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Features of chronology and breeding success of Pygoscelis papua and Pygoscelis adeliae penguins in the Wilhelm Archipelago (CCAMLR Subarea 48.1)
(Adelie) penguins in the CCAMLR Subarea 48.1 under the impact of climate changes and krill fishery ... chronology and breeding success studies might be used in the development of the krill fishery management ... (Adelie) penguins in the CCAMLR Subarea 48.1 under the impact of climate changes and krill fishery ... be used in the development of the krill fishery management strategy in the CCAMLR for the rational use ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/05 : Author(s): I.V. Dykyy, G.P. Milinevsky, O.L. Savitsky, D.G. Lutsenko, P.B. Khoetsky, M.F. Veselsky, V.M. Smagol, A.O. Dzhulay, J.V. Tsaryk, K.M. Nazaruk, A.T. Zatushevsky, A.O. Simon and M.A. Telipska
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 23 (Database Version)
in the Statisical Bulletin (these data have been filtered and include all fisheries in the CCAMLR Convention Area ... (Areas 48 58 88) and available data from fisheries taking krill (Euphausia superba) outside the CCAMLR ... been filtered and include all fisheries in the CCAMLR Convention Area (Areas 48 58 88) and available ... data from fisheries taking krill (Euphausia superba) outside the CCAMLR Convention Area System table ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Examination of the skate by-catch from around South Georgia from one vessel in the 2000 longline toothfish season
recorded as-bycatch on one vessel in the South Georgia toothfish fishery, 2000. One further species could ... on one vessel in the South Georgia toothfish fishery, 2000. One further species could not be identified ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-00/59 : Author(s): M. Endicott, D. Agnew and C. Nolan (United Kingdom)
On observations of ectoparasites of icefish Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 in March 1999
fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in CCAMLR subarea 48.3. During the processing of catches taken ... In February-March 1999, a Russian fishing vessel "Zakhar Sorokin" carried out fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-99/58 : Author(s): V.L. Senioukov (Russia)
Development of a generic operating model framework for data collection, assessment method and management strategy evaluations
with different gear types or metiers, sampling of data, stock assessment, and implementation of fishery ... with different gear types or metiers, sampling of data, stock assessment, and implementation of fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-11/20 : Author(s): P. Ziegler (Australia)
Abstract: Scientific data were obtained during the fishery cruise of Spanish long-liner «Tronio ... Scientific data were obtained during the fishery cruise of Spanish long-liner «Tronio» ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-08/12 : Author(s): A.K. Zaytsev (Ukraine)
Start date of the CCAMLR fishing season for Antarctic krill
for competition between land-based krill-eating predators and the fishery. Author(s): P. Trathan and S. Hill ... for competition between land-based krill-eating predators and the fishery. ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/16 : Author(s): P. Trathan and S. Hill
Low breeding success of the Adélie penguin at Béchervaise Island in the 1998/99 season
and Dyer, 1994; Croxall adeliae) and is also the subject of a major fishery et al., 1999), while others ... implications of a krill fishery to penguin breeding success. METHODS Standard methods, as prescribed ... , influence the breeding success of any animal species. This relationship has been reported in numerous ... the fluctuations in food availability since there has been no krill fishery in the Mawson area since 1988 (CCAMLR ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 7 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 7) : 151–167 : Author(s): Irvine, L.G., J.R. Clarke and K.R. Kerry
CPUEs, body length and greenness of Antarctic krill during 1987/88 season in the fishing ground north of Livingston Island
, these parameters were examined for each 10-day period of the Japanese krill fishery in the northern waters ... of the Japanese krill fishery in the northern waters of Livingston Island in the 1987/88 season. It appears ... 1 a-day period of the Japanese krill fishery in the northern waters of Livingston Island in the 1987/88 ... for the Japanese krill fishery in the 1987/88 season. Fishing operations in this area were conducted from early ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6) : 323–338 : Author(s): Endo, Y. and T. Ichii
Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia, during the 2004 winter and 2004/05 breeding season
classified as severe. The seventeenth consecutive summer (2004/05) of reporting also saw a decrease of 64 ... as severe. The seventeenth consecutive summer (2004/05) of reporting also saw a decrease of 64% compared ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXIV/BG/16 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom