The authors discussed the necessity to investigate krill flux for estimating the local harvest rates-indicators that could be used to reveal the potential risk of the fishery development. Estimates of krill flux factors in Subarea 48.3 based on the Soviet/Russian scientific observations from 1962 to 2002 are shown as an example.
Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) is a ‘keystone species’ in the Southern Ocean providing the main source of food for many taxa high in the food chain such as baleen whales, penguins and seals. Despite its ecological and economic importance, research into krill and other crustacean diseases remains a deficit area with little to nothing known about infection dynamics. Over the past century the waters of Antarctic krill northern distribution limit have experienced significant warming. In a changing environment, disease agents that require specific temperatures for growth may be able to survive and infect across an altered geographic range. In this paper we present the initial findings from a histological survey of krill from the Southern Ocean. In the present study and for the first time, krill were sampled for a gregarine parasite along a south-north gradient over several water masses, moving from the ice edge to the open ocean onto the shelf in 48.3. The presented paper offers for the first time a systematic histological analysis of normal, healthy organs of krill, creating a histological atlas which can provide a baseline for future pathogen research, as well as an atlas of infected tissue. This paper further shows circumstantial evidence for a viral infection in around 1% of sampled krill. The known gregarine krill parasite Cephaloidophorapacifica has previously not been shown to occur as far north as in the presented report. Studies on the diseases of wild crustaceans are severely lacking, despite their importance as components of the global food chain, and krill are no exception to this with very few studies carried out on their pathogen fauna. Only when this information is gathered can we accurately model future changes and therefore predict impact on the other species that rely on crustaceans as key components of marine food chains.
The Australian Antarctic research and resupply vessel, RV Aurora Australis, was directed to undertake an opportunistic marine science survey for 17 days during 21 February to 10 March 2015 using ship time that became available due to unexpectedly favourable ice conditions for Mawson station resupply.
The purpose of this opportunistic Marine Science work was to assess:
The spatial variability, particularly along the shelf break, of the prey field for penguins, flying seabirds and marine mammals in East Antarctica.
The small scale variability of prey in key foraging locations near to land-based colonies of penguins and flying seabirds in East Antarctica.
Feasibility and potential of utilising annual station resupply voyages as a cost effective means to undertake monitoring and research to better understand the ecosystem in the region.
The survey completed 5 acoustic box surveys including a total of 53 RMT target and routine trawls, 6 demersal trawls, 131 phytoplankton samples from underway sampling, and 214 hourly observations of predators. These activities were successfully supervised remotely.
There is no abstract available for this document.
The Committee on Environmental Protection and SC-CAMLR have endorsed the proposal to hold a second Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR Workshop in 2016. The agreed general scope of the workshop is to identify the effects of climate change that are considered most likely to impact the conservation of the Antarctic, and to identify existing and potential sources of research and monitoring data relevant to the CEP and SC-CAMLR. At its meeting in 2015, the CEP discussed the workshop Terms of Reference, Steering Committee and workshop participation, and its possible location and timing.
In order to make further progress on planning for the 2016 joint workshop, we encourage WG-EMM to:
Consider items to be included in a draft Agenda, based on the proposed Terms of Reference
Make further nominations for the Steering Committee, if required
Consider potential invited experts who could provide relevant input to the workshop
Discuss options for location and timing of the workshop, and remote participation
Provide recommendations on the above points to the Steering Committee, and SC-CAMLR-XXXIV as appropriate.
In this paper, we describe developments towards a set of standard diagnostic principles and tools used to characterise assessment models. CCAMLR has yet to develop a set of recommended statistical diagnostics tools to support their evaluations. While there are a number of standard visual and statistical diagnostics available for integrated assessments, their sufficiency to evaluate if a model is well specified and fits the data adequately needs to be considered. This paper provides a platform for discussions about describing the characteristics and diagnostic information needs that are common to integrated stock assessments used by CCAMLR. We further identify evaluations that could be undertaken when performing an assessment, as well as discuss statistical tools that will enable a more systematic evaluation of stock assessment models in the future.
The biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at the Balleny Islands, Antarctica (67° S 163° E) was estimated from an acoustic transect survey carried out in February 2015. Acoustic data processing followed the recommendations of CCAMLR SG-ASAM. Two parameterisations of the krill acoustic target strength model were used. The first parameterisation assumed a vertical orientation of krill, θ, as a normal distribution, mean = 11°, standard deviation = 4°, N(11,4), the second parameterisation used θ = N(-20,28). Krill biomass using estimated using θ = N(11,4) was 20.8 kilotonnes (coefficient of variation, CV = 0.37), whereas biomass using θ=N(-20,28) was 13.75 kilotonnes (CV = 0.14). The reduced biomass of the θ=N(-20,28) estimate was caused by differing krill identification ‘dB difference’ windows as well as the conversion factor applied to scale acoustic observations to krill density.
In 2014, the Scientific Committee endorsed a proposal from South Africa that the Secretariat be tasked with developing a proposal for funding support from the Global Environment Facility to build capacity among GEF-eligible CCAMLR Member countries to strengthen their participation in CCAMLR (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII, paragraph 10.30). This progress report provides an update on the development of a proposal since SC-CAMLR-XXXIII.
Information on the length distribution of krill in the catch, and the spatial and temporal patterns of krill length in the population is essential to assess krill population status and dynamics, and the impacts of a fishery on the stocks. Here, we use generalised additive models (GAM) and generalised additive mixed models (GAMM) to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of length in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1 derived from data collected by scientific observers. Median krill length showed a complex pattern and varied significantly with fishing location, fishing depth, season, month and vessel. The current sampling strategy to observe krill length in SSMUs in Subarea 48.1 needs to be modified in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the temporal and spatial variability in krill length distribution and to determine the scale of observer coverage in the longer term. Krill length measurements should also be conducted on all vessels in every fishing season to reduce the likelihood of potential biases in the overall krill length estimates.
We also propose a simulation approach to evaluate alternative observer sampling strategies for measurements of particular properties of a krill population that are of interest to the management of the fishery.
This working paper presents the aims and methodology for a three-year-project (commenced in 2015) assessing size selectivity and escape mortality of Antarctic krill from trawl nets. The project is widely based on acquired experiences from a completed study Net Escapement of Antarctic krill in Trawls (NEAT), presented in WG-EMM 2012/24, WG-EMM 2013/34, WG-EMM 2014/14 and WG-EMM 2014/16. Funding is provided by the Norwegian Research Council and ship-time for executing the field-experiments is offered free-of-charge by two Norwegian commercial fishing companies; Olympic Seafood AS and Aker BioMarine AS. The project will examine krill escape mortality from the codend during a full scale field experiment, model size selectivity and escape mortality in codends including different designs and assess the size selectivity in the trawl body forward of the codend. Based on end results from the preceding examinations we will be able to predict size selectivity and escape mortality from the entire trawl body with the appurtenant mortality for different trawl designs.