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Precautionary management of the Antarctic krill fishery at small spatial scales in the context of regional climate variability: is no data the same as no impact?
by the krill fishery at specific times or in particular areas might not be considered to be rational management ... of the krill fishery mean that either improved management information, or a precautionary spatial management ... of the United Kingdom Title: Precautionary management of the Antarctic krill fishery at small spatial scales ... performance, and increased penguin mortality following starvation, such that localised harvesting by the krill ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/11 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Risk assessment framework for subdividing the krill catch trigger level, including relevant background data and information
be undertaken to further develop a risk assessment approach to spatially subdivide the trigger level for krill ... predators, of being inadvertently or disproportionally affected by the krill fishery. It assesses ... by WG-FSA. Title: Risk assessment framework for subdividing the krill catch trigger level, including ... to further develop a risk assessment approach to spatially subdivide the trigger level for krill in Area 48 ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/37
A new method for the measurement of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana from predator food samples
carapace length were calculated for Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana for those classes of sex ... method for the measurement of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana from predator food samples Approval ... were calculated for Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana for those classes of sex and maturity stage ... A new method for the measurement of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana from predator food ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-90/40 : Author(s): H.J. Hill (United Kingdom)
A proposed observer logbook for the 2015 krill trawl fishery
changes made in the draft 2015 observer logbook for the krill trawl fishery and its accompanying ... instructions. Author(s): Secretariat Title: A proposed observer logbook for the 2015 krill trawl fishery ... in the draft 2015 observer logbook for the krill trawl fishery and its accompanying instructions. ... A proposed observer logbook for the 2015 krill trawl fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/28 : Author(s): Secretariat
Net diagrams for Norwegian vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 – Notification ID 86750, 86751, 86780 and 86781
mammal exclusion device diagram referred to in the krill fishery notifications for 2015/16 submitted ... : Net diagrams for Norwegian vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 – Notification ID 86750 ... exclusion device diagram referred to in the krill fishery notifications for 2015/16 submitted for the three ... Net diagrams for Norwegian vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 – Notification ID 86750 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/01 : Author(s): Delegation of Norway
Descriptive analysis of haul data from FV Atlantic Navigator in Elephant Islands (48.1), South Georgia Islands (48.3) and South Orkney Islands (48.3) krill fishery (summer 2004 to early winter 2005)
Abstract: Data from individual hauls carried out by krill F/V “Atlantic Navigator” operating ... with CFS (293 kg/min) during summer 2005. The biggest krill size also corresponded to this zone and season ... in Elephant Islands (48.1), South Georgia Islands (48.3) and South Orkney Islands (48.3) krill fishery (summer ... Data from individual hauls carried out by krill F/V “Atlantic Navigator” operating in three fishing ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/12 : Author(s): O. Pin, H. Nión, E. Delfino and P. Meneses (Uruguay)
strength of Antarctic krill in situ at short range. The experimental methods, procedure for data retrieval ... the ship and the probe was through an optical Ethernet link. Firstly, krill presence was documented through ... ANTARCTIC KRILL (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA) TARGET STRENGTH IN SITU: PROCEDURES AND DATA ANALYSIS Approval ... of Antarctic krill in situ at short range. The experimental methods, procedure for data retrieval and analysis ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-09/13 : Author(s): G. Skaret, L. Calise and E. Ona (Norway)
Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.2
that might facilitate the development of new management procedures for the krill fishery in Area 48. In 2014 ... that if the krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 is to expand beyond its current level, a new experimental approach should ... Kingdom) Title: Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 ... facilitate the development of new management procedures for the krill fishery in Area 48. In 2014, the state ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/10 : Author(s): P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), O.R. Godø (Norway) and S.L. Hill (United Kingdom)
Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet, II: Estimating the number of concentrations and analytical justification for search data
be used to estimate the number of Concentrations of krill (in the sense of Butterworth (1988), Mangel ... ) Title: Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet, II: Estimating the number ... to estimate the number of Concentrations of krill (in the sense of Butterworth (1988), Mangel (1988 ... Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet, II: Estimating the number ...
Meeting Document : WS-KCPUE-89/06 : Author(s): M. Mangel (South Africa)
Proposal for a New SCAR KRILL Action Group
to initiate a krill specialist group within SCAR’s Life Sciences Group with strong linkage to CCAMLR ... and S. Nicol Title: Proposal for a New SCAR KRILL Action Group Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status ... a krill specialist group within SCAR’s Life Sciences Group with strong linkage to CCAMLR ... Proposal for a New SCAR KRILL Action Group ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/01 Rev. 1 : Author(s): B. Meyer, A. Brierley, S. Kawaguchi, C. Reiss and S. Nicol