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Further development of coarse- and medium-scale spatially explicit population dynamics operating models for Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea region
Ross Sea region or restricted to areas where the fishery has operated. The models are implemented ... toothfish fishery appeared to broadly reflect the hypothesised spatial distribution of Antarctic toothfish ... Ross Sea region or restricted to areas where the fishery has operated. The models are implemented ... Antarctic toothfish fishery appeared to broadly reflect the hypothesised spatial distribution of Antarctic ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-12/44 : Author(s): S. Mormede, A. Dunn, S. Parker and S. Hanchet (New Zealand)
Assessment models for Patagonian toothfish in research block 58.4.4b_1 (SSRU 58.4.4bC) for the years 1990-2014
double normal selectivity for disease mortality and fishery (OB_1a model), 2) removal of tag and CPUE ... function values compared to the original OB_1b model. The selectivity for IUU fishery likely represents ... selectivity for disease mortality and fishery (OB_1a model), 2) removal of tag and CPUE observations in 2008 ... function values compared to the original OB_1b model. The selectivity for IUU fishery likely represents ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-15/25 : Author(s): K. Taki (Japan), S. Mormede (New Zealand) and T. Ichii (Japan)
Age determination of Notothenia gibberifrons from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula subarea (Subarea 48.1)
those in the same age group around South Georgia. Likewise, our values are lower than the ones reported ... values are lower than the ones reported previously for specimens of South Bay, Palmer Archipelago ... Georgia. Likewise, our values are lower than the ones reported previously for specimens of South Bay ... of the N. gibberifrons age have been reported. Everson (1980) found inconsistencies between age determined by otoliths ... ". The observed hyaline nucleus in otoliths of N. gibberifrons from South Shetland Is. was also reported ... . For the South Georgia area, the reported data on age determination are well comparable in age groups up ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part II (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part II) : 143-160 : Author(s): Barrera-Oro, E.
Distribution of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) (Channichthyidae) around South Georgia at various stages of its life cycle
. Description of fi shing grounds. Fishery description of the South Georgia sub- area (Atlantic sector ... Utilization. Thesis of Report of All-Union Scien- tifi c Conference, Kerch, 4–6 October 1983, Kerch: 89–90 ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 49–69 : Author(s): Frolkina, Zh.A
Breeding numbers and success of Eudyptes penguins at Marion Island, and the influence of mass and time of arrival of adults
of macaroni and rock- hopper penguins (the same and other subspecies) have been reported (Moors, 1986 ... dates of arrival of adults to breed may be gauged. This paper reports trends in the numbers breeding ... and Subantarctic Seabirds. Report on SCAR BBS Workshop on Southern Ocean Seabird Populations. SCAR, Cambridge: 45 ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 13 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 13) : 175–190 : Author(s): Crawford, R.J.M., B.M. Dyer, J. Cooper and L.G. Underhill
Beach debris survey – Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia, 2005/06
. However plastic packaging bands are still regularly recovered. In the reporting period 16 pieces were ... packaging bands are still regularly recovered. In the reporting period 16 pieces were found, more than ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXVI/BG/16 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Using carapace measurements to determine the sex of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
have not been validated using locally sampled krill. This study reports on a three year study ... have not been validated using locally sampled krill. This study reports on a three year study ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/26 : Author(s): J.D. Lipsky, M.E. Goebel, C.S. Reiss and V. Loeb (USA)
Interannual variability of polynya extent in the Antarctic Ocean
reports on the place, time and shape of the coastal polynyas. Accordingly, we pursued the transition ... biological activity in the winter and spring season. However, there are no minute reports on the place, time ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/34 : Author(s): M. Naganobu and K. Segawa (Japan)
Revised estimates of seabed areas within the 500 m isobath of the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) and consequences for standing stock biomass estimates of nine species of finfish
reported estimates of Everson (1997) for the 50-150, 150-250, and 250 to 500 m depth intervals. The updated ... of seabed incorporating seafloor slope. These results were compared to the previously reported estimates ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-99/33 : Author(s): C.D. Jones (USA)
leonina and 12 Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella) in anthropogenic debris were reported ... and 12 Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella) in anthropogenic debris were reported. Of the fur seals ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVI/BG/26 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom