The Norwegian fishing vessels involved in krill fisheries are also used to carry out abundance surveys around the South Orkney Islands. The involved companies have accepted running acoustic logging also during periods of commercial fishing. In this paper we give an overview of the properties of these data and demonstrate potential applications for example to extract information on changes in vertical and horizontal distribution patterns over the season.
The data are scrutinized using standard CCAMLR routines for separating krill backscatters from other organisms. The South Orkney fishing grounds are limited compared to the area covered by the assessment survey. The area has remained spatially coherent from year to year during the recent 6 years with some moderate variations, as also is the effort distribution over time in a single season. Vertical distributions inside and outside the fishing area change over the day and night and during the seasons. Diel migration, with krill being distributed close to surface at night and at deeper water at day time, stands out in the fishing area while patterns of distribution and migration is more unclear outside this area. The diel migration in the fishing area is reduced from summer to winter, and krill are generally deeper in May compared to February. The average acoustic backscattering is very variable over time during the season as measured onboard a fishing vessel, but there is no obvious trend indicating declining krill density until May in the study year.
This report is a summary of the past and current penguin research efforts by the Korean Antarctic Program in Barton Peninsula on King George Island. On top of the routine and traditional census and monitoring, new protocols are being implemented more actively such as camera based monitoring and behavior studies using different types of loggers and recorders. This will not only continue but a new project, in collaboration with other partners, is also pursued in the Ross Sea sector, which is designed to examine the prey-predator interaction and to record penguin population trends over a large area. The intent is to contribute to CCAMLR science in more committed and systematic fashion.
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) was established to detect changes in krill-based ecosystems to provide a basis for regulating harvesting of Antarctic living marine resources in accordance with the ‘ecosystem approach’. In 2015 data has been submitted by 9 Members for 15 sites and 12 CEMP parameters. This report provides a summary of CEMP data submissions for the 2015 season as well as a more detailed review of data quality including an analysis and of penguin breeding population size parameters.
As required by Conservation Measure 21-03, Annex 21-03/A, net diagrams and mammal exclusion devices included in Korean krill fishery notifications are submitted by Korea.
The spatial distribution of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subareas 48.1 to 48.3 has changed over time. The majority of catches in Subarea 48.1 are now taken south of the South Shetland Islands, following regional decreases in seasonal sea-ice cover. As the cumulative spatial footprint of the fishery has expanded along the West Antarctic Peninsula, the cumulative numbers of krill-eating penguin colonies that are close to the fisheries footprint have also increased. As yet, it is not clear whether this has lead to competition for resources between the fishery and these penguins. Such competition would occur where there is significant functional overlap (that is, the fishery and the penguins target the same type types of krill swarms in the same places). In contrast to Subarea 48.1, the fishery footprint in Subarea 48.2 has stayed relatively constant over time. This contrast offers the potential for an experiment to establish whether functional overlap occurs and how it affects penguin colonies. Such an experiment would necessarily require endorsement by the Scientific Committee and the Commission. If CCAMLR decides not to engage in the necessary experiments to establish the degree to which functional overlap occurs, other measures, consistent with the precautionary approach, should be considered.
During 2013, WG-EMM agreed to form two inter-sessional task groups to progress work that might facilitate the development of new management procedures for the krill fishery in Area 48. In 2014, the state of ecological knowledge for Subarea 48.2 was reviewed, and it was suggested that the development of any new management approaches would be highly improbable based on the current level of ecological information. In 2014 we therefore suggested that there was an urgent need to improve the ecological knowledge base, but that this would take time, especially in the context of climate change. Here, we suggest that if the krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 is to expand beyond its current level, a new experimental approach should be developed that will help provide the information needed. This paper therefore outlines an experimental framework that has the potential to provide the types of information required. We suggest that the experimental framework should be a CCAMLR community project involving as many Members as possible. This will be necessary if the experimental framework is to have a high probability of success. The proposed framework includes the use of CEMP sites, remote cameras at important land-based predator breeding colonies, at-sea observations of predators, oceanographic moorings with acoustic sensors, acoustic data collection during fishing operations and repeated fine-scale acoustic surveys. We propose that the experiment should be evaluated after 5 years in order to explore initial results and to determine if the experimental framework should be continued.
During WG-EMM-14, it was noted that characterisation of overlap between land-breeding predators and the krill fishery was desirable throughout the Scotia Sea; it was recognised that such work could be advanced by either tracking animals originating from additional breeding colonies, or by using existing tracking data and developing habitat models that predict foraging habitats as functions of environmental variables. Consequently, in May 2015, an expert meeting was convened to consider the utility of using tracking data to build habitat use and preference models for krill-eating penguins. The meeting considered that such models would be of critical value in the development of feedback management approaches for the krill fishery as well as in marine spatial planning and the identification of candidate marine protected areas. The meeting brought together both penguin ecologists and experts in the analysis of tracking data. Six CCAMLR Members were represented at the meeting as well as scientists from BirdLife International and SCAR. The meeting agreed an outline programme of work that is designed to advance the development of habitat use models over the coming year with a view to check on progress at the forthcoming 10th International Penguin Conference in Cape Town during September 2016. In considering the need to better understand how penguins utilize their habitat and make use of available resources during critical periods when they overlap with the krill fishery, the workshop highlighted a number of issues of relevance to CCAMLR.
A proposal for conducting a reserach cruise for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.2 is presented by Chile.
The proposal seeks to estimate presence and abundance of Dissostichus species in a data-poor area. The reserach proposed, if approved, will be conducted for three seasons.
Climate change will affect populations and fisheries in the Southern Ocean as area typically covered by seasonal sea-ice become ice free in some winters (Stammerjohn et al. 2008). For Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), a key forage species (Laws 1977; Smetacek and Nicol 2005) and a target of a commercial fishery (Nicol et al. 2010; Watters et al. 2013), recent declines in seasonal sea-ice extent and duration has negatively impacted their populations (Loeb et al. 1997; Loeb et al. 2009; Saba et al. 2014; Atkinson et al. 2004) and is likely to increase krill-predator-fishery interactions during autumn and winter (Nicol 2006; Flores et al. 2012a; Nicol et al. 2011). Research cruises conducted around the Antarctic Peninsula in winters with contrasting ice conditions provide the first acoustic estimates of krill biomass, habitat use, and association with top predators to examine these likely interactions. Krill were virtually absent in offshore waters of the Drake Passage during all three winters, compared to summer. In Bransfield Strait, median krill abundance was an order of magnitude higher (8 krill m -2) compared to summer (0.25 krill m -2 ) regardless of ice concentration. Krill biomass was an order of magnitude higher (~5 500 000 tons in 2014) than summer average biomass (520 000 tons) in Bransfield Strait. This concentration of krill represents 79% of the mean summer biomass (19 yrs; 6.9 million tons) in the larger (124 000 km2 ) study area. Ice obligate, krill dependent predators (e.g. crabeater seal (Labodon carcinophagus)) were concentrated in Bransfield Strait regardless of sea-ice extent. Winter biomass estimates show krill are overwintering in coastal basin environments independent of ice, or primary production and in areas that are becoming more frequently ice free (Stammerjohn et al. 2008; Hill et al. 2013; Flores et al. 2012) increasing their availability to autumn and winter krill fisheries. In the near term, climate change induced variability will increase the risks of negative fishery-krill-predator interactions during low ice years when ice obligate predators are habitat limited and open waters are available to fishing vessels. Changes to conservation measures may be necessary to limit this interaction and ensure that risks to krill-dependent predators are minimized in accordance with Article II of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
We provide a document describing ideas regarding the development of a feedback management strategy. No specific quantitative attributes have been modeled or investigated but ideas are used to advance arguments regarding within-season feedback management.