France has notified its intention to participate in the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3a in 2013/14. The research plan details the objectives, rationale and activities proposed for research fishing, in accordance with Conservation Measures 21-02 and 24-01.
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Notification for multi-year research in Subarea 48.5.
The multi-year research plan that was adopted for the exploratory longline fishery in Statistical Subarea 48.6 and formulated in CM 41-04 (2012) is briefly summarised and progress made by Japan and South Africa during the first 6 months is presented. Two vessels participated in the fishery and so far they have concentrated their sampling effort in the southern section (south of 60˚S), where they caught a total of 162.8 tonnes of Dissostichus spp. out of the 200 tonne catch limit (Table 2). They have taken only 65.2 tonnes of Dissostichus spp. from the northern section to date. A total of 1 309 Dissostichus spp. were tagged (158 D. eleginoides and 1 151 D. mawsoni) exceeding the required tagging rate of 5 fish per ton. A total of 213 D. eleginoides and 5 530 D. mawsoni) were measured. The vessel combined tag overlap statistic was in excess of 70% in all Research Blocks. A total of 13 recaptures were recorded, of which 3 were within year recaptures.
Only minor modifications are suggested to the current research plan for the 2013/14 season. The current requirement for an minimum spacing of 3 nautical miles should be removed. Possible changes to the distribution of the research allocation across Research Blocks and the possible inclusion of an additional Research Block in the southern section are tabled for discussion and possible implementation.
Делегации Новой Зеландии и Соединенных Штатов предлагают, чтобы Комиссия по сохранению морских живых ресурсов Антарктики (Комиссия или АНТКОМ) создала морской охраняемый район (МОР) в регионе моря Росса (“Морской охраняемый район региона Моря Росса”). Признавая исключительные экологические ценности и научное значение региона моря Росса, наши делегации предлагают создать этот МОР с целью сохранения морских живых ресурсов, поддержания структуры и функции экосистемы, защиты жизненно важных экосистемных процессов и районов экологической значимости и создания контрольных районов для содействия научным исследованиям. Настоящее предложение соответствует Мере по сохранению 91-04 (2011) и рассмотренным Научным комитетом научным выводам и процессам, на основании которых Соединенные Штаты и Новая Зеландия разработали первоначальные сценарии для региона моря Росса. В последний раз настоящее предложение было представлено в АНТКОМ 29 октября 2012 г. в ходе 31-го совещания Комиссии как документ CCAMLR-XXXI/16 Rev. 1. Текст предлагаемой Меры по сохранению не отличается от представленного 29 октября 2012 г., кроме тех мест, где это отмечено зачеркиванием или жирным шрифтом. Делегации Новой Зеландии и Соединенных Штатов ценят многочисленные замечания, по поводу предложений о создании МОР "Регион моря Росса", полученные от других стран-членов на совещаниях АНТКОМ-XXX и XXXI и в межсессионный период. Мы надеемся на сотрудничество со странами-членами в Бремерхафене, чтобы достичь консенсуса по вопросу создания этого МОР.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) find increasing application in different fields of modern oceanography, marine biology and fishery monitoring. The Russian Federal Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography (VNIRO) has developed the new GIS ‘ChartMaster’ designed for processing the data provided by the fisheries oceanographic surveys. This software allows:
to analyze the data of hydro acoustic, trawling, trap and scuba-diving surveys;
to draw maps of spatial distribution of species biomass and abundance;
to estimate the instant biomass in the surveyed area;
to carry out the survey planning and designing;
to carry out adaptive planning during the survey in order to localize and outline the areas of high concentrations of commercial species.
As an example of the GIS «ChartMaster» application for studying aquatic living resources in the Antarctic waters:
The Chart of possible catches of toothfish carried out by the Spanish longline (in dimension kg) is presented. The chart was calculated according to the catch results of the Russian fishing vessels in the Antarctic area (from 71º26.4’ S to 72º20.3’ S and from 174º11.9’ E to 177º08.6’ E ) during January-February, 2004.
The spatial distribution of krill density (in dimension ton/nmile2) and estimation of krill biomass (with confidence interval calculated by stochastic simulation method) off the South Georgia Island is presented. These results were computed by data of the hydroacoustic survey carried out by the Russian R/V «Atlantida» in February-March, 2002.