl [WG-FSA-2019/60]
2016–2017: Fokje Schaafsma (EU) – studying how living resources are affected by changes in sea-ice habitats through investigations of the distribution, population structure and diet of trophic key species in the under-ice habitat.
Mentor: Dr Jan Van Franeker (EU)
- Size and stage composition of age class 0 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the ice-water interface layer during winter/early spring WG-EMM-16/P16
2015–2016: *Aleksandr Sytov (Russian Federation) – the relationship between environmental variables and the spatial–temporal dynamics of krill catch and effort.
Mentor: Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Russian Federation)
- Notes of hydrobiologist "Akademik Fedorov" (the 60th RAE Expedition) East Antarctica (December 2014 - February 2015) WG-EMM-15/21
- Analysis of the krill spatial distribution characteristics as the important factor in fishery management in Area 48 (report of the CCAMLR scholarship recipient) WG-EMM-16/41
- Proposals of the Russian Federation on by-catch reporting in the longline toothfish fishery in the CCAMLR Convention Area WG-SAM-16/24
2014–2015: Anna Panasiuk-Chodnicka (Poland) – integrated biological, chemical and geophysical data from both marine and terrestrial environments as part of a comprehensive ecological monitoring program in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. She also studied the contrasting response of krill and salps to a warming oceanic ecosystem and, in particular, the contrasting energy pathways presented to species such as penguins in a salp-dominated ecosystem compared to a krill-dominated system.
Mentor: Dr Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire (Poland)
- Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) as a model area for the long-term marine monitoring program – reasons and opportunities WG-EMM-14/59
- Species variability and population structure of Euphausiacea in Admiralty Bay (King George Island; South Shetland Islands) during Antarctic summer WG-EMM-14/60
- Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) - long-term marine monitoring program WG-EMM-15/47
- Antarctic's pelagic ecosystem: how environmental change will affect Salpidae population structure WG-EMM-15/P08
2013–2014: Xinliang Wang (China) – used data from krill fishing vessel echosounder to develop an algorithm to produce an estimate of the characteristics and relative density of krill swarms encountered during fishing operations. He also developed a post processing technique for noise reduction algorithms to address the problem of ‘spike noise’ on acoustic data from krill fishing vessels.
Mentor: Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
- The krill distribution in waters around the South Shetland Islands: Preliminary results from an acoustic survey conducted by a Chinese krill fishing vessel in December 2013 WG-EMM-14/47
- Spatial distribution of krill fishery in Subarea 48.1: Implication for future surveys SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/BG/32
2013–2014: Mercedes Santos (Argentina) – presented the results of diet and the foraging distribution studies from ongoing Adelie penguin research and monitoring at Hope Bay/Esperanza. She also played a key role in developing enhanced multi-Member collaboration and coordination of CEMP monitoring and associated research in the South Orkney Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula.
Mentors: Dr Jefferson Hinke (USA) and Dr Esteban Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
- Abundance estimation of Adélie penguins colony at Esperanza/Hope Bay WG-EMM-13/43
- Evaluation of populations of chinstrap and gentoo penguins at Cierva Cove (ASPA N° 132). Is this site an appropriate control area for non-fishing effects? WG-EMM-13/27
- Progress report on the development of MPAs in Domain 1 WG-EMM-14/40
- Practical options for developing feedback management for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 WG-EMM-14/04
- Breeding and post-breeding foraging locations of Adélie penguins at Hope Bay/Esperanza, Antarctic Peninsula WG-EMM-14/42
- How similar are CEMP indices from adjacent locations? A case of study using Pygoscelis adeliae and P. papua monitoring data from three breeding colonies on King George Island WG-EMM-14/43
- Spatial overlap of krill-dependent predators and krill fishery catches and a proposal for subdivision of catch limits in Subarea 48.1 WG-EMM-14/36
2012–2013: Rodrigo Wiff (Chile) – developed Bayesian and CPUE based biomass dynamic models for use in toothfish stock assessment in ‘data-poor’ fisheries. His results highlighted the caution required when using catch per unit effort as an index of abundance and also highlighted the presence of extreme values in the data that were unlikely to have arisen by chance.
Mentor: Dr Mark Belchier (UK)
- A characterisation of the toothfish fishery in Subarea 48.6 from 2003/04 to 2011/12 WG-SAM-12/33
- Re-analysis of CPUE in both species of toothfish in 48.6 area WG-FSA-13/63
- A preliminary stock assessment in SSRUS 486A, G: A Bayesian and CPUE based biomass dynamic model WG-SAM-13/29
- Characterising catch and effort from data-poor toothfish fisheries in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.3 – 58.4.4 WG-SAM-13/41
* Unable to participate in the scheme for technical reasons.