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Characteristics of seasonal variation in diurnal vertical migration and aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, using the Japanese fishery data
fisheries data. Average trawling depth usually showed a marked diurnal change during summer and winter in SS ... superba) in the Scotia Sea, using the Japanese fishery data Approval: Approved ... Shetland Islands (SS), South Orkney Islands (SO) and South Georgia (SG) areas, using Japanese fisheries ... krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, using the Japanese fishery data ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/44 : Author(s): K. Taki, T. Hayashi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Meeting Reports (2016) – Hard copies for purchase
Hard copies of the following Meeting Reports can be purchased via Amazon. Title ISBN Number CCAMLR ... -XXXV Report of the Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Commission 978-1542983532 Rapport de la trente ... -cinquième réunion de la Commission 978-1543007084 (Russian) Report of the Thirty-fifth Meeting ... Report of the Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Scientific Committee 978-1546780113 Rapport de la trente ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
Further development and progress towards evaluation of an Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) stock model for the Ross Sea
Abstract: This report outlines the development of a Bayesian sex and age structured population ... investigated. The first scenario considered the Ross Sea fishery as a single homogeneous area (single-area ... This report outlines the development of a Bayesian sex and age structured population model ... . The first scenario considered the Ross Sea fishery as a single homogeneous area (single-area). The second ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-SAM-05/12 : Author(s): A. Dunn, D.J. Gilbert and S.M. Hanchet (New Zealand)
Movement, growth and available abundance to the fishery of Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898 at Heard Island, derived from tagging experiments
Paper Title: Movement, growth and available abundance to the fishery of Dissostichus eleginoides ... fish from the fishery around Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) in the Australian Exclusive ... maturity at about 850 mm total length and become unavailable to the fishery. Four fish have been recorded ... direct evidence of toothfish moving such distances and of fish moving from one fishery to another ... , Vol. 9 (2002): 33–48 33 MOVEMENT, GROWTH AND AVAILABLE ABUNDANCE TO THE FISHERY OF DISSOSTICHUS ... (Hallprint, Adelaide) that carry a unique number and an inscription detailing where to report recaptures ... crews were trained to look for the fi sh bearing T-bar tags and were given incentives to report ... and in the presence of observers, and were reported via government authorities. The fi sh moving to Crozet must ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 33–48 : Author(s): Williams, R., G.N. Tuck, A.J. Constable and T. Lamb
Penguins, fur seals, and fishing: prey requirements and potential competition in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Abstract: Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds, marine mammals, and human fisheries concentrate ... these estimates with catch statistics from the Antarctic krill fishery. Published data on field metabolic rate ... Islands was estimated at 8.3 x 108 kg krill. The commercial krill fishery harvest m the South Shetland ... between South Shetland predators and the commercial krill fishery is low. Author(s): D.A. Croll and B.R ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/57 : Author(s): D.A. Croll and B.R. Tershy (USA)
Proposal for a CCAMLR-sponsored research survey to monitor abundance of pre-recruit Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea
Abstract: The exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. has now been operating for 14 ... to an estimate of the fisheries potential yield. However, one source of ongoing uncertainty in the stock ... trends in recruitment over time from the fishery. At its 2010 meeting, the Scientific Committee agreed ... The exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. has now been operating for 14 years ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXX/07 : Author(s): Delegation of New Zealand
Meeting Reports (2014) – Hard copies for purchase
Hard copies of the following Meeting Reports can be purchased via Amazon. Title ISBN Number CCAMLR ... -XXXIII Report of the Thirty-third Meeting of the Commission 978-1511756365 Rapport de la trente ... -troisième réunion de la Commission 978-1511772112 (Russian) Report of the Thirty-third Meeting ... -XXXIII Report of the Thirty-third Meeting of the Scientific Committee 978-1512085570 Rapport de la ...
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Meeting Reports (2015) – Hard copies for purchase
Hard copies of the following Meeting Reports can be purchased via Amazon. Title ISBN Number CCAMLR ... -XXXIV Report of the Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Commission 978-1523462810 Rapport de la trente ... -quatriéme réunion de la Commission 978-1523807994 (Russian) Report of the Thirty-fourth Meeting ... Report of the Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee 978-1533243980 Rapport de la trente ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
Meeting Reports (2017) – Hard copies for purchase
Hard copies of the following Meeting Reports can be purchased via Amazon. Title ISBN Number CCAMLR ... -XXXVI Report of the Thirty-sixth Meeting of the Commission 978-1986046213 Rapport de la trente-sixième ... réunion de la Commission 978-1986110082 (Russian) Report of the Thirty-sixth Meeting of the Commission 978 ... -1986214452 Informe de la Trigésima sexta reunión de la Comisión 978-1986217712 SC-CAMLR-XXXVI Report ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
Towards the development of an assessment of stock abundance for Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 88.2C–G
for SSRUs 88.2C–G. We initially provide a characterisation of the fishery and a summary of available tagging ... . By drawing on the success of tagging programmes in other CCAMLR fisheries, we develop an approach ... –G. We initially provide a characterisation of the fishery and a summary of available tagging ... . By drawing on the success of tagging programmes in other CCAMLR fisheries, we develop an approach ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-14/59 : Author(s): S.M. Hanchet and S.J. Parker (New Zealand)