We outline a method for the direct determination of age in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Recent studies (Kilada et al. 2012), have shown that annular growth bands are present in the endocuticle layer of the eyestalks and gastric mill in decapod crustaceans. Here we report on a preliminary proof of concept study using several known age krill grown under controlled conditions at the Australian Antarctic Division and examined using the methods outlined in (Kilada et al. 2012). Two analyses are performed. First, longitudinal sections of the eyestalk from known age krill (2+ and 3+ years old) were examined and were determined to show distinct bands within the endocuticle consistent with their known age. Second, six krill were aged (blind to the reader) from samples collected during summer and winter (2013 to 2014) using this technique to determine whether annuli could be resolved in wild samples across seasons. Marks consistent with annuli observed in laboratory raised krill were observed. Length at age was plotted against a theoretical Von Bertalanffy growth curve (Linf=65 (mm); T0 =-0.1; K=0.45) and fall on the line for two and three year old krill. If validated, the technique should allow the development of age-based assessments of krill necessary for management. Further because the annular bands formed within the endocuticle are not eroded in krill preserved in formalin, it may be possible to re-analyse historical patterns of size at age, using archived samples, and to compare size at age among regions of interest, opening up many research questions that have eluded the scientific community.
In this paper, we develop an ecosystem-based, precautionary management procedure for krill fisheries which draws together past experience in CCAMLR. It provides an empirical ecosystem assessment model, a decision rule for determining local scale catch limits based on a harvest strategy and a single-species assessment of yield, and a method for implementing the procedure. The decision rule for setting catch limits for a given harvest strategy has a straight forward expression of the target conditions to be achieved and the uncertainties that need to be managed and does not assume an understanding of predator-prey dynamics beyond that evident in the data. It is a natural extension of the current precautionary approach of CCAMLR for krill and can utilise existing datasets, including B0 surveys, local scale monitoring of krill densities, local-scale monitoring of predator performance, monitoring of predator foraging locations and time series of catches from the fishery. This procedure provides a common framework for inserting data, assessment methods and candidate modelling approaches for assessing yield. Consequently, its formalism means there is no need to undertake a staged approach in providing advice. The advice can be updated as improvements are made in any component of the procedure, including the provision of data, implementation of new assessment or projection models or a revision of the decision rule. This framework formalises the decisions that need to be made in dealing with an ensemble of food web models for providing suitably precautionary advice on how to spatially structure krill fisheries to account for the needs of predators. It provides the primary expectation for managing uncertainty, either by obtaining better estimates of parameters for the projection models and/or by altering the harvest strategy. Consequently, a preferred harvest strategy, which is initially untenable because of the uncertainties associated with its ecosystem impacts, could become a suitable option if its related uncertainties are reduced. Conceivably, the procedure outlined here could be used in a spatially-structured feedback management system that can ensure CCAMLR is able to respond to trends in the status of the ecosystem, including trends arising from climate change.
Recent discussions within WG-EMM have recognised the need for more spatially extensive, non-disturbing monitoring within CEMP against a background of increasingly tight funding for long-term monitoring programs. This recognition has generated interest in developing new methods for CEMP that can be applied over larger areas and multiple sites at low cost with minimal impact. Comparing, validating and standardising new methods against current methods is critical to maintain the robustness of long-term time series and is an important consideration for the inclusion of new methods in the CEMP. We briefly summarise aspects of recently published work on a number of new methods applied to Adélie penguins in East Antarctic to illustrate the importance of standardisation and validation. It is important that new methods are critically assessed before they are accepted for future use by CCAMLR.
This paper provides some of the detail to standardisation examples that are outlined in the more general Working Group paper titled ‘The importance of standardising and validating new methods for CEMP to maintain the robustness of long-term time series’. We recommend reading the general paper first and then reading this paper for any detail.
This paper provides some of the detail to standardisation examples that are outlined in the more general Working Group paper titled ‘The importance of standardising and validating new methods for CEMP to maintain the robustness of long-term time series’. We recommend reading the general paper first and then reading this paper for any detail.
This paper provides some of the detail to standardisation examples that are outlined in the more general Working Group paper titled ‘The importance of standardising and validating new methods for CEMP to maintain the robustness of long-term time series’. We recommend reading the general paper first and then reading this paper for any detail.
There is no abstract available for this document.
This report presents the results of the Second International Workshop for identifying Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Domain 1 of CCAMLR. The workshop was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 25 to 29 May 2015.
During the workshop, discussions were concentrated in reviewing and analyzing new and updated georeferenced data, and in further developing conservation objectives´ argumentation. It was noted that a large amount of new data was provided for objectives that so far had none, few or incomplete information, such as prey distribution (antarctic and crystal krill, T. macrura, salps), important areas for zooplankton life cycles (krill nurseries), and whales distribution during the non-breeding period. Many objectives were updated, either adding new species (as for Emperor and Macaroni penguins), new benthic types (to protect different benthic communities), or incorporating a different canyons´ classification, and minimum and maximum sea ice extension. Furthermore, predators´ colonies, buffers and tracking data were updated; and important areas for fishes life cycles expanded.
Discussions were also focused in the analysis of the cost layer, reviewing all available data on human activities and investigating the different parameters involved in its estimation. Regarding to Marxan analysis, the Workshop agreed to test three different conservation scenarios with minimum, medium and maximum protection levels, to better identify the most appropriate reserve systems within Domain 1.
First descriptions of the two proposed MPAs, Stella Creek and Skua Creek, as well as determined their conservation status in accordance with the “A tool to help selecting the appropriate IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) categories and governance types for protected area”. Bathymetric maps and a 3D-model of the sea-bed of Stella Creek and Skua Creek were given for the first time. The non-destructive method of survey using analysis of underwater photos was applied for scientific support and monitoring in the proposed Stella Creek MPA.
Taking into account the practice and current state of krill fishery in Area 48, Ukraine proposed to revise the Conservation Measure 51-07 (2014) in order to redistribute the trigger level of catch in 620 000 tonnes between Subareas in Area 48 in a new percentage limits. This revision will still enable to follow the precaution conservation principles of the Convention and in the same time will not inflict an economic damage to the krill fishery.