Resultados de la búsqueda
Información sobre la dinámica estacional e interanual de las condiciones de hielo del Mar de Weddell y lista de los sitios propuestos para recibir protección
Abstract: One condition for designating candidate sites to be afforded protection in the Weddell Sea is the subsequent yearly monitoring of these sites from research and fishing vessels, therefore knowledge about changes in interannual and seasonal ice dynamics is a fundamental factor for the
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/08 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Información sobre la biodiversidad en las áreas propuestas para recibir protección de acuerdo con los datos históricos recabados en observaciones y campañas de investigación en el mar de Weddell
Abstract: Biodiversity in candidate areas to be afforded protection based on historical observer data and data from research cruises in the Weddell Sea. Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Information on biodiversity in candidate areas to be afforded protection based on
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/09 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Propuesta de la Federación de Rusia para modificar los límites de la Subárea 88.1 (mar de Ross)
Abstract: At CCAMLR-XXXIII the Commission noted the discussion in the Scientific Committee on activities concerning toothfish in SSRUs 882A–B, where a clearer association of these SSRUs with the Ross Sea stock was considered, and recalled the discussion of the Commission in 2013 regarding the
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/10 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Comentarios y propuestas respecto del desarrollo de mecanismos para la ordenación de la pesquería de kril en el área de la Convención de la CCRVMA
Abstract: The development of a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery (feedback management, FBM) is one of the priority tasks being undertaken by the Scientific Committee and WG-EMM in recent years. An integral part of developing an FBM should be studying the risks of impact that
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/11 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Propuesta de la Federación de Rusia para la asignación de recursos destinados a la investigación en las UIPE de las Subáreas 88.1 y 88.2 cerradas a la pesca
Abstract: Over the last three to four years the question has been raised in working groups and the CCAMLR Scientific Committee regarding the provision of resources for research in open and closed SSRUs in the Ross Sea. According to established practice and as a rule, if the research was conducted
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/12 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Comentarios sobre el proyecto final de la medida de conservación para el establecimiento de un Sistema Representativo de Áreas Marinas Protegidas de Antártida Oriental (SRAMPAO)
Abstract: Analysis of changes to the draft Conservation Measure on establishment of an MPA in the East Antarctic System (EARSMPA). Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Comments on the final draft of the Conservation Measure on the establishment of an MPA in the East Antarctic
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/34 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Prohibición del corte de aletas de tiburón en el Área de la Convención de la CRVMA
Abstract: Conservation Measure 32-18 on the conservation of sharks prohibits “directed fishing on shark species in the Convention Area…” and calls for the live release of incidentally-caught sharks where possible. The measure is, however, silent on the practice of shark finning should incidental
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/24 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): Delegations of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, the European Union and the USA
Propuesta para el registro de información sobre transbordos en los Documentos de Captura de Dissostichus
Author(s): Delegation of the USA Title: Proposal for recording transhipment information in the Dissostichus Catch Document Microsoft Word File: e-cc-xxxiv-25.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/25 : Autor(es): Delegation of the USA
Propuesta para modificar el procedimiento de evaluación de la pesca de fondo de la Medida de Conservación 22-06
Author(s): Delegation of the USA Title: Proposal to revise the assessment of bottom fishing procedure in Conservation Measure 22-06 Microsoft Word File: e-cc-xxxiv-26.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXIV/26 : Autor(es): Delegation of the USA
Documento científico de referencia sobre los fundamentos científicos para el establecimiento de un AMP de la CCRVMA en el Mar Weddell (Antártida) Versión de 2015
Abstract: The delegation of Germany has submitted the scientific background and justification for the development of a marine protected area in the Weddell Sea planning area. In accordance with the recommendations by WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII, Annex 6), this was done in three separate documents
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/13 : Autor(es): Delegation of Germany