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Improving mechanistic understanding between larval krill, krill recruitment, and sea ice
Abstract: Antarctic Krill, Euphausia superba, is the key species of the Southern Ocean ecosystem ... . Earlier analysis suggested decrease in krill abundance by 50% since the mid 1970’s to early 2000 ... -ice coverage. More recent studies suggest more complex and/or dynamic nature of krill population ... trajectory as well as its link with decadal climatic events. Krill population dynamics is thought ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/07 : Author(s): B. Meyer and S. Kawaguchi
The use of predator-derived krill length-frequency distributions to calculate krill target strength
Abstract: The relationship between krill abundance and predator performance is fundamental ... to an ecosystem based approach to resource management. We propose a method using krill sampled from the diet ... of predators to provide a length-frequency distribution of krill at times when it is possible to run automated ... operations. This will allow a robust estimate of krill abundance to be estimated from acoustic data. Changes ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/42 : Author(s): K. Reid and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
Analysis of variability of krill size and fish by-catch in Japanese krill fishery based on scientific observer data
on Antarctic krill commercial fishing vessels, we estimated the relationship between statistical precision ... and sample size by using variance component analysis. Observer datasets on Japanese krill fishery from 1995 ... biological process error in the population dynamics from fishery process as observation error. In both krill ... -temporal variability in size structure of krill population, which is presumably derived from large ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/68 : Author(s): T. Okuda and M. Kiyota (Japan)
Modelling growth and reproduction of Antarctic krill: implications of spatial and temporal trends in temperature and food for ecosystem-based management of krill fisheries
Abstract: Errors in the growth model used in stock assessments of Antarctic krill, specifically ... higher rates of growth than occur in reality, could inadvertantly lead to over-exploitation of the krill ... population and cause impacts on krill predators. We review the three classes of models available ... for modelling krill growth – the von Bertalanffy class, the moult-cycle class based on measures of the duration ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/38 : Author(s): A.J. Constable and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
Krill distribution pattern due to water structure and dynamics near the South Sandwich Islands in January–February 2000 (Krill Synoptic Survey 2000)
and krill distribution is carried out. There are determined three krill groups which differ each other ... by length frequency, maturity stages and waters inhabited. Distribution of the 1st krill group (juveniles 25 ... concentration of krill of the 3rd group (50-56 mm) transported there by ACC waters. Such concentrated schools ... are transported to South from East of archipelago, and may be mixed with krill of the 1st group. It is very ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/33 : Author(s): V. Sushin, P. Chernyshkov, V. Shnar, F. Litvinov and K. Shulgovskiy (Russia)
Bridging the krill divide: understanding cross-sector objectives for krill fishing and conservation
day workshop entitled “Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia ... , to explore each sector’s objectives and information requirements for the krill‐based ecosystem ... and to identify constructive ways for the three sectors to work together. The issue of krill-fishing has ... . This included shared commitment to maintaining a healthy ecosystem and support for management of the krill ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/BG/34 : Author(s): United Kingdom, Norway, Chile, ASOC and ARK
Some aspects of the relation between Antarctic krill abundance and CPUE measures in the Japanese krill fishery
Paper Title: Some aspects of the relation between Antarctic krill abundance and CPUE measures ... in the Japanese krill fishery Abstract / Description: The history of the Japanese krill fishery is reviewed ... catching “green” krill. These factors result in Catch-per-Day and Catch-per-Haul measures being unlikely ... to index krill abundance. During the high season, Catch-per-Towing-Time seems likely to index only within ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 109–125 : Author(s): Butterworth, D.S.
Krill Spill: An opportunistic approach to collecting penguin diet and krill length data
data collection methods as an alternate approach. Data on diet composition and krill length were ... obtained from collecting samples of ‘krill spill’, which comes from regurgitation during chick feeding ... . The krill length frequency of the krill spill sample was compared to data collected utilising the A8 ... alongside A8 monitoring efforts to ensure that krill spill samples accurately represent data collected using ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/45 : Author(s): E. Grilly, M. Santos, K. Reid and A. Silvestro
Some aspects of the relation between Antarctic krill abundance and CPUE measures in the Japanese krill fishery. (Component of SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/4)
Abstract: The history of the Japanese krill fishery is reviewed briefly. Important aspects ... quality considerations- in particular the increasing tendency to avoid catching "green” krill ... . These factors result in Catch-per-Day and Catch-per-Haul measures being unlikely to index krill abundance ... of indexing the extent of the krill distribution through routine oceanographic monitoring merits attention ...
Meeting Document : WS-KCPUE-89/03 : Author(s): D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
Review of Russian investigations of krill escape through the meshes of commercial trawls: approaches to estimating gross removal at krill fishery
Abstract: In this study the review of Russian investigations of krill escapement through ... of fine-meshed chafers) and analytical methods are presented. The main factors affected on krill ... mortality» assessment in krill fishery. It is suggested to use the models of probability-statistical theory ... of the «escape mortality» process; obtaining standardized indices of krill mortality during one fishing operation ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/19 : Author(s): S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)