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PR2 Questionnaire
Questionnaire to support the second review of the performance of CCAMLR
The CCAMLR logo or 'brand mark' is used to create a unique visual identifier for CCAMLR. It is used in print publications, stationery and electronic forms of communication, including email, website and social media. It also appears on CCAMLR security passes and a range of CCAMLR
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Second CCAMLR Performance Review
The Commission for the Conservation of the Antarctic Living Marine Resources (CCAMLR) undertook a Performance Review in 2008 which resulted in wide-ranging recommendations that were taken up in the Commission and Scientific Committee (First CCAMLR Performance Review). In 2016, CCAMLR decided to
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Chapter 1: Progress since PR1
No recommendations.
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Chapter 2: Delivering CCAMLR’s Conservation Objective/General Context
Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Recommendation 1: A strategic approach be taken by the Commission to achieving its objective throughout the whole of the Convention Area as well as at regional scales by developing and implementing proactive practical steps for spatial
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Chapter 3: Role of CCAMLR within the Antarctic Treaty System
Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Recommendation 3: Work be undertaken with the ATCM to identify priority matters of shared interest and/or responsibility with the Commission, and to enhance collaboration on those matters. (paragraphs 24 to 29) Commission Annual reporting of
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Chapter 8: Secretariat operations and financing
Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Recommendation 28: The Secretariat ensure that capacity building and associated outreach support is strengthened in the next review of the Secretariat’s Strategic Plan. (paragraphs 85 to 88) Commission and SCAF (2017) SCIC-2017, paragraph
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Arrangement SIOFA
Description / Abstract: Arrangement between the Meeting of the Parties of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources signed on 28 August 2018.
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Implementation of Conservation Measure 10-08 (2006) in Chile
Author(s): Delegación de Chile Title: Implementation of Conservation Measure 10-08 (2006) in ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/BG/17 : Author(s): Delegación de Chile
Notifications of Spain’s intention to conduct exploratory longline fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in 2011/12
Author(s): Delegación de España Title: Notifications of Spain’s intention to conduct exploratory ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/20 : Author(s): Delegación de España