This paper presents the latest developments in Casal models for Crozet with an updating of input data from the more recent years (up to 2015/16 season) and a reassessment of stocks taking into account the previous remarks of the WG-FSA meetings.
In 2015, An Icefish specific trawl survey was undertaken at Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) to collect information about the size distribution and the biomass status of mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari. Data from this random stratified trawl survey was used for a short term assessment of C. gunnari on Kerguelen EEZ. The standard CCAMLR methods were used to provide potential yields, a catch limit of 8278 t is recommended for 2016 and 6701 t for 2017.
An updated assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) stocks in Kerguelen area is presented. This study is based on a CASAL (C++ Algorithmic Stock Assessment Laboratory) model. Different statistical and biological datasets are used: catches, tag releases/recaptures data, commercial catch-at-length, data from the “PoKer” surveys, and the last age readings.