Comparative data on size-age composition and growth of Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni in the Pacific (SSRUs 88.1, 88.2) and Atlantic (SSRU 48.5) Antarctic areas in 2005-2014 seasons are described.
Stock assessment of the Antarctic toothfish in the Subarea 88.2 H using Peterson method is presented in this paper. Calculated stock value of the Antarctic toothfish in the Subarea 88.2 H is 20649 t with 95% confidence interval ranging from 12475t to 39901t. In 2014-2015 values of potential catch with incomplete taking of 3%, 5% and 10% were determined as 619t, 1032t and 2064 t respectively.
Russian Federation intends to continue research in Subarea 88.2 that began in 2010-2012. The main objectives are studying of toothfish migration from SSRU 88.1 K to Subarea 88.2 A. The survey program was improved in accordance with recommendations of WG-SAM-2014 and intercessional work with CCAMLR country-members in order to unify the data collection plan and methods during the proposing mutli-member research program in the Ross Sea – Subarea 88.2.
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Suggestion and comments on changes in basic documents for scientific observers (logbook, cruise report etc.) produced during the inter-session SISO work are presented in the paper. Position of the Russian Federation on development of centralized preparation and accreditation scheme for scientific observers and CCAMLR member countries is amplified here.
Available data on the by-catch of Rajiformes was extracted from the CCAMLR database. These records included commercial catch data as well as observer data. Spatial distribution and biological data was broadly consistent with current literature although there were indications of larger spatial ranges for some species. The data collected as part of CCAMLR fisheries represents a very substantial repository of information on Southern Ocean Rajiformes; realising the full potential of this data will require a review of the consistency and accuracy of identification of taxa and this might be a useful for a future focus topic in the SISO.
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In 2013, POKER Biomass survey was undertaken at Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) to collect information of all the fish species including the mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari. Data from this random stratified trawl survey, added to the previous results of 2006 and 2010, was used for a short term assessment of C. gunnari on Kerguelen EEZ. The standard CCAMLR methods were used to provide potential yields, a catch limit of 840 t is recommended for 2014 and 580 t for 2015.