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Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 based on data collected on board F/V Fu Rong Hai
Abstract: Understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery and the krill population ... played an important role in the feed-back management of krill fishery. The CPUE data collected from ... and spatial dynamics of the population and the fishery of krill in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1. The acoustic data ... collected from the fishing season of 2015/16 was also used to show the development of the krill population ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/41 : Author(s): Y. Ying, X. Wang, X. Zhao, J. Zhu, G. Fan and X. Yu
that were collected during two cruises to the South Georgia region in 1996. For each krill aggregation ... identification algorithms for krill: (i) ‘3 freq model’- using the SDWBA to set the acceptance windows for both ... derived target id window only identified krill in 6 of the 16 nets correctly. The ‘2 freq 2-16’ algorithm ... attributed more than 90 % of the total backscatter to krill in all but 1 aggregation with the ‘2 freq model ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/54 : Author(s): J. Watkins and S. Fielding (United Kingdom)
Stable isotope analysis reveals trophic variation in adult Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) around the Antarctic Peninsula from austral fall to early winter
Abstract: The Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species in the Southern Ocean ... variation in δ 13 C and δ 15 N values of adult krill in the Antarctic Peninsula, in the austral fall (April ... to May) and the early winter (June). We aimed to examine the trophic variations of krill occurred during ... this period, and the relationship between krill and their feeding environment in the Antarctic marine ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/P03 : Author(s): H.T. Zhang, G.P. Zhu, Q. Song, S.Q. Wang, Y. Yang and Q.Y. Yang
A note on relating krill CPUE measures to abundance trends
Abstract: A crude mathematical framework is developed to describe krill abundance in terms ... of selected parameters of various aggregation behaviours exhibited by krill (Euphausia superba Dana ... ) for the Antarctic krill fishery is considered. The combined index of catch-per-hour of trawling divided by average ... inter-concentration search time is suggested as a possible measure of krill abundance; such an index ...
Meeting Document : WS-KCPUE-85/03 : Author(s): D.G.M. Miller and D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
Krill fishery report: 2005 update
Abstract: This report on the krill fishery in Area 48 has been prepared in a format similar ... 6 Contracting Parties are fishing for krill in Area 48 in the 2004/05 season, and these vessels have taken 62049 ... t of krill to date. Two CCAMLR scientific observers have been deployed. The preliminary estimate of the total ... catch of krill for the season is approx 142000 t. This compares with 118166 t of krill reported in 2003 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/5 : Author(s): Secretariat
Compliance requirements for an orderly development of the krill fishery
Abstract: During deliberations at CCAMLR XXV on revising the precautionary catch limit for krill ... that have proven successful in managing the toothfish fisheries that are also applicable to the krill ... fishery to ensure that the expanding krill fishery continues to be consistent with the objective ... , the following is required to ensure the orderly development of the krill fishery: o CM 10-03 (Port inspections ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/31 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
A comparison of acoustic targets at South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands during a season of profound krill scarcity
targets into three biological categories: Antarctic krill; nekton (larger than krill); and zooplankton ... (smaller than krill). To counter the absence of krill length-frequency data from Coronation Island a new ... with appropriate 120 kHz data to calculate krill density estimates for both survey areas. Krill distribution ... ; for example one echo-integration interval contained 104 times the mean krill density. An approximate six-fold ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/75 : Author(s): Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S.
Saga Sea krill harvesting and production
Antarctic AS, and is licensed to fish krill in Area 48.1-4. Aker has developed a patented new environmental ... Antarctic Krill. Approved product categories are krill meal, krill oil, round frozen krill, krill mince ... and krill protein concentrates. The vessel has so far carried out two fishing trips since 19 June 2006 ... are installed. Author(s): T. Williksen (Norway) Title: Saga Sea krill harvesting and production Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/20 : Author(s): T. Williksen (Norway)
Demography of Antarctic krill in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6) and the Elephant Island area (Subarea 48.1) in 2004
Abstract: Standardized krill net sampling surveys were conducted in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6 ... ) in April 2004 and in the Elephant Island area (Subarea 48.1) in January and February/March 2004. Krill ... after the good krill years in 2001 and 2002. Krill density was lower in the Lazarev Sea, even after ... - old (R1) and two-year-old krill (R2) were calculated for both areas, showing low values for R1 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/23 : Author(s): V. Siegel (Germany), V. Loeb (USA), B. Bergström (Sweden), S. Schöling (Germany), M. Haraldsson (Sweden), J. Kitchener (Australia), M. Vortkamp (Germany)
An investigation of avoidance by Antarctic krill of RRS James Clark Ross using the Autosub-2 autonomous underwater vehicle
of the research vessel by Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. The AUV was equipped with the same type of scientific ... of krill along transect acoustically (g m-2 wet mass) prior to the ship’s arrival. We hypothesised ... that if krill avoided the ship, perhaps in response to radiated noise, then the ship should detect less krill ... the amount of krill detected by the ship or the AUV, either at the transect level or at finer scales within ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/14 : Author(s): A.S. Brierley, P.G. Fernandes, M.A. Brandon, E. Armstrong, D.G. Bone and the Autosub Team (United Kingdom)