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8 reported in WG-EMM-09/32 and WG-EMM-09/08, table 5 04/Nov/18 VME 481 CCAMLR_VME_481_13 05/Mar/09 62o 36.86 ... ' S 056o 36.14' W 227 10 reported in WG-EMM-09/32 and WG-EMM-09/08, table 5 04/Nov/18 VME 481 ... CCAMLR_VME_481_14 05/Mar/09 62o 36.60' S 055o 25.74' W 149 11 reported in WG-EMM-09/32 and WG-EMM-09/08, table 5 04 ... /Nov/18 VME 481 CCAMLR_VME_481_15 05/Mar/09 63o 00.94' S 052o 24.28' W 638 13 reported in WG-EMM-09/32 ...
Document : Site Section: Data
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 44/XI (1992)
in the 1992/93 Season The Commission, Endorsing the application of Chile to conduct a new fishery ... of proposals to establish a new fishery for this species and Statistical Subarea, Agreeing that no other ... : 1. The new fishery by Chile for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 48.4 in 1992/93 shall ... be limited to 240 tonnes. 2. For the purposes of this new fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides ...
Conservation Measure : 44/XI (1992)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 8/VI (1987)
in Subarea 48.3, except for scientific research purposes. CONSERVATION MEASURE 9/VI Catch Reporting ... of the Convention: Catch Reporting System for Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 ... 1. For the purposes of this catch reporting system the calendar month shall be divided into three reporting periods ... , viz: day 1 to day 10, day 11 to day 20, and day 21 to the last day of the month. These reporting ...
Conservation Measure : 8/VI (1987)
Draft manual for bottom trawl surveys in the Convention Area
and reported. Each haul should last 30 minutes. Start time is defined as the moment when the net settles ... lost during the course of the survey must be logged and reported. 39 5. ANALYSIS OF THE CATCH ... per sex and length class may be reduced. 7. INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED TO CCAMLR 7.1 Survey ... 7.7 Data to be Reported to CCAMLR Haul-by-haul data including Date and time Designated stratum ...
Document : Site Section: Conservation and Management
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 78/XIII (1994)
Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 51/XII and the Monthly Effort ... and Biological Data Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 52/XI shall apply. 3. The fishing ... be reported to the Commission on a monthly basis. 5. Those limits shall be kept under review ...
Conservation Measure : 78/XIII (1994)
Resolution Resolution 27/XXVII (2008)
fishery to ensure that the expanding fishery remains consistent with the objectives of the Convention ...
Resolution : 27/XXVII (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21/IX (1990)
FISHERY ON Notothenia gibberifrons, Chaemcephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys gicorgianus ... OF DIRECIlED FISHERY ON Patagonotothen !~revicauda guntheri IN STATlSTlICAL SUBAREA 48.3 FOR THE 1990/91 ...
Conservation Measure : 21/IX (1990)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-02 (2008)
Season all Gear trawl Access 1. The fishery for Euphausia superba in Statistical Division 58.4.1 ... November the following year. Mitigation 6. The operation of this fishery shall be carried out ...
Conservation Measure : 51-02 (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 172/XVIII (1999)
MEASURE 171/XVIII Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Chaenocephalus aceratus ... that the fishery be reopened is made by the Commission based on the advice of the Scientific Committee ...
Conservation Measure : 172/XVIII (1999)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-08 (2009)
on reported activities described in paragraphs 1(i) and 1(ii), including information regarding vessel ... , Contracting Parties shall submit reports to the CCAMLR Secretariat and the Contracting Parties and non ... . These reports shall be circulated to Parties by the Secretariat in an appropriate way. 4. These provisions ...
Conservation Measure : 10-08 (2009)