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Length-based assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at South Georgia
. Estimating krill recruitment and its variability. CCAMLR Science, 1: 55–69. de la Mare, W. 1996. Estimates ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 17 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 17) : 129–137 : Author(s): Hillary, R.M., C.T.T. Edwards, R.E. Mitchell and D.J. Agnew
Demographic characteristics of the Adélie penguin population on Béchervaise Island after 12 years of study
. Introduction or expansion of a krill fi shery in the region could potentially mimic or exacerbate the effects ... to result in decreased population growth rates. Intro - duction or expansion of a krill fi shery ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 10 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 10) : 53–74 : Author(s): Clarke, J., L.M. Emmerson, A. Townsend and K.R. Kerry
Volume 17: CCAMLR. 2005. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 17 (1995–2004). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
of krill taken outside the Convention Area (e.g. Division 41.3.2 (Southern Patagonia) adjacent to Area 48 ... -scale data for krill, however, has been required from Subarea 48.2 since 1985/86, from the Integrated ... comprennent les captures de krill effectuées en dehors de la zone de la Convention (comme la division 41.3.2 ... Convention est exigée depuis 1987/88. Celle des données à échelle précise sur le krill l’est toutefois ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... Fish in the Krill Fishery .............................................. 289 Interaction between Marine ... the krill fishery in Area 48, and the crab fishery in Subarea 48.3 in 1998/99 had not yet been submitted ... 48.3 and 48.6 (CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/9 and paragraphs 3.13 to 3.16). Fine-scale data from the krill fishery application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-99
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-99
Age, growth and mortality of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) caught off Kerguelen
activity, current large-scale exploitation in the Antarctic targets on krill and fi nfi sh populations ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 12 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 12) : 29–41 : Author(s): Ashford, J., G. Duhamel, C. Jones and S. Bobko
Fishery Report: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3b
for krill (SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 5, paragraphs 5.250 to 5.252; van Wijk et al., 2003), where the estimate ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Fishery Report: Dissostichus eleginoides South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
of the Subarea 48.3 fishery had been different in 2009, including the lack of krill (WG-EMM-09/23), reported ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... ) and krill (Euphausia superba), and catches reported to September 2012 are summarised in Table 1. Detailed ... (Champsocephalus gunnari), toothfish (D. eleginoides and/or D. mawsoni) and krill (Euphausia superba), and catches application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-12
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-12
Fishery Report: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. (TOT) in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 18: CCAMLR. 2006. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 18 (1996–2005). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
of krill taken outside the Convention Area (e.g. Division 41.3.2 (Southern Patagonia) adjacent to Area 48 ... -scale data for krill, however, has been required from Subarea 48.2 since 1985/86, from the Integrated ... comprennent les captures de krill effectuées en dehors de la zone de la Convention (comme la division 41.3.2 ... Convention est exigée depuis 1987/88. Celle des données à échelle précise sur le krill l’est toutefois ...
Document : Site Section: Publications