CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin Data available in csv/text format
The fishery and trade statistics in the CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin are published annually and the underlying data are freely available in the public domain. The fishery statistics are based on STATLANT data, a standard questionnaire originally designed by the Coordinating Working Party On Fisheries Statistics (CWP) for use in global fishery statistics. The trade statistics for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni) are based on aggregated data from the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS). There are four data tables used in the Statistical Bulletin, and these data are available in csv format, as detailed below.
Fishery effort (Table: SBeffort.txt)
-SBID: Unique identifier for each effort record
-CountryCode: ISO 3-alpha country code of the vessels' Flag State
-SplitYear: 12-month period from 1 July to 30 June of the following year (not in use)
-SeasonYear: 12-month period from 1 December to 30 November of the following year (CCAMLR season)
-SeasonMonthNr: Number of the month within a CCAMLR season (1: December; 2: January; 3: February … 12: November)
-CalendarMonthNr: Number of the month within a calendar year (1: January to 12: December)
-ASD: FAO alpha code for the subarea or division where fishing took place
-TargetSpeciesCode: CCAMLR 3-alpha species code for the species targeted during fishing
-GearCode: CCAMLR alpha fishing gear code (e.g. LLS: longline; OTM: mid-water trawl; OTB: bottom trawl; FPO: pot)
-FishingCode: CCAMLR 1-alpha code for the type of fishing which took place (C: commercial/exploratory; S: survey)
-ShipSize: CCAMLR numeric code for the vessel size category (4: 50 to <100t; 5: 100 to <150t; 6: 150 to <250t; 7: 250 to <500t; 8: 500 to <1000t; 9: 1000 to <2000t; 10: 2000 to <4000t; 11: 4000 to <10000t; 12: 10000 to < 100000t)
-FishingHours: Total number of hours of fishing
-FishingDays: Total number of days of fishing
-ShipCount: Total number of vessels fishing
-HookCount: Total number of hooks set during the period fished (where applicable)
-PotCount: Total number of pots set during the period fished (where applicable)
-HaulCount: Total number of hauls or sets made during the period fished
-FishingOnGrounds: Total number of vessel.days on the fishing grounds
-FishingFromPort: Total number of vessel.days away/absent from ports
-FishingTrips: Total number of fishing trips made during the period fished
-ShipTonnage: Mean gross tonnage (t) of vessels in the vessel size category
-ShipHP: Mean engine power (HP) of vessels in the vessel size category
-ShipLength: Mean overall length (m) of vessels in the vessel size category
-Comment: Comment about the data record
-PreparedDate: Date when the data were uploaded to the Statistical Bulletin
Table: SBcatch.txt
-SBID: Link to the SBeffort record identifier SBID (one to many relationship: one effort record to many catch records)
-SpeciesCode: CCAMLR 3-alpha species code for the species caught (includes species taken as by-catch or incidentally)
-CatchWeight: Nominal catch weight (kg) (whole weight equivalent of landings)
Table: CDSlandings.txt
-Source: Data source (CDS: Catch Documentation Scheme)
-CalendarYear: Calendar year of the certified landing
-ConventionArea: Was the catch taken inside or outside the CCAMLR Convention Area?
-ASD: FAO alpha code for the subarea or division where fishing took place (as used in CCAMLR trade summaries)
-AreaCode: FAO alpha code for the subarea or division where fishing took place (as reported in the CDS)
-SpeciesCode: CCAMLR 3-alpha species code for the species landed (TOA: Dissostichus mawsoni; TOP: Dissostichus eleginoides)
-FlagState: ISO 3-alpha country code of the catching vessel Flag State
-ProductWeightTonne: Total weight (t) of product
-EstimatedLiveWeightTonne: Estimated nominal catch weight (t) (whole weight equivalent of landings, converted from product weight)
Table: CDSexports.txt
-Source: Data source (CDS: Catch Documentation Scheme)
-CalendarYear: Calendar year of the export
-SpeciesCode: CCAMLR 3-alpha species code for the species exported (TOA: Dissostichus mawsoni; TOP: Dissostichus eleginoides)
-FlagState: ISO 3-alpha country code of the catching vessel Flag State
-ExportState: ISO 3-alpha country code of the State exporting the product
-ExportedProductWeightTonne: Total weight (t) of exported product
-UnladingState: ISO 3-alpha country code of the State where the exported product was removed from an aircraft, truck, rail, or vessel
-Reexport: Is this a re-export (yes/no)?
April 2016