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Notification of China’s intent to conduct krill fishing in 2012/13
Abstract: Notification of China’s intent to conduct krill fishing in 2012/13 Author ... (s): Submitted on behalf of China Title: Notification of China’s intent to conduct krill fishing in 2012/13 ... Notification of China’s intent to conduct krill fishing in 2012/13 ... Notification of China’s intent to conduct krill fishing in 2012/13 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/07 : Author(s): Submitted on behalf of China
Modeling the growth dynamics of Antarctic krill
to examine the growth dynamics of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. A system of coupled, ordinary ... differential equations was developed to describe the growth of krill between 2 and 60 mm. The metabolic ... algae, particularly for larval and subadult krill (Author(s): Lascara, C.M., Hofmann, E.E. Title ... : Modeling the growth dynamics of Antarctic krill Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/68 : Author(s): Lascara, C.M., Hofmann, E.E.
Krill catch distribution in relation to predator colonies, 1987-1991
Abstract: The distribution of krill catches in relation to predator colonies in Subareas 48.1 ... in Subarea 48.1, in 1989, and 88 139 tonnes in Subarea 48.2 (1991). Author(s): Secretariat Title: Krill ... The distribution of krill catches in relation to predator colonies in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 ... Krill catch distribution in relation to predator colonies, 1987-1991 ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-92/18 : Author(s): Secretariat
Mitigation measures of fur seal entanglement by Japanese krill vessels
Abstract: Mitigation measures for incidental fur seal entanglements employed by Japanese krill ... entanglement by Japanese krill vessels Approval: Approved ... Mitigation measures for incidental fur seal entanglements employed by Japanese krill trawl vessels ... Mitigation measures of fur seal entanglement by Japanese krill vessels ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-04/17 : Author(s): Delegation of Japan
a notification to conduct pair trawling operations in the krill fisheries in the 2007/08 season. During ... to the section on “Fishing technique” in Annex A of Conservation Measure 21-03 such that a krill fishing ... IN THE KRILL FISHERIES (AND SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENT TO CONSERVATION MEASURE 21-01) Approval: Approved Secretariat ... to conduct pair trawling operations in the krill fisheries in the 2007/08 season. During the discussion ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVII/36 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
Consumption of krill by minke whales in Areas IV and V of the Antarctic
Abstract: The consumption of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) by the southern minke whale ... IV were equivalent to roughly one- fourth of a total estimate biomass of krill in Area IV ... : Consumption of krill by minke whales in Areas IV and V of the Antarctic Approval: Approved ... The consumption of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) by the southern minke whale (Balaenoptera ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/17 : Author(s): Fujise, Y., Tamura, T., Ichii, T.
The foraging range of Adelie penguins – implications for CEMP and interactions with the krill fishery
and return with krill. The pattern of foraging is similar between sites. The potential for overlap ... with the krill fishery occurs where ice conditions permit the fishing fleet to cross onto the continental shelf ... penguins – implications for CEMP and interactions with the krill fishery Approval: Approved ... with krill. The pattern of foraging is similar between sites. The potential for overlap with the krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/69 : Author(s): Rodary, D., Thomson, R., Tremont, R., Lawless, R., Gardner, H., Wienecke, B., Clarke, J.R., Kerry, K.R., Corsolini, S., Eberhard, S.
Summary of notifications for krill fisheries in 2006/07
in the krill fishery in Area 48 in the 2006/07season. Author(s): Secretariat Title: Summary of notifications ... for krill fisheries in 2006/07 Approval: Approved ... This paper summarises the notifications received from Members intending to particpate in the krill ... Summary of notifications for krill fisheries in 2006/07 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/6 Rev. 1 : Author(s): Secretariat
Variation in echosounder calibration with temperature and some possible implications for acoustic surveys of krill biomass
Abstract: Accurate estimation of krill biomass by acoustic techniques is dependant upon a number ... -sounder used aboard RRS James Clark Ross is regularly calibrated at South Georgia before and after krill ... to an under-estimation of krill biomass by 52.5 %. Every effort should therefore be made to ensure that echo ... in echosounder calibration with temperature and some possible implications for acoustic surveys of krill biomass ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/52 : Author(s): Watkins, J.L., Woodroffe, P., Brierley, A.S., Goss, C.
Variability of krill stock composition and distribution in the vicinity of Elephant Island during AMLR investigations 1988-1992
Abstract: Krill stock composition and distributional patterns in the vicinity of Elephant Island ... . Author(s): V. Loeb (USA) and V. Siegel (Germany) Title: Variability of krill stock composition ... Krill stock composition and distributional patterns in the vicinity of Elephant Island during ... Variability of krill stock composition and distribution in the vicinity of Elephant Island during ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-92/12 : Author(s): V. Loeb (USA) and V. Siegel (Germany)