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ОТЧЕТЫ О РЕЙСЕ От наблюдателей требуется заполнять отчет о рейсе, подробно описывающий вид проведенных научных наблюдений, промысловое оснащение, взаимодействия с морскими млекопитающими и птицами, порядок сброса отходов и т.д. Этот новый формат, предназначенный для стандартизации отчетов, должен
Page : Site Section: Science
are: the [page:72733] which entered into force on 7 April 1982 a decision-making body, the [page:72745] a [page ... :73034] which advises the Commission using the best available science [page:57043] and resolutions ... CCAMLR's [page:72736] and provisions for international cooperation and collaboration a [page:72749 ... , monitoring and the application of conservation measures in the [page:72742] make a valuable contribution ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
The Secretariat's Data Centre is the custodian of data which underpin the Commission's decisions and support the implementation and monitoring of those decisions. These data, collectively known as 'CCAMLR data', are used principally by CCAMLR's Scientific Committee,
Page : Site Section: Data
by the Commission in achieving its objectives. The main route for scientific advice in CCAMLR is through the [page ...
Page : Site Section: Science
CCAMLR convenes meetings on a range of topics each year. Since 1982, the annual meetings of the Commission (CCAMLR) and Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR) have been convened in Hobart, Australia, in CCAMLR’s four official languages (English, French, Russian and Spanish) using simultaneous
Page : Site Section: Meetings
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Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Home Page
Welcome to CCAMLR The website of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Members must login to access the full extent of the site including meeting documents and other member only resources.
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
This is a paragraph about: About CCAMLR and how the pages of Missing Link #72746 and Missing Link ... This is a paragraph about: [page:12769] and how the pages of [page:72746] and [page:72747] run ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
Fishery Management
Page : Site Section: Compliance
Non-target species Birds VME's
Page : Site Section: Compliance