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Longline fishing at Tristan da Cunha: impacts on seabirds
important seabird populations. Two longline fisheries occur within Tristan's Exclusive Economic Zone ... : a pelagic fishery for tunas and a demersal fishery for bluefish and alfoncino. Fishery observers have ... birds per 1000 hooks). By comparison, the pelagic fishery for tuna, which exceeds demersal fishing ... seabird populations. Two longline fisheries occur within Tristan's Exclusive Economic Zone: a pelagic ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-01/15 : Author(s): N. Glass, I. Lavarello, J.P. Glass and P.G. Ryan (South Africa)
The CCAMLR Decision Rule, strengths and weaknesses
in ecosystem-based fisheries management, the implications of climate change should be considered by its working ... by considering hypothetical, future changes in the fishery- stock interactions and the stock productivity which ... in the fishery- stock interactions. However, the robustness of the Decision Rule, to potential climate change ... fisheries management, the implications of climate change should be considered by its working groups ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/15 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Changes in the fish biomass around Elephant Island (Statistical Subarea 48.1) from 1976 to 1996
two years of the fishery. Results of bottom trawl surveys conducted by Germany in the vicinity ... . Given the low abundance of C. gunnari and other species and the difficulties in managing fisheries which ... exploit mixed-species assemblages there appears to be little prospect at present in re-opening the fishery ... of the fishery. Results of bottom trawl surveys conducted by Germany in the vicinity of Elephant Island ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-97/27 : Author(s): Kock, K.-H.
are developed which take account of the different selectivities of past longline and pot fisheries. These models ... viability of the fishery, the choice of control parameter values focused primarily on a reasonable ... longline and pot fisheries. These models are used for trials of a candidate Management Procedure (MP) which ... the importance of an adequate catch rate for the economic viability of the fishery, the choice of control ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-08/11 : Author(s): A. Brandão and D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
Depletion-based stock reduction analysis: a catch-based method for determining sustainable yields for data-poor fish stocks
for data-poor fisheries in cases where approximate catches are known from the beginning of exploitation ... on general fishery knowledge of the relative location of maximum productivity and the relationship of MSY ... -poor fisheries in cases where approximate catches are known from the beginning of exploitation ... on general fishery knowledge of the relative location of maximum productivity and the relationship of MSY ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-11/P2 : Author(s): E.J. Dick and A.D. McCall
Depletion-corrected average catch: a simple formula for estimating sustainable yields in data-poor situations
-yield formula, and it provides useful estimates of sustainable yield for data-poor fisheries on long ... formula, and it provides useful estimates of sustainable yield for data-poor fisheries on long-lived ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-11/P3 : Author(s): A.D. McCall
Shedding new light on the life cycle of mackerel icefish in the Southern Ocean
for fisheries management. Author(s): K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Everson (United Kingdom) Title: Shedding new ... these constraints into consideration when providing advice on total allowable catches for fisheries management. ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/4 : Author(s): K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
Vessel notification
and fisheries research vessels. The expected performance of the proposed Hail system was subsequently compared ... are proposed to the existing CCAMLR provisions for advance notification of fishing and fisheries research ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XIV/13 : Author(s): Secretariat
Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding to support capacity building and training to the GEF-eligible countries with Antarctic interests
and Southern Ocean fisheries. 2. South Africa is seeking CCAMLR support for this project. As the multilateral ... Ocean fisheries. 2. South Africa is seeking CCAMLR support for this project. As the multilateral agency ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/44 : Author(s): Delegation of South Africa
Habitat preferences of Adélie and chinstrap penguins during pre-moult
implications of future climate warming, or indeed with the overlap with potentially competing fisheries. Author ... implications of future climate warming, or indeed with the overlap with potentially competing fisheries. ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P12 : Author(s): V. Warwick-Evans, M. Santos and P.N. Trathan