Proposed Research plan for the survey of Ukrainian longliner in 48.2 subarea.
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As required by Conservation Measure 21-03, Annex 21-03/A, net diagrams and mammal exclusion devices included in Korean krill fishery notifications are submitted by Korea.
Results of longline survey on Antarctic toothfish in the Weddell Sea (Stage II) are presented in the paper. Options I and II of the survey were carried out from February 10 to February 22, 2014. A total of 34 longlines were set: the Option I – 10+20 and the Option II – 4 at the depths ranging from 605 to 2031 m. A total number of hooks - 116 100, fishing area – 13565 km2. Catch value of the Antarctic toothfish was 228 t, by-catch – appr. 2 t. CPUE per 1 km main line was 1635 kg at average. As a result of the Research program Stage II the entire measured biomass of the Antarctic toothfish in the Weddell Sea was determined (565 000 t). It was calculated using areal method recommended by CCAMLR (SC-CCAMLR-XXX, 2011; п. 2.40 (ii)). The research Program Stage II in the Weddell Sea accepted by the CCAMLR Commission (CAMLR-XXXII, par. 5.59-6.60) has been successfully completed.
Analytical data on determination of reproductive potential of Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni in the Pacific (SSRUs 88.1, 88.2, 88.3), Indian Ocean (SSRUs 58.4.1 и 58.4.2) and Atlantic (SSRU 48.6, 48.5) Antarctic areas are presented. Morphological indices of females and males, indices of gonads, fecundity, and condition by Fulton are described. Spawning time and regions for Antarctic toothfish are discussing.