Data were collected at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, at Signy Island, South Orkneys and at Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula for the period April 2013 to March 2014. Surveys of beached marine debris at Bird Island recorded a total of 252 and 376 items during winter (April to September 2013) and summer (October 2013 to March 2014) respectively. Surveys at Signy Island (operational during summer only; 26 November 2013 to 13 March 2014) recorded a total of 2 items of beached marine debris. Entanglements of 14 Antarctic fur seals were observed at Bird Island, 9 at King Edward Point and zero at Signy Island and Goudier Island. In total, 88 items of marine debris were found in association with seabird colonies at Bird Island, most commonly in association with wandering albatrosses (40 items). There were no reports of beached marine debris at Goudier Island, and one incidence of hydrocarbon soiling (Bird Island) during the reporting period. Overall, the occurrence of beached marine debris was above the long-term mean at Bird Island during both summer and winter and was the second highest ever recorded in the 24 years of summer surveys and fourth highest ever recorded in 23 years of winter surveys at Bird Island. In contrast, the occurrence of beached marine debris at Signy Island was the lowest ever recorded in 24 years of surveys. The incidence of marine mammal entanglements was below the long-term mean at Bird Island and Signy Island but equal to the mean at King Edward Point. Debris associated with seabird colonies was below the mean level for wandering albatrosses and grey-headed albatrosses but above the mean for black-browed albatrosses and giant petrels.
Germany intends to present the Scientific Committee the background document that provides the scientific basis for the evaluation of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Weddell Sea. Please note, that the current state of the background document presents a comprehensive yet incomplete first version concerning chapters that have to be (further) developed or revised. The contents and structure of the document reflect also its main objectives, i.e. (i) to set out the general background and context of the establishment of MPAs, (ii) to describe the boundaries of the Weddell Sea MPA Planning Area, (iii) to inform on the data retrieval process, (iv) to provide - for the first time- a comprehensive, yet succinct, general description of the Weddell Sea ecosystem to reflect the state of the science, and additionally to present the results of the various preliminary scientific analyses that were carried out so far within the framework of the MPA Weddell Sea project, and finally (v) to describe future work beyond the development of the scientific basis for the evaluation of a Weddell Sea MPA.
Analysis of catch data from a deepwater trawl survey conducted at South Georgia and Shag Rocks in 2003 indicate that depth and region have a marked influence over demersal fish community structure at South Georgia and Shag Rocks. Three distinct, depth stratified fish assemblages were observed. The demersal fish assemblage found on the shelf to depths of around 400m is dominated by notothenids and is comprised largely of species endemic to the Southern Ocean and Scotia Sea. At increasing depths (400-600m) diversity increases with the presence of many benthopelagic species including Stomiiformes, Aulopiformes and Zoarcids. At the greatest depths sampled the demersal fish community is dominated by gadiform fishes including members of the Macrouridae and Moridae many of which are not endemic to the Southern Ocean. Clear regional differences in the shelf community are apparent with differences observed in community structure between South Georgia and Shag Rocks to depths of around 400m. The biogeographic patterns observed in demersal fishes show similar trends to those seen in a range of other taxa such as crustaceans.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Торговля патагонским и антарктическим клыкачом происходит на международном уровне и считается, что она имеет важное коммерческое значение для 13 государств, которые ведут активный промысел для мирового потребления. Основные государства-потребители оказывают наибольшее влияние на торговлю клыкачом и поэтому важно понять, как эти потребители влияют на коммерческие промысловые операции. Хотя управление промыслами клыкача осуществляется Комиссией по сохранению морских живых ресурсов Антарктики (CCAMLR) на основе выгрузок, в настоящее время не существует методов, применяемых для мониторинга объема или цен на клыкача, проданного на международном рынке. С использованием базы статистических данных Организации Объединённых Наций по торговле товарами (Комтрейд ООН) был проведен анализ торговли по данным по импорту и экспорту с 2007 по 2012 г. Целью анализа было исследование мировых тенденций торговых объемов и цен.
Основное внимание в ходе анализа было уделено десяти странам, принимающим наиболее активное участие в торговле клыкачом за шесть лет анализируемого периода. С 2007 по 2012 г. средняя цена ($/кг) импорта увеличилась на 44% при общем уменьшении торгового объема. На США, которые оказывали наибольшее влияние на общие тенденции, приходилось 54% общего объема импорта. С 2007 по 2012 г. средняя цена экспорта увеличилась на 86.8% при общем уменьшении торгового объема. Первоначальный анализ сводок информации выявил тесную взаимосвязь между спросом и предложением на международных рынках, а также влияние факторов, специфических для каждой страны. Этот анализ вносит вклад в непрерывный сбор и анализ данных по торговле клыкачом, которые будут использоваться для выявления изменений мирового рынка клыкача и для содействия усилиям по его управлению.